Suhbah 2020: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (13/25)
y, by force, or to make people to see this people they are praying, they're doing good thing. They do this for cheating people. But nowadays they, people even not praying, not doing anything.
But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying: "Wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum" (2:9). Only they cheat themself. When they do, try to cheat Allāh. Allāh He is not in need for anything from you. If you pray, you pray for yourself. If you do charity, you do good thing all for yourself. But when
you are trying to cheat Allāh only... not sincere with praying, not believe in praying, you cheat yourself. You do it only in front of people. When people know that you are not praying – that time not praying but now worse, very worse than before. Because that time even, if not praying it will be problem for them but now most of people not praying, no problem. But they have another thing, which worse. So, what you do?
People they are angry for people who try to cheat them or cheat them. When somebody cheat you, you become real angry. "This said this and after I saw he is doing another thing." "He said to me he will meet me and I wait him hours. After he cheat me. He didn't come, just make like this." This is... When somebody doing for you this, you are very angry. So who try to cheat Allāh, and say Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He said, "They cheat themself." So it is worse, you cheat yourself. When other people cheat you, you are angry. When you cheat yourself you saw, you think you are clever, you are doing good thing. No. You do worse, because you have good chance to make good thing, but you cheat yourself and you make destroy what you do. So, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla warning people not to try to do this, to be aware from themself. Everything doing it must be pure for Allāh. When you do something, when it is pure, you are sincere. But if not pure, just for show, you cheat yourself and you will be get nothing. This is what human being's nature and now this time it is worse, and worse from another any time else. Because this time, who claim they giving knowledge, they cheating people also. They give them not knowledge – ignorant, ignorancy. They give people to not accept their Creator not accept prophets. Even in who claim they are Muslim, they not accept also – some of ,them [not accept] ṣaḥābah, some of them awliyā’u Llāh, some of them muḥaddithīn. They have many kind of people they cheat them their self when they not accept this and they are loser.
Allāh keep us to be not to be cheated. To be with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, who nobody can cheat Him, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
110.YAWMU T-TARAWIYAH AND YAWMU ‘ARAFAH Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. The best thing is to remember Ākhirah and Allāh. During these blessed days remembering Allāh more means reading Qur’ān and making dhikr of Allāh. The 8th day, Yawmu t- Tarwiyah is a holy day. Ḥajjis go up to ‘Arafāt today. Following the sunnah of our Prophet they get ready on Yawmu t-Tarwiyah by staying in Muzdalifah and then heading ‘Arafāt. Of course, there is nothing left of old traditions and ways. They cancelled even what is wājib, not to mention what is sunnah. May Allāh protect us that they do not play with farḍ.
So this is the reason why they have these problems. Sunnah is important. Keeping sunnah is important. If you do as you like, you will have troubles. There will be no benefit. You will be deprived of thawāb. Therefore, they can go up and down as they like this year. But no one is able to travel. That is another issue. It is a lesson given by Allāh to people. Allāh is giving such a lesson. For people to learn from it, Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla is giving it but mankind doesn't understand. They don't want to understand. These are for the ḥajjis and there are no ḥajjis this year.
Important is that Yawmu t-Tarwiyah is a holy day. It is the day before ‘Arafah. Who couldn't fast the nine days, it is very good to fast today and tomorrow, 8th and 9th. Who cannot do even that, should certainly fast on ‘Arafah. Because our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is saying that whoever fasts on the day of ‘Arafah will ensure that his sins of the last
and the next year will be forgiven. May Allah bless it. So the more you do today for Allāh's pleasure, even if you don't make dhikr all day, say that everything you do is for Allāh's pleasure and not for dunyā, and pray that it is accepted. Of course, you should make ṣalawāt, recite Allāh and pray missed ṣalāh. Do charity and good deeds. This has big thawāb but not like on Yawmu ‘Arafah. On ‘Arafah, you should do more than on other days. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah is a special day as well. May Allāh not deprive us of its thawāb, in shā’a Llah. And tomorrow is Yawmu ‘Arafah. Insha Allah, there are important Takbīrs. It is the Sunnah of our Prophet on that day. There are Takbīrs after morning prayers, and after each Farḍ you make Takbīr.
Before saying astaghfirullah first Takbīr are made. Until ‘Aṣr prayer on the fourth day of ‘Īd. We pray ‘Aṣr and make Takbīr and it finishes with that. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave them as a reward to us. May Allāh not let us forget it. Because it should not be forgotten, But mostly we forget. Therefore, we should be careful.
We shouldn't forget Takbīr. And tomorrow is ‘Arafah. As we said, people should try to fast. They should not mind if it is hot. It is beneficial both for your health and your spirituality, Insha Allah.
Also a thousand Ikhlāṣ Sharīf should be recited. We should dedicate them to our Prophet, ṣaḥābah, mashāyikh, and deceased ones. When it is dedicated to them, the more it reaches, for each of them we receive equal thawāb. Thousands and millions of thawāb come, in shā’a Llāh. May these days be blessed and be a means for goodness. May we be protected from shayṭān's evil and worldly troubles, Insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah we are in day of eight of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. It is also very special day. This day which pilgrims, ḥajjī, they are must be in Makkah, today they are going to ‘Arafāt. But ‘Arafāt it is far. For this, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, sunnah of Prophet ṣalla Llāhu 'alayhi wa-sallam, go through Muzdalifah. Staying this night in Muzdalifah. Tomorrow continue to Jabal ‘Arafāt, place ‘Arafāt, Jabal ‘Arafāt and Jabal Raḥmah, ‘Arafāt place for staying until night, until Maghrib. They become Ḥajjī,
which it is obligatory for Muslim who has condition as he has enough money, he has health is okay. For lady, they can also, they need more [required] thing. But for men who has this and can go, it is open. Not like these days – if you have everything but they are not allow it for you to go – not for this year, other year also. This year Allāh make for whole Muslim to not go. Also this is lesson for these people who was making difficult for Ḥajjī, who coming from long place, long distance. And they treat them as not human being, only human being which they are citizen.
So, this year it is like this to... if they understand. Many people they not understand lesson or not lesson. They don't have any understanding. But what our subject about this day, it is blessed day, before ‘Arafah day. ‘Arafah day tomorrow that is more valuable than today, but this day also very valuable [compared] to for another day. So in this day, in shā’a Llāh, we mention Allāh, make dhikr of Allāh, make reading Qur’ān, making praying, and giving charity. And everything you do, you intend: what I'm walking, I'm going, coming, – all this for sake of Allāh, for helping people, for helping Muslim, for helping good people or for humanity. All this what not for humanity, for Allāh I do everything. Because intention is important also. Allāh will reward you, Insha Allah.
But most important – tomorrow ‘Arafah day. Today also who fast it is good. Allāh reward more than other normal day. But tomorrow Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, Yawmu ‘Arafah it is like... Allāh forgive one year before and one year after if we fasting tomorrow. This it is very important. Who can, we mustn't miss this. And there is also to make Takbīr. Beginning from tomorrow after Fajr until fourth day of ‘Īd until ‘Aṣr. This takbīr before astaghfiru Llāh, immediately after as- Salāmu ‘alaykum – Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar, lā ilāha illā Llāh wa- Llāhu Akbar. This Takbīr until fourth day. Insha Allah, many time people they forget. This for reward from Allāh for us. Every Takbīr Allāh reward us. He know every, He giving everything. And He is Generous for ‘Īd, He give us this also, He give us more reward, in shā’a Llāh. And also reading thousand times Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, "Qul huwa Llāhu Aḥad" (112:1), and give as a present for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, for whole
Prophets, for whole Ahlu l-Bayt, Aṣḥāb, ‘Ulamā’, Shuhadā’, Awliyā’, for our ancestor, for whole Muslim and Muslimah. Allāh reward you for each one as much He reward them. This is also big reward for us. Before ‘Īd and ‘Īd, in ‘Īd also who can slaughter, Allāh also give for each hair – reward, Allāh, for who slaughter. And to, in ‘Īd no fasting in ‘Īd. You can eat from your, what you slaughter. Also sunnah to make ifṭār with this.
So, Allāh make it blessed for all of our Muslim and Muslimah, our brothers, sisters. In whole world we are wishing long life, happy life with īmān, Islām and more reward for you in dunyā and Ākhirah also. Allāh keep you safe from every badness, from every illness, from bad eyes, magic, shayṭān, jinn. Even, the most important thing to keep us safe from our ego. Because our ego make it the worst than of all this. Allāh keep us and reward us, Insha Allah. Thank you for all of you.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
111.ON THIS SPECIAL DAY Thursday, 30 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Happy Yawmu ‘Arafah to us today. It is one of the holy days of the year. No ḥajj is complete without it. It comes once a year, and if someone going to ḥajj is not present at ‘Arafāt, he cannot become ḥajjī. For other places of worship, it can be postponed or done on behalf of someone who has an excuse. But without going to ‘Arafāt, it is not possible. Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, "Al-Ḥajju ‘Arafah." – Ḥajj is ‘Arafah.
It is a good reason for people to stay there, to put on their iḥrām, remember Ākhirah, detach from this world and direct themselves to Allāh. It is farḍ (obligatory). For those who can do it, it is farḍ. Most people say, "We can do it later." You should do it while there is the chance. You shouldn't miss it. It is a matter of destiny, who are meant to do it will do it. If not meant – there are many people who live in Makkah and have never made ḥajj. We cannot understand the favours and actions of Allāh. Such matters of destiny are from His knowledge. Nothing happens if it is not meant to happen. Today we ask here that we are included in the du'ā’, Insha Allah. May it be a means to goodness. May your prayers be accepted, Insha Allah.
Of course, among our duties today we have a thousand Ikhlāṣ in addition to the fasting. Then you can make tawḥīd, a thousand ṣalawāt and astaghfiru Llāh. "Lā ilāha illā Llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu, lahu l- mulku wa-lahu l-ḥamdu, yuḥyī wa-yumītu wa-huwa ‘alá kulli shay’in qadīr," – this too. "Lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata illā biLlāhi l-‘aliyyi l-‘aẓīm,"
– also this. Anything can be recited. Everyone should do it.
But there are more important things, giving charity and doing goodness for people. It is more important to make someone happy, to give peace to someone's heart. It has big thawāb and reward. As we have said, all your worship is useful for yourself but when it is also useful to others, Allāh is happy and our Prophet is happy. When you make mu’mins and poor ones happy, you are accepted near Allāh.
We should keep our respect for these days. We should forgive. Even if it is hard for our ego, forgiving is a good thing. If we forgive people, Allāh will forgive us. Because no servant is faultless. He will forgive our mistakes on Resurrection Day for the honour of today, in shā’a Llāh. May Allāh bless these days. These are very holy days. Good deeds bring so much thawāb. Allāh says, "I will give you a thousand, a hundred thousand times the thawāb for one kindness." We should remember these days. If someone made a mistake, we should forgive it. Because people make mistakes. If we forgive others, Allāh will forgive us. That is an important thing. Sayyidunā ‘Abdu l-Qādir al-Jīlānī made khuṭbah, the shortest khuṭbah. He said, "Feeding a hungry man is better than building a thousand mosques." This can be. The thawāb given by Allāh cannot be imagined or comprehended. You do a useless thing and think it is a small thing and then think it is over. May Allāh protect us, a bad thing can happen to you as well. Because of goodness and charity, you will be saved from it. And you will earn a big reward in Ākhirah.
May Allāh forgive all of us. May today be blessed. May His barakah be upon us, Insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah, we are today – ‘Arafat. We are time of ‘Arafat. which ‘Arafat [is] one day a year. In this day – ḥajj, pilgrimage. This one [pilgrimage] real one. Many people they make pilgrimage by themself. You go there you can be ḥajjī, pilgrimage [pilgrim]. You go that side maybe, hundred place for non-believer they said, "If you go there you become pilgrimage [pilgrim]." This is human being, they invented, invention. But real one [is] only one Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He say about
this day. And it is not day like Christmas or like New Year. There is... It is changing through year, but it is known by Arabic calendar, moon calendar. So it is... Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, "Al-Ḥajju ‘Arafah."
This time until Maghrib you must be in this ‘Arafāt in Makkah – you become ḥajjī. If you are out of border of ‘Arafāt, whole day you are there, you will be not be ḥajjī. You must be inside border of ‘Arafāt.
And it is this year very strange thing happened. Very few people attending for ḥajj, for ‘Arafāt. But, Insha Allah, Allāh, give us barakat of ‘Arafāt. We are... Here also we have something to do. This bless of this day coming for whole Ummah.
Of course we are doing Takbīr and we making fasting, and we also thousand time Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, lā ilāha illā Llāh a thousand time, astaghfirullah a thousand time. Many thing you can do until Maghrib. Allāh accept, in shā’a Llāh, from you .
And more important also thing – to give happiness for believer, for mu’min, for mu’minah, not to make them unhappy, sad because it is special day. Maybe other day, other time, you can do, but you must remember today, Day of ‘Arafāt, ‘Arafah [on] which Allāh accept du‘ā’. And maybe you make a small charity for poor people, you will be reward[ed] which you cannot imagine what Allāh He will give you for this. For this, maybe sometime is more reward you have from [than] making from morning to evening worshipping – when for one charity you make happiness for people, you put happiness in heart of people, when Allāh He happy when poor people they are happy, they have happiness in their heart , Allah happy that time . Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, also happy at that time.
We must also forgive. Maybe somebody make wrong with you, knowing, or not maybe not knowing most of time. We must forget, forgive. Because human being, they have, every time they have mistake, they have wrong thing to do, knowing or without knowing. So if we forgive, Allāh forgive
us. If not forgive, Allāh also maybe not forgive us. He said, "You not forgive this poor people, also I will not forgive you." So it is very important every time but especially for sake of this day, we must be more careful, more generous, as, if we have anything we can do, we must do this. But if not doing, you lose many thing. And it is advice for whole people and first for myself because it is sometime when become angry we don't know what we are doing, we are doing wrong thing. Somebody must tell us. For this we are, we are telling myself first, to forgive, to ask forgiveness from Allāh for us also.
Because Sayyidunā ‘Abdu l-Qādir Gīlānī Hazretleri, he make one khuṭbah, Jum‘ah khuṭbah. It was shortest khuṭbah in... Mawlānā Shaykh was laughing for me – I am making short khuṭbah but Sayyidunā ‘Abdu l-Qādir Gīlānī he made the shortest one he once make. He go to minbar and saying, "Iṭ‘āmu jā’i‘in khayrun min binā’i alfa jāmi‘in." To feed hungry one it is better than you do thousand mosque. And it is maybe three more, chapter, verses he make it and come down for khuṭbah. But important thing this is to, maybe you feed one hungry one, Allāh reward you more than thousand mosque you build. This is very important. We must be careful. We must be especially days of... blessed day, especially this day, ‘Arafah day, Allāh accept our du‘ā’ with who standing in ‘Arafāt and asking for forgiveness, for asking for health and wealth and happiness, Insha Allah, and strong īmān for all of us, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
112.MAKE YOUR ‘ĪD NICE Friday, 31 July 2020 Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. Happy ‘Īd. It is a feast appointed for us by Allāh. There are two ‘Īds: ‘Īdu l-Fiṭr and this ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. They are holidays given to people, to Muslims, by Allāh. Certainly they are the means to goodness. They are something celebrated only for Allāh. To be happy on ‘Īd is the duty of a Muslim. By the wisdom of Allāh, this feast is different. They call so many other days a holiday. None of them is equal to this feast. Even Muslims, who otherwise have nothing to do with religion, celebrate ‘Īd in a different way because they don't say mubārak but instead they say celebrate. They celebrate it. Celebration also comes from honouring. They honour it. They are seeing what Allāh gave – as honourable. They are seeing it as holy.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla made this feast valuable to everyone who says he is Muslim. And if they have a tiny bit of belief in their hearts, may Allāh strengthen it with its barakah, in shā’a Llāh. It will be strengthened, in shā’a Llāh. So it [their belief] is not at zero. It's above zero. Therefore, these feasts are blessed and we should be happy. Of course, they are not like it was before. Before, people were not able to go somewhere. Everyone stayed in his village, at home. They didn't have these opportunities to go from one place to another, to make a vacation. Everyone would gather together, neighbors, relatives, and friends. They would buy toys for the children. Children nowadays are fed up with toys. Back then, they didn't have this. They used to wait for ‘Īd. New clothes, new shoes. People liked it more then. But even if people do not appreciate
them so much now because they always get them, still there is something in ‘Īd for them. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave it. No one can take away the beauty it has. May Allāh bless it.
And our Prophet says decorate the feasts. How can you decorate it? With candles and lights? That is okay too. But real decoration is to make takbīr, tahlīl, taḥmīd for your Ākhirah. These are the decorations of ‘Īd. Our Prophet says you should make it. You will earn more. You will reach more happiness. May Allāh protect Islām and Muslims for the honour of today. Most people have troubles now. For the honour of this ‘Īd, we ask for goodness and health from Allāh. May Allāh protect us from the problems of this world.
Who repent and ask forgiveness from Allāh, certainly Allāh will protect them. It is not a joke. It is a big weapon in our hands to repent and beg Allāh.
Insha Allah, we will be under protection. And next year, as Mawlānā used to say... We are living at the end of times. Anything can happen in this world. In shā’a Llāh, next year Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām may appear. As we said, it is possible in this world. If Allāh says, it will happen. Nothing is hard for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. In shā’a Llāh, by next year everyone will become Muslim.
We are, alḥamdulilah, in ‘Īd which it is gift from Allāh for us. Allāh give us two ‘Īd feasts to be happy: one, Ramaḍān ‘Īd and one, ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá, this – from today until four days [from] now. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla happy for people they are happy with this. And, subḥāna Llāh, Allāh make it since Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam everybody [is] happy with ‘Īd. They have special thing for ‘Īd.
Even who are not practicing, not doing anything from religion – we have many people like this especially in this island they finished their – no any religion – but when ‘Īd coming, they are coming, putting, dressing, making good dress, and going to visit other people, celebrate ‘Īd. This is from Allāh's miracle for people who are believer, Muslim. They respect
even they don't have any practice, anything to do, still they are, saying for this ‘Īd to be blessed.
When they say to [an]other, "Blessed ‘Īd" they said to other people – "Good ‘Īd". And there is many occasion, they call it also 'feast' but no one can reach one percent from this ‘Īd what they celebration. It's everybody celebrate. And from this, even very small thing, they have the respect or they saying "This ‘Īd" and they going to visit each other, it's also very small belief, īmān, in their heart still. From this can be come again big īmān, in shā’a Llāh, for whole people.
And Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying: "Make your ‘Īd to be nice." How to make this? Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying make takbīr – Allāhu Akbar, tahlīl – lā ilāha illā Llāh, taḥmīd – alḥamdulilah. Other things also can be, you can put in ‘Īd, more barakah for you, more happiness. This ‘Īd for our soul and for our body also. Two of them together coming. When make this takbīr, tahlīl, taḥmīd come more barakah for you and for Muslim, Insha Allah.
Of course ‘Īd not like before, when before 40, 30, 40 years, maybe more. Before 40 years it was completely different because there was no such a thing like these days. In ‘Īd they was buying new clothes, wearing new clothes, shoes. And, but these days they have everything. Or even toys, children they buy toys in ‘Īd. And it was not so easy to travel from place to place. So everybody they are in their city or in their village. So everybody when ‘Īd coming they celebrate and going to each other to meet each other, be most, you can feel real ‘Īd. But this days they don't have this, Even with this, also miracle of Allāh, still people knowing ‘Īd, and they celebrate ‘Īd.
Allāh give us for this blessed day, holy day, from His barakah and keep us safe from every badness. Especially this days we are living in, end of time. And everything, every day a new thing coming. But, alḥamdulilah, we are know what will happen after this. After this what happen? Insha Allah, Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām coming. This time what Allāh want, it is easy to be. Everything can be. We are living in world, nothing,
you don't say: "This cannot be." Everything can be. For this, we are hoping, Insha Allah, next year we can be with Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. İt is not diffucult for Allāh. And we ask for this, Insha Allah.
Allāh keep us safe until meet him and to be with him, Insha Allah. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
113.WITH THE BARAKAH OF MAWLĀNĀ Saturday, 1 August 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. Happy ‘Īd to our brothers again. Those who came here, mā shā’a Llāh, made qurbān on the first day. With ‘Īd and Jum‘ah we were very busy. We were busy for the pleasure of Allāh and won't go wasted. The more suffering we have in this world for Allāh's pleasure, the more rewards there are for mu’min. Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said, "I am surprised every matter in the life of a mu’min all lead to goodness." When there is something good, there is prosperity. Even if it looks like harm, it is also good. Nothing of a believer goes wasted. Even if you have a scratch, Allāh will reward you for it. A mu’min should know this. When you know this, you are more at peace and more content with what Allāh gives. You don't object. Who are with mashāyikh also are happier and content. Everything that comes is lighter for them.
Forty-five years ago from now there was a brother from Tripoli. News came that a man shot and killed his two sons in a traffic incident. Mawlānā went there immediately. He was an emotional man and full of anger. With the help of Mawlānā his heart cooled down. Mawlānā eased his pain, shukr to Allāh. And nearly thirty years ago we had a pious ḥājjah auntie. She just passed away too. She lost her husband and son. Her husband and only son died in a car accident. Mawlānā reached her as well. People used to say she wouldn't survive, she wouldn't live longer than a month or end up in a mental ward. Again with the help of Mawlānā, she let it go. He eased her pain and was a means for her to leave this world with īmān. For years without feeling that pain, shukr to Allāh,
she was saying that Mawlānā saw her as his sister. And she lived with that love and barakah hoping to be together with him in Paradise. When there is this strength of faith, everything is accepted as Allāh's decree. And its rewards are given. In the time of our Prophet as well, when there were martyrs in jihād, everyone would be happy that they were all in Paradise near Allāh. Therefore, despite the pain being so great, when there is īmān, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gives its reward. She was a pious woman and was awliyā’. She reached the maqām of awliyā’ with the help of Mawlānā and his barakah. May Allāh raise her maqām. Insha Allah she is in Paradise. Because she was always saying, "We will be in Paradise. You won't leave me." Insha Allah, she won't leave us out of Paradise. Because she is a person of Paradise. We will meet in Paradise, Insha Allah.
Today, alḥamdulilah, second day of ‘Īd. More people, yesterday it was many thing to do for people: salātu l-‘Īd, after ‘Īd somebody to must slaughter, after also Jum‘ah. It was blessed day, Jum‘ah day, Jum‘ah praying and visiting little bit. Today, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, more free. Everything Allāh reward us. In this for mu’min people, for believer people, who believe in Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam everything reward, nothing going empty. Nothing without, not useless. All thing what you do – if you suffer or you are happy, you are ill, you are healthy – all this Allāh reward you. Nothing going without reward.
Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying even one small thing can make you, hurt you, Allāh, even this He reward you from this. Who know this and believe in this, life become more easy for him. Because most of people, they are complaining, "We are suffering ,from this, from that." If they have real belief and be patient and this is coming from Allāh Allāh will reward more [than] from complaining people. People what they used to complain, because they don't have strong belief. When somebody know strong belief, he believe everything coming from Allāh. And he will reward for this, he can be keep quiet. And this also, especially for ṭarīqah people, they are more lucky from other people. For other people all time complaining from what happened for economy, for health, for this, for
that, for everything – not remembering Ākhirah, not remembering Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, Prophet ṣalla Llāhu 'alayhi wa-sallam, what they are saying, what... They are asking for people, for everything, for asking, "What is your opinion for this? What we can do for this?" But not asking for Ākhirah, "What we can do for Ākhirah?" For this, who following murshid, mashāyikh, even very bad thing sometimes happen. With Mawlānā Shaykh's barakah, this people they was survive and continue their life. There is two examples for this. One, before maybe it was nearly 45 years ago, around '76 or something like this. That time we was in Beirut, Mawlānā was in Beirut and... Maybe before, ya‘nī, around this 35- 36 year ago. We hear somebody phoning from, we was in Beirut, Tripoli, maybe 80 kilometres from Beirut. They said there is one murīd he has big follower, they are like a big tribe, respected one, strong one. They said there is two of his son, one shot them. From traffic problem he shoot them. Both of them they pass away. They coming this news for Mawlānā. Mawlānā he went to Tripoli. And this one very strong one, he can be kill all this family for other people. Mawlānā was speaking, making him calm. Because he was waiting for Mawlānā, what we can do, what... Mawlānā he make him to become calm and he not doing anything. This is, ya‘nī, impossible for this man to be quiet. Two of his son and he was liking them too much. And his... happened this without, only for nothing. So with barakah of ,Mawlānā, he say this, "Innā liLlāhi wa-innā ilayhi rāji‘ūn (2:156). This coming from Allāh this is test for me," he was quiet.
Second one, for 30 year ago. One lady from Turkey, also her husband and her son, they make traffic accident. Both of them, they pass away. Also Mawlānā he went
y, by force, or to make people to see this people they are praying, they're doing good thing. They do this for cheating people. But nowadays they, people even not praying, not doing anything.
But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying: "Wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum" (2:9). Only they cheat themself. When they do, try to cheat Allāh. Allāh He is not in need for anything from you. If you pray, you pray for yourself. If you do charity, you do good thing all for yourself. But when
you are trying to cheat Allāh only... not sincere with praying, not believe in praying, you cheat yourself. You do it only in front of people. When people know that you are not praying – that time not praying but now worse, very worse than before. Because that time even, if not praying it will be problem for them but now most of people not praying, no problem. But they have another thing, which worse. So, what you do?
People they are angry for people who try to cheat them or cheat them. When somebody cheat you, you become real angry. "This said this and after I saw he is doing another thing." "He said to me he will meet me and I wait him hours. After he cheat me. He didn't come, just make like this." This is... When somebody doing for you this, you are very angry. So who try to cheat Allāh, and say Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He said, "They cheat themself." So it is worse, you cheat yourself. When other people cheat you, you are angry. When you cheat yourself you saw, you think you are clever, you are doing good thing. No. You do worse, because you have good chance to make good thing, but you cheat yourself and you make destroy what you do. So, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla warning people not to try to do this, to be aware from themself. Everything doing it must be pure for Allāh. When you do something, when it is pure, you are sincere. But if not pure, just for show, you cheat yourself and you will be get nothing. This is what human being's nature and now this time it is worse, and worse from another any time else. Because this time, who claim they giving knowledge, they cheating people also. They give them not knowledge – ignorant, ignorancy. They give people to not accept their Creator not accept prophets. Even in who claim they are Muslim, they not accept also – some of ,them [not accept] ṣaḥābah, some of them awliyā’u Llāh, some of them muḥaddithīn. They have many kind of people they cheat them their self when they not accept this and they are loser.
Allāh keep us to be not to be cheated. To be with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, who nobody can cheat Him, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
110.YAWMU T-TARAWIYAH AND YAWMU ‘ARAFAH Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. The best thing is to remember Ākhirah and Allāh. During these blessed days remembering Allāh more means reading Qur’ān and making dhikr of Allāh. The 8th day, Yawmu t- Tarwiyah is a holy day. Ḥajjis go up to ‘Arafāt today. Following the sunnah of our Prophet they get ready on Yawmu t-Tarwiyah by staying in Muzdalifah and then heading ‘Arafāt. Of course, there is nothing left of old traditions and ways. They cancelled even what is wājib, not to mention what is sunnah. May Allāh protect us that they do not play with farḍ.
So this is the reason why they have these problems. Sunnah is important. Keeping sunnah is important. If you do as you like, you will have troubles. There will be no benefit. You will be deprived of thawāb. Therefore, they can go up and down as they like this year. But no one is able to travel. That is another issue. It is a lesson given by Allāh to people. Allāh is giving such a lesson. For people to learn from it, Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla is giving it but mankind doesn't understand. They don't want to understand. These are for the ḥajjis and there are no ḥajjis this year.
Important is that Yawmu t-Tarwiyah is a holy day. It is the day before ‘Arafah. Who couldn't fast the nine days, it is very good to fast today and tomorrow, 8th and 9th. Who cannot do even that, should certainly fast on ‘Arafah. Because our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam is saying that whoever fasts on the day of ‘Arafah will ensure that his sins of the last
and the next year will be forgiven. May Allah bless it. So the more you do today for Allāh's pleasure, even if you don't make dhikr all day, say that everything you do is for Allāh's pleasure and not for dunyā, and pray that it is accepted. Of course, you should make ṣalawāt, recite Allāh and pray missed ṣalāh. Do charity and good deeds. This has big thawāb but not like on Yawmu ‘Arafah. On ‘Arafah, you should do more than on other days. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah is a special day as well. May Allāh not deprive us of its thawāb, in shā’a Llah. And tomorrow is Yawmu ‘Arafah. Insha Allah, there are important Takbīrs. It is the Sunnah of our Prophet on that day. There are Takbīrs after morning prayers, and after each Farḍ you make Takbīr.
Before saying astaghfirullah first Takbīr are made. Until ‘Aṣr prayer on the fourth day of ‘Īd. We pray ‘Aṣr and make Takbīr and it finishes with that. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave them as a reward to us. May Allāh not let us forget it. Because it should not be forgotten, But mostly we forget. Therefore, we should be careful.
We shouldn't forget Takbīr. And tomorrow is ‘Arafah. As we said, people should try to fast. They should not mind if it is hot. It is beneficial both for your health and your spirituality, Insha Allah.
Also a thousand Ikhlāṣ Sharīf should be recited. We should dedicate them to our Prophet, ṣaḥābah, mashāyikh, and deceased ones. When it is dedicated to them, the more it reaches, for each of them we receive equal thawāb. Thousands and millions of thawāb come, in shā’a Llāh. May these days be blessed and be a means for goodness. May we be protected from shayṭān's evil and worldly troubles, Insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah we are in day of eight of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. It is also very special day. This day which pilgrims, ḥajjī, they are must be in Makkah, today they are going to ‘Arafāt. But ‘Arafāt it is far. For this, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, sunnah of Prophet ṣalla Llāhu 'alayhi wa-sallam, go through Muzdalifah. Staying this night in Muzdalifah. Tomorrow continue to Jabal ‘Arafāt, place ‘Arafāt, Jabal ‘Arafāt and Jabal Raḥmah, ‘Arafāt place for staying until night, until Maghrib. They become Ḥajjī,
which it is obligatory for Muslim who has condition as he has enough money, he has health is okay. For lady, they can also, they need more [required] thing. But for men who has this and can go, it is open. Not like these days – if you have everything but they are not allow it for you to go – not for this year, other year also. This year Allāh make for whole Muslim to not go. Also this is lesson for these people who was making difficult for Ḥajjī, who coming from long place, long distance. And they treat them as not human being, only human being which they are citizen.
So, this year it is like this to... if they understand. Many people they not understand lesson or not lesson. They don't have any understanding. But what our subject about this day, it is blessed day, before ‘Arafah day. ‘Arafah day tomorrow that is more valuable than today, but this day also very valuable [compared] to for another day. So in this day, in shā’a Llāh, we mention Allāh, make dhikr of Allāh, make reading Qur’ān, making praying, and giving charity. And everything you do, you intend: what I'm walking, I'm going, coming, – all this for sake of Allāh, for helping people, for helping Muslim, for helping good people or for humanity. All this what not for humanity, for Allāh I do everything. Because intention is important also. Allāh will reward you, Insha Allah.
But most important – tomorrow ‘Arafah day. Today also who fast it is good. Allāh reward more than other normal day. But tomorrow Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, Yawmu ‘Arafah it is like... Allāh forgive one year before and one year after if we fasting tomorrow. This it is very important. Who can, we mustn't miss this. And there is also to make Takbīr. Beginning from tomorrow after Fajr until fourth day of ‘Īd until ‘Aṣr. This takbīr before astaghfiru Llāh, immediately after as- Salāmu ‘alaykum – Allāhu Akbar, Allāhu Akbar, lā ilāha illā Llāh wa- Llāhu Akbar. This Takbīr until fourth day. Insha Allah, many time people they forget. This for reward from Allāh for us. Every Takbīr Allāh reward us. He know every, He giving everything. And He is Generous for ‘Īd, He give us this also, He give us more reward, in shā’a Llāh. And also reading thousand times Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, "Qul huwa Llāhu Aḥad" (112:1), and give as a present for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, for whole
Prophets, for whole Ahlu l-Bayt, Aṣḥāb, ‘Ulamā’, Shuhadā’, Awliyā’, for our ancestor, for whole Muslim and Muslimah. Allāh reward you for each one as much He reward them. This is also big reward for us. Before ‘Īd and ‘Īd, in ‘Īd also who can slaughter, Allāh also give for each hair – reward, Allāh, for who slaughter. And to, in ‘Īd no fasting in ‘Īd. You can eat from your, what you slaughter. Also sunnah to make ifṭār with this.
So, Allāh make it blessed for all of our Muslim and Muslimah, our brothers, sisters. In whole world we are wishing long life, happy life with īmān, Islām and more reward for you in dunyā and Ākhirah also. Allāh keep you safe from every badness, from every illness, from bad eyes, magic, shayṭān, jinn. Even, the most important thing to keep us safe from our ego. Because our ego make it the worst than of all this. Allāh keep us and reward us, Insha Allah. Thank you for all of you.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
111.ON THIS SPECIAL DAY Thursday, 30 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Happy Yawmu ‘Arafah to us today. It is one of the holy days of the year. No ḥajj is complete without it. It comes once a year, and if someone going to ḥajj is not present at ‘Arafāt, he cannot become ḥajjī. For other places of worship, it can be postponed or done on behalf of someone who has an excuse. But without going to ‘Arafāt, it is not possible. Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, "Al-Ḥajju ‘Arafah." – Ḥajj is ‘Arafah.
It is a good reason for people to stay there, to put on their iḥrām, remember Ākhirah, detach from this world and direct themselves to Allāh. It is farḍ (obligatory). For those who can do it, it is farḍ. Most people say, "We can do it later." You should do it while there is the chance. You shouldn't miss it. It is a matter of destiny, who are meant to do it will do it. If not meant – there are many people who live in Makkah and have never made ḥajj. We cannot understand the favours and actions of Allāh. Such matters of destiny are from His knowledge. Nothing happens if it is not meant to happen. Today we ask here that we are included in the du'ā’, Insha Allah. May it be a means to goodness. May your prayers be accepted, Insha Allah.
Of course, among our duties today we have a thousand Ikhlāṣ in addition to the fasting. Then you can make tawḥīd, a thousand ṣalawāt and astaghfiru Llāh. "Lā ilāha illā Llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu, lahu l- mulku wa-lahu l-ḥamdu, yuḥyī wa-yumītu wa-huwa ‘alá kulli shay’in qadīr," – this too. "Lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata illā biLlāhi l-‘aliyyi l-‘aẓīm,"
– also this. Anything can be recited. Everyone should do it.
But there are more important things, giving charity and doing goodness for people. It is more important to make someone happy, to give peace to someone's heart. It has big thawāb and reward. As we have said, all your worship is useful for yourself but when it is also useful to others, Allāh is happy and our Prophet is happy. When you make mu’mins and poor ones happy, you are accepted near Allāh.
We should keep our respect for these days. We should forgive. Even if it is hard for our ego, forgiving is a good thing. If we forgive people, Allāh will forgive us. Because no servant is faultless. He will forgive our mistakes on Resurrection Day for the honour of today, in shā’a Llāh. May Allāh bless these days. These are very holy days. Good deeds bring so much thawāb. Allāh says, "I will give you a thousand, a hundred thousand times the thawāb for one kindness." We should remember these days. If someone made a mistake, we should forgive it. Because people make mistakes. If we forgive others, Allāh will forgive us. That is an important thing. Sayyidunā ‘Abdu l-Qādir al-Jīlānī made khuṭbah, the shortest khuṭbah. He said, "Feeding a hungry man is better than building a thousand mosques." This can be. The thawāb given by Allāh cannot be imagined or comprehended. You do a useless thing and think it is a small thing and then think it is over. May Allāh protect us, a bad thing can happen to you as well. Because of goodness and charity, you will be saved from it. And you will earn a big reward in Ākhirah.
May Allāh forgive all of us. May today be blessed. May His barakah be upon us, Insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah, we are today – ‘Arafat. We are time of ‘Arafat. which ‘Arafat [is] one day a year. In this day – ḥajj, pilgrimage. This one [pilgrimage] real one. Many people they make pilgrimage by themself. You go there you can be ḥajjī, pilgrimage [pilgrim]. You go that side maybe, hundred place for non-believer they said, "If you go there you become pilgrimage [pilgrim]." This is human being, they invented, invention. But real one [is] only one Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He say about
this day. And it is not day like Christmas or like New Year. There is... It is changing through year, but it is known by Arabic calendar, moon calendar. So it is... Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, "Al-Ḥajju ‘Arafah."
This time until Maghrib you must be in this ‘Arafāt in Makkah – you become ḥajjī. If you are out of border of ‘Arafāt, whole day you are there, you will be not be ḥajjī. You must be inside border of ‘Arafāt.
And it is this year very strange thing happened. Very few people attending for ḥajj, for ‘Arafāt. But, Insha Allah, Allāh, give us barakat of ‘Arafāt. We are... Here also we have something to do. This bless of this day coming for whole Ummah.
Of course we are doing Takbīr and we making fasting, and we also thousand time Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, lā ilāha illā Llāh a thousand time, astaghfirullah a thousand time. Many thing you can do until Maghrib. Allāh accept, in shā’a Llāh, from you .
And more important also thing – to give happiness for believer, for mu’min, for mu’minah, not to make them unhappy, sad because it is special day. Maybe other day, other time, you can do, but you must remember today, Day of ‘Arafāt, ‘Arafah [on] which Allāh accept du‘ā’. And maybe you make a small charity for poor people, you will be reward[ed] which you cannot imagine what Allāh He will give you for this. For this, maybe sometime is more reward you have from [than] making from morning to evening worshipping – when for one charity you make happiness for people, you put happiness in heart of people, when Allāh He happy when poor people they are happy, they have happiness in their heart , Allah happy that time . Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, also happy at that time.
We must also forgive. Maybe somebody make wrong with you, knowing, or not maybe not knowing most of time. We must forget, forgive. Because human being, they have, every time they have mistake, they have wrong thing to do, knowing or without knowing. So if we forgive, Allāh forgive
us. If not forgive, Allāh also maybe not forgive us. He said, "You not forgive this poor people, also I will not forgive you." So it is very important every time but especially for sake of this day, we must be more careful, more generous, as, if we have anything we can do, we must do this. But if not doing, you lose many thing. And it is advice for whole people and first for myself because it is sometime when become angry we don't know what we are doing, we are doing wrong thing. Somebody must tell us. For this we are, we are telling myself first, to forgive, to ask forgiveness from Allāh for us also.
Because Sayyidunā ‘Abdu l-Qādir Gīlānī Hazretleri, he make one khuṭbah, Jum‘ah khuṭbah. It was shortest khuṭbah in... Mawlānā Shaykh was laughing for me – I am making short khuṭbah but Sayyidunā ‘Abdu l-Qādir Gīlānī he made the shortest one he once make. He go to minbar and saying, "Iṭ‘āmu jā’i‘in khayrun min binā’i alfa jāmi‘in." To feed hungry one it is better than you do thousand mosque. And it is maybe three more, chapter, verses he make it and come down for khuṭbah. But important thing this is to, maybe you feed one hungry one, Allāh reward you more than thousand mosque you build. This is very important. We must be careful. We must be especially days of... blessed day, especially this day, ‘Arafah day, Allāh accept our du‘ā’ with who standing in ‘Arafāt and asking for forgiveness, for asking for health and wealth and happiness, Insha Allah, and strong īmān for all of us, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
112.MAKE YOUR ‘ĪD NICE Friday, 31 July 2020 Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. Happy ‘Īd. It is a feast appointed for us by Allāh. There are two ‘Īds: ‘Īdu l-Fiṭr and this ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. They are holidays given to people, to Muslims, by Allāh. Certainly they are the means to goodness. They are something celebrated only for Allāh. To be happy on ‘Īd is the duty of a Muslim. By the wisdom of Allāh, this feast is different. They call so many other days a holiday. None of them is equal to this feast. Even Muslims, who otherwise have nothing to do with religion, celebrate ‘Īd in a different way because they don't say mubārak but instead they say celebrate. They celebrate it. Celebration also comes from honouring. They honour it. They are seeing what Allāh gave – as honourable. They are seeing it as holy.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla made this feast valuable to everyone who says he is Muslim. And if they have a tiny bit of belief in their hearts, may Allāh strengthen it with its barakah, in shā’a Llāh. It will be strengthened, in shā’a Llāh. So it [their belief] is not at zero. It's above zero. Therefore, these feasts are blessed and we should be happy. Of course, they are not like it was before. Before, people were not able to go somewhere. Everyone stayed in his village, at home. They didn't have these opportunities to go from one place to another, to make a vacation. Everyone would gather together, neighbors, relatives, and friends. They would buy toys for the children. Children nowadays are fed up with toys. Back then, they didn't have this. They used to wait for ‘Īd. New clothes, new shoes. People liked it more then. But even if people do not appreciate
them so much now because they always get them, still there is something in ‘Īd for them. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave it. No one can take away the beauty it has. May Allāh bless it.
And our Prophet says decorate the feasts. How can you decorate it? With candles and lights? That is okay too. But real decoration is to make takbīr, tahlīl, taḥmīd for your Ākhirah. These are the decorations of ‘Īd. Our Prophet says you should make it. You will earn more. You will reach more happiness. May Allāh protect Islām and Muslims for the honour of today. Most people have troubles now. For the honour of this ‘Īd, we ask for goodness and health from Allāh. May Allāh protect us from the problems of this world.
Who repent and ask forgiveness from Allāh, certainly Allāh will protect them. It is not a joke. It is a big weapon in our hands to repent and beg Allāh.
Insha Allah, we will be under protection. And next year, as Mawlānā used to say... We are living at the end of times. Anything can happen in this world. In shā’a Llāh, next year Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām may appear. As we said, it is possible in this world. If Allāh says, it will happen. Nothing is hard for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. In shā’a Llāh, by next year everyone will become Muslim.
We are, alḥamdulilah, in ‘Īd which it is gift from Allāh for us. Allāh give us two ‘Īd feasts to be happy: one, Ramaḍān ‘Īd and one, ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá, this – from today until four days [from] now. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla happy for people they are happy with this. And, subḥāna Llāh, Allāh make it since Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam everybody [is] happy with ‘Īd. They have special thing for ‘Īd.
Even who are not practicing, not doing anything from religion – we have many people like this especially in this island they finished their – no any religion – but when ‘Īd coming, they are coming, putting, dressing, making good dress, and going to visit other people, celebrate ‘Īd. This is from Allāh's miracle for people who are believer, Muslim. They respect
even they don't have any practice, anything to do, still they are, saying for this ‘Īd to be blessed.
When they say to [an]other, "Blessed ‘Īd" they said to other people – "Good ‘Īd". And there is many occasion, they call it also 'feast' but no one can reach one percent from this ‘Īd what they celebration. It's everybody celebrate. And from this, even very small thing, they have the respect or they saying "This ‘Īd" and they going to visit each other, it's also very small belief, īmān, in their heart still. From this can be come again big īmān, in shā’a Llāh, for whole people.
And Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying: "Make your ‘Īd to be nice." How to make this? Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying make takbīr – Allāhu Akbar, tahlīl – lā ilāha illā Llāh, taḥmīd – alḥamdulilah. Other things also can be, you can put in ‘Īd, more barakah for you, more happiness. This ‘Īd for our soul and for our body also. Two of them together coming. When make this takbīr, tahlīl, taḥmīd come more barakah for you and for Muslim, Insha Allah.
Of course ‘Īd not like before, when before 40, 30, 40 years, maybe more. Before 40 years it was completely different because there was no such a thing like these days. In ‘Īd they was buying new clothes, wearing new clothes, shoes. And, but these days they have everything. Or even toys, children they buy toys in ‘Īd. And it was not so easy to travel from place to place. So everybody they are in their city or in their village. So everybody when ‘Īd coming they celebrate and going to each other to meet each other, be most, you can feel real ‘Īd. But this days they don't have this, Even with this, also miracle of Allāh, still people knowing ‘Īd, and they celebrate ‘Īd.
Allāh give us for this blessed day, holy day, from His barakah and keep us safe from every badness. Especially this days we are living in, end of time. And everything, every day a new thing coming. But, alḥamdulilah, we are know what will happen after this. After this what happen? Insha Allah, Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām coming. This time what Allāh want, it is easy to be. Everything can be. We are living in world, nothing,
you don't say: "This cannot be." Everything can be. For this, we are hoping, Insha Allah, next year we can be with Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. İt is not diffucult for Allāh. And we ask for this, Insha Allah.
Allāh keep us safe until meet him and to be with him, Insha Allah. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
113.WITH THE BARAKAH OF MAWLĀNĀ Saturday, 1 August 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. Happy ‘Īd to our brothers again. Those who came here, mā shā’a Llāh, made qurbān on the first day. With ‘Īd and Jum‘ah we were very busy. We were busy for the pleasure of Allāh and won't go wasted. The more suffering we have in this world for Allāh's pleasure, the more rewards there are for mu’min. Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said, "I am surprised every matter in the life of a mu’min all lead to goodness." When there is something good, there is prosperity. Even if it looks like harm, it is also good. Nothing of a believer goes wasted. Even if you have a scratch, Allāh will reward you for it. A mu’min should know this. When you know this, you are more at peace and more content with what Allāh gives. You don't object. Who are with mashāyikh also are happier and content. Everything that comes is lighter for them.
Forty-five years ago from now there was a brother from Tripoli. News came that a man shot and killed his two sons in a traffic incident. Mawlānā went there immediately. He was an emotional man and full of anger. With the help of Mawlānā his heart cooled down. Mawlānā eased his pain, shukr to Allāh. And nearly thirty years ago we had a pious ḥājjah auntie. She just passed away too. She lost her husband and son. Her husband and only son died in a car accident. Mawlānā reached her as well. People used to say she wouldn't survive, she wouldn't live longer than a month or end up in a mental ward. Again with the help of Mawlānā, she let it go. He eased her pain and was a means for her to leave this world with īmān. For years without feeling that pain, shukr to Allāh,
she was saying that Mawlānā saw her as his sister. And she lived with that love and barakah hoping to be together with him in Paradise. When there is this strength of faith, everything is accepted as Allāh's decree. And its rewards are given. In the time of our Prophet as well, when there were martyrs in jihād, everyone would be happy that they were all in Paradise near Allāh. Therefore, despite the pain being so great, when there is īmān, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gives its reward. She was a pious woman and was awliyā’. She reached the maqām of awliyā’ with the help of Mawlānā and his barakah. May Allāh raise her maqām. Insha Allah she is in Paradise. Because she was always saying, "We will be in Paradise. You won't leave me." Insha Allah, she won't leave us out of Paradise. Because she is a person of Paradise. We will meet in Paradise, Insha Allah.
Today, alḥamdulilah, second day of ‘Īd. More people, yesterday it was many thing to do for people: salātu l-‘Īd, after ‘Īd somebody to must slaughter, after also Jum‘ah. It was blessed day, Jum‘ah day, Jum‘ah praying and visiting little bit. Today, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, more free. Everything Allāh reward us. In this for mu’min people, for believer people, who believe in Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam everything reward, nothing going empty. Nothing without, not useless. All thing what you do – if you suffer or you are happy, you are ill, you are healthy – all this Allāh reward you. Nothing going without reward.
Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying even one small thing can make you, hurt you, Allāh, even this He reward you from this. Who know this and believe in this, life become more easy for him. Because most of people, they are complaining, "We are suffering ,from this, from that." If they have real belief and be patient and this is coming from Allāh Allāh will reward more [than] from complaining people. People what they used to complain, because they don't have strong belief. When somebody know strong belief, he believe everything coming from Allāh. And he will reward for this, he can be keep quiet. And this also, especially for ṭarīqah people, they are more lucky from other people. For other people all time complaining from what happened for economy, for health, for this, for
that, for everything – not remembering Ākhirah, not remembering Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, Prophet ṣalla Llāhu 'alayhi wa-sallam, what they are saying, what... They are asking for people, for everything, for asking, "What is your opinion for this? What we can do for this?" But not asking for Ākhirah, "What we can do for Ākhirah?" For this, who following murshid, mashāyikh, even very bad thing sometimes happen. With Mawlānā Shaykh's barakah, this people they was survive and continue their life. There is two examples for this. One, before maybe it was nearly 45 years ago, around '76 or something like this. That time we was in Beirut, Mawlānā was in Beirut and... Maybe before, ya‘nī, around this 35- 36 year ago. We hear somebody phoning from, we was in Beirut, Tripoli, maybe 80 kilometres from Beirut. They said there is one murīd he has big follower, they are like a big tribe, respected one, strong one. They said there is two of his son, one shot them. From traffic problem he shoot them. Both of them they pass away. They coming this news for Mawlānā. Mawlānā he went to Tripoli. And this one very strong one, he can be kill all this family for other people. Mawlānā was speaking, making him calm. Because he was waiting for Mawlānā, what we can do, what... Mawlānā he make him to become calm and he not doing anything. This is, ya‘nī, impossible for this man to be quiet. Two of his son and he was liking them too much. And his... happened this without, only for nothing. So with barakah of ,Mawlānā, he say this, "Innā liLlāhi wa-innā ilayhi rāji‘ūn (2:156). This coming from Allāh this is test for me," he was quiet.
Second one, for 30 year ago. One lady from Turkey, also her husband and her son, they make traffic accident. Both of them, they pass away. Also Mawlānā he went