Suhbah 2020: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (12/25)
ophet, in shā’a Llāh. When Sūrah of, Sūratu n-Naṣr. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem: "Idhā jā’a naṣru Llāhi wa-l- fatḥ, wa-ra’ayta n-nāsa yadkhulūna fī dīni Llāhi afwāja, fa-sabbiḥ bi-ḥamdi rabbika wa- staghfirhu, innahu kāna tawwāba" (110:1-3). This, this is a Sūrah, good tiding for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, for opening door of Islām for whole people – "and you will see people coming to Islām, gathering many people from everywhere it will be come to Islām." Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam was sad and he was little crying. Ṣaḥābah, companions, asking, "Why you are sad, this is good tiding Allāh saying?" Because Prophet
ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam when he ten years, only forty people was around him. And when go in Madīnah and thousand of people coming to Islām, hundred people coming, two hundred, five hundred coming, taking bay‘ah and asking from Prophet. This Sūrah was asking and he said because "in the end of time it will be time people going out from Islām like this, thousands people, millions people, going out from Islām. For this I am crying." And Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying. It is our days – we are nearly more, nearly two billion Muslims in the world but they are no any value for them. And Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, "You will be like a wave, type of wave of sea when going like this big, after finish – nothing [foam]." It will be like this – you are many people, but you don't have any value. Value with, to be with Allāh, with Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam. And these days we are having nearly two billions and in whole this world there very less than Muslim there is people they have respected [respect]. But for Islām, they are like toy.
They are doing everything for [to] them, nothing happen. Why? Because, as Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, we don't have real Islām, real belief. But it must be like this, end of time, for Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām to come. But what we... who is... Very few people they are following Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. These people they have value and they have respected [respect], in shā’a Llāh. From time of Prophet coming less and less and fitnah growing everywhere, but nothing comparing to this time, our time what happened. But it is every after, every difficult, it will be opening.
Allāh, "Fa-inna ma‘a l-‘usri yusra, inna ma‘al-‘usri yusra" (94:5-6). We are living difficult time, our time difficult. But we don't... we are not hopeless. We are believer and we are believe after this it will be happiness and it will be, in shā’a Llāh, whole world it will be finish all this fitnah. Coming peace with Sayyidunā Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām.
Allāh make it easy for people. We are passing period, difficult period, but who is with Allāh, Allāh He is with him. The worst thing, hopeless. For this Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, "Lā taqnaṭū" (39:53) – "Don't be
hopeless." You are with One who is, everything He in His Hand. Everything in His Hand, and no nothing affect Him, nothing changing Him. Our heart it must be with Him, as Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam saying, "Yā Muqalliba l-Qulūb, thabbit qalbanā ‘alá ṭā‘atik." "O Who Changing Heart, let our heart to be with You جل جالله. Don't change my heart," Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying. And Ṣahābah, companion, asking, "Why O Prophet, you are the one, the Beloved one, of course Allāh He has promised for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam nothing will be, but Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam mercy for us, he teach us what he, to be survive, to be safe.
He said this is heart in two fingers of Allah He can changing any time. So we are doing this du‘ā’ imitating Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam.
So, Insha Allah, our heart it will be with truth, with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, not changing to anywhere. If it's like this nothing affect you, not make you hopeless. Allāh keep our heart with Him, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
106.NO ḤAJJ THIS YEAR Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Tomorrow, Insha Allah, and tonight starts a new month, Dhū l-Ḥijjah. We congratulate our brothers on this occasion. May it be good and blessed. What Allāh told us, of course, what our Prophet informed us is happening slowly. Therefore, no need to worry and fear. Everything will be as Allāh wants it to be. This is a strange year. So strange that there is no Ḥajj. No one is accepted for Ḥajj and no one can go to Ḥajj. Only a few people... It is different to go spiritually. But physically only few people will go to Ḥajj.
It is a holy month, Dhū l-Ḥijjah. The ten days and ten nights before ‘Īd are very holy. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla swore by them. Sūratu l-Fajr: "Wa-l-fajr, wa-layālin ‘ashr" (89:1-2). As they are valuable, they are sworn by. Fajr is the morning prayer and it is a valuable time too. For us to know their value Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is reminding us by mentioning them in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n. Whoever wants can fast nine days. Who cannot, can fast at least on the eighth and ninth of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. The eighth is Yawmu t- Tarwiyah which is the day before Yawmu ‘Arafah. And if you can't fast then, fast on the Day of ‘Arafah. This time it falls on Thursday. And ‘Īd is on Friday. There are going to be two feasts. That is why, sometimes they say "no wedding between the two feasts." Its wisdom is about ‘Īd coming on Friday. There is a khuṭbah in the morning and another khuṭbah in the afternoon. There is no time to wed between them. We should explain that, using this occasion, because most people think no marriage is allowed for about two and half months. Some even consider it as ḥarām. However,
that is another matter.
This time it comes on Friday, ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. Insha Allah, there will be two khuṭbahs. And on the Day of ‘Arafah, the more good you do during these days, the more Allāh will reward you. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla knows the amount. We are approaching holy days. These days are what our souls need. They are food for our souls. Lucky are the people who know their value. And may Allāh inform those who don't know, Insha Allah, so that they take benefit from their beauty. May Allāh let us reach more feasts, Insha Allah. The coming ‘Īd will be a relief and Islām will spread everywhere, in shā’a Llāh. We will make feast with Mahdī ‘alayhi s- salām, Insha Allah. We hope so.
Alhamdulilah we are reaching tonight Dhū l-Ḥijjah, month of pilgrimage, very holy month. There is many thing in this month Allāh make us for Muslim, most important one of obligatory after praying, fasting, zakāh – Ḥajj, pilgrimage in this month. And to slaughter also in this month. So it is very blessed month and it is the last month of moon calendar, it is twelfth. Next month Muḥarram, first of new year. So, al-ḥamdu liLlāh and Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla make it very special. He... In Qur’ān there is sūrah Allāh swore on these ten nights. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Wa-l- fajr, wa-layālin ‘ashr" (89:1-2). The Fajr meaning morning praying and ten days, ten nights, nights of Dhū l-Ḥijjah if we count from now until first of qurbān day, ‘Īd. Nine days, but it is because from night – ten nights it will be. So, can fast nine days if they like, everybody. And even cannot be – because it is not like Ramaḍān. Ramaḍān everybody fasting and don't feel and nighttime you have tarāwīḥ and other thing. It is more easy. Now it's more difficult. If cannot [fast] nine days, maybe two days – eight and nine of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah where it is before Yawmu ‘Arafah, and ‘Arafah day you can fast. If not, only one day also it is very reward by Allāh. Yawmu ‘Arafah it is real blessed day, the most blessed day in year. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah it is blessed but Yawmu ‘Arafah it is more blessed for mu’min. So don't miss this day and there is, you can make charity. Especially we must read thousand Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, in Yawmu ‘Arafah.
Allāh make it, Insha Allah, this year it was real weird – what they said in English – because this month, month of Ḥajj, pilgrimage, but no Ḥajj this year. No war, nothing, but war from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla on humanity, I think, to become, to come back for Allāh, to remember Allāh. For this, even Ḥajj, Allāh not allow this year for people to make Ḥajj. Million of people they was intending to go Ḥajj but no. When Allāh wants something you cannot go in front of this. So it is year... Don't worry everything what Allāh want it is going according His will, and His will, Insha Allah, with mu’min.
Maybe, Insha Allah, next year more better, more happy. Whole world, Insha Allah, be Islām with Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. We hope this. So no need to be sad or to be... This is from His will, and we are accepting His will. And the most important – to be with Him, to know this. After this, don't worry.
And thank you for our brothers in everywhere, in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Africa, Europe, America. Whole world we are make mubārak, Insha Allah. This year this, Allāh reward you as [if] you are in Ḥajj and give you, supporting you and supporting your children to be safe from shayṭān and his follower and every bad thing. Allāh give khayr, Insha Allah, for all. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
107.OPENING THE AYASOFYA Friday, 24 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. We are living in blessed days, shukr Allāh. And today is the day of Jum‘ah, a festival, bayram. There are two festivals next week, Jum‘ah and ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. Today as well, shukr Allāh, we have two festivals. What is the second festival? The will of the Sulṭān, who is praised in Islām and by our Prophet, returned to its place now. Because his will was ignored... He bought the mosque with his own money and his property that he paid to the People of the Book, when he could have just taken it by conquest. But he could foresee, and by the light of his faith, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla showed him the future. He made it his own property and turned it into a waqf, a charitable donation. He made it waqf until Qiyāmah.
And for nearly ninety years now, that will has been ignored and all kinds of people were allowed to enter it – the only thing not allowed were prayers. That is why we are saying, there was a curse of the Sulṭān on it and, Insha Allah, that curse has been lifted from us. It will be a means to goodness. This is the way it is. Not just for the entire mosque, but even there is a curse for one stone of it [being misused] and it turns out bad for people. That's why, shukr Allāh, a huge mosque is open now. Today is a festival, a festival for all the Islāmic world, not just in Turkey or Istanbul. Muslims all over the world have a happy day today, a festival. We have a festival a week before the ‘Īd. Two holidays – both Jum‘ah and the opening of the mosque for praying.
As we said, more important than the opening of the mosque for praying,
is the will of the Sulṭān. The Sulṭān is also Allāh's servant. But whether he is Sulṭān or someone else, he made it a waqf, a will, a bequest. So it has to be as it was endowed until Qiyāmah. They are not doing this. Most waqfs are used for useless purposes and some for wrong things. According to the intention of the person, Allāh rewards him until Qiyāmah. But those who misuse it will be punished. They should not think they will benefit. They are just drowning in troubles. They won't know how to rescue themselves and will wonder how they ended up like that. You have profited in a ḥarām way, profiting from a waqf. That is a difficult matter, not an easy one.
Therefore, may Allāh be pleased with our ancestors, they left waqfs everywhere around. Those waqfs are like the works of Islām everywhere. Therefore, what the unbelievers did first was to destroy the cemeteries of Muslims, getting rid of them so that they cannot be seen. Unfortunately, our people were not different from them. We are living with real unbelievers in Cyprus. They ask, "Where did you come from?" "There are thousands of graves of our ancestors and martyrs." "Well, where are they?" "We destroyed them." "You destroyed them, so they must not have existed. You must be lying. You were an unbeliever like us. They made you Muslim by force. You don't have ancestors," they claim. Shukr Allāh, we are saved from this treachery.
In shā’a Llāh, from now on may Allāh forgive us and may we be more careful, Insha Allah. Because what they [our ancestors] did is barakah for us, barakah until Qiyāmah. They worried what unbelievers would say when they opened the mosque. It was already a mosque with four minarets for several hundred years. It was bought and made into a mosque. You talk like an unbeliever when you question this. May Allāh protect us; your end will be like theirs. Therefore, where does this barakah come from? It comes from these waqfs, from helping and protecting them. Allāh gives barakah for it. He protects us.
There is a big trouble all over the world now. They don't know what to do about it. With Allāh's permission, a curse of our Sulṭān is taken off us. Insha Allah there will be goodness for Islām. May the curse go to the
enemies of Islām. Because they are not using their minds. You should say , may Allah protect everyone but we cannot tolerate Allāh's enemies. their minds. Because they are coming against Allāh, they start a war against Allāh. They want people to enter in shoes and not pray there, not say Allāh's name there. Allāh has given their punishment. We won't interfere. We ask that Allāh lift this trouble from all of us. And may He give it to those who deserve it, not to those who respect Islām, obey, and love Allah. May it go to those who swear at Allāh, who don’t obey and ignore Allah. Allāh knows. Allāh is powerful over everything. He knows whom to hit. May Allāh .protect us, Insha Allah. Alhamdulilah we are today in this ten days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, holy blessed days. Today Friday, it is feast of Muslims. Allāh give Friday. Next Friday two feasts, one Jum‘ah, one Īdu l-Aḍḥá. Alhamdulilah, I say today also we have two feasts, Jum‘ah and feast of happiness for whole Muslim world. Not only in Turkey, in Istanbul, whole Muslim world they are celebrating, they are happy with this feast for Jum‘ah and opening this holy mosque after 86 years forbidden to pray, to say "Allāh" in this mosque, which it is bought by Sulṭān, Conqueror Muḥammad al-Fātiḥ.
When he conquerred Istanbul, this mosque it was in terrible condition. Crusaders they were destroying, because they was Catholic, and Istanbul people they was Orthodox and they was fighting together. And the Catholic was oppressing Orthodox and destroying all this. Before mosque, it was church but hundred year they no, nobody was using. By [him]self Sulṭān Muḥammad Fātiḥ saying this, he can take it without giving anything. Because he is conqueror he can take anything he wants. But from his wisdom and mercy, he give, he ask for this monks of Orthodox to sell this.
And they was happy to sell and there is document for what he is buying. And he buy and restore and make it mosque. It was charity, and charity for, until Qiyāmah. He was saying and explaining, cursing anybody using this mosque for anything else except mosque... And to change anything to... He was making big will. He was cursing if anything, any small thing changing.
So this people from pressure from Europe, because there was Ottoman finish, they are pressured from Europe and this non-believer world – they close it. But they cannot close, they change it to museum. And since that time, curse of Sulṭān Muḥammad Fātiḥ was coming on this country and this people. If you are doing or not doing – but it will be not good for people. So, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, today Allāh make naṣīb for this president and to open this. It is not joke, not small thing to do this. Many president, many prime minister they was saying, "We will open." After you see – no. Because it is, they afraid, because whole dark power in the world against this, against Islam. And this is also for, it is like challenge for non-believer.
So Alhamdulilah, today we are happy, whole Islām world happy with this occasion, opening, and this cursing, Insha Allah, will be away from us. And we need to avoid cursing, especially in these days which it is whole world they don't know what to do. They have big problem and, from very small enemy Allāh sent for them, they destroy whole system, whole world, everything in this world. And it is very small. So, you must be, avoid to do thing against Allāh. To give everything right for everything. Because charity it is very important. This is Sulṭān but there is thousand of thing, charity, they take, they destroy. And people they thought, "When we take this, we are... Oh this waqf, charity property, you can use. Nobody looking. You can take, nobody asking." But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He is seeing and He is asking and punishing.
So we are in this time, we hope Allāh take this punishment from Islām world, and punishing who is against Him, fighting against Allāh, against Islām, to destroy them. With very small thing, because Islām world they cannot fight with people with this. But Allāh save whole humanity," but humanity can change. Before was saying – "Allāh He they are fighting with Allāh, so we are not responsible for them. Allāh if He wanting punishing them or not punishing them, He can do what He want. But we asking for Islām world, to take this bad thing from us for sake of Prophet, sake of Salāṭīn, Mu’minīn, Awliyā’, Mashāyikh and to be safe, Insha Allah. Allāh give hidāyah for people. if they not coming to hidāyah, still
insist for fighting, Allāh punish them. Allāh make our belief stronger and don't be with oppressor people. This is right of Islām, and don't say, for political thing, this is not from Islām, not from us... It is, from Islām and it was like this, Insha Allah, until Qiyāmah. After this it will be like this, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created people on different levels. The highest level belongs to the prophets. All prophets are on the highest level among people. Allāh protected them from sin. They are innocent. Innocent meaning Allāh doesn't let them make a sin. After them come ṣaḥābah, awliyā’ and mashāyikh, mu’mins. They come in levels like this.
What is important here is that prophets have levels too. There are Ūlū l- ‘Azm who are on the highest level of them. There are 124,000 prophets, we say ‘alayhimu s-salām. How did prophecy come to them? To some Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām came bringing revelation. And there are many prophets who did not have any revelation sent to them. How did they receive orders? They had dreams. And as they were prophets, their dreams were true. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave orders to them through their dreams. And based on the dreams, they shared the message with their people. And our situation now with Islām, our Prophet had thousands of revelations through Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām. For 23 years continuously Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām came to our Prophet and gave him messages. Therefore, it was not through a dream but directly by revelation.
The reason we are saying this is that many people among us say, "I saw this in a dream. That happened. We should do so and so." You cannot act based on a dream. Only prophets act based on their dreams. They see them as their order and sharī‘ah. If everyone acts based on their dreams,
things will get confusing because they do not know what is truth, what is imagination, and what is influence. They don't know this. Say, "Shukr Allāh I had a good dream. This dream, in shā’a Llāh, will be the means for good openings and we will be protected from evil." You should interpret it like this and be content. "I saw such a dream. Such and such order came through it. I should do like that. I should go there and there." No need to think like this. Because if everyone acts based on their dreams, they will leave sharī‘ah and religion. Because it is just a dream.
People often see nonsense things, useless things in their dreams. You should not follow them and lose your way. And if an inspiration comes, you should look at the inspiration. Many people get inspiration from their egos. They don't succeed in what they do. Then they regret doing it. Everything is clear anyway.
Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said, "Ad-dīnu bayyin." Everything is clear. But there are doubtful things. They are a few. We should beware of them. So these people at the end of times are living in imagination. They mix their imagination with religion. Therefore, do not act based on your dream. No need to do something according to your dream. Do what you are ordered. That is enough. No need to do more as well. If you carry out Allāh's orders – you make ṣalāh, pay zakāh, go to ḥajj if you can, do these things, the rest, other than dhikr and practices of ṭarīqah, no need to do more. If you do these, you are certainly a beloved servant of Allāh.
May Allāh let people see the truth. We should be thankful to Allāh for the things we are given, first of all īmān. We should make shukr for īmān. No need to run after other things and other people. Because Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla says in Qur’ān if you run after people, they will mislead you. "This man is like this, let's follow him. This man knows so much..." While saying this, you will have lost your way. Be steadfast on the way of Allāh. You will be in profit in the end. May Allāh make all of us firm, Insha Allah.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla create whole human being and He make it level[s]
for human being. We are, there was theory of, doctrine of Communist – everybody must be same. And they try. They try. Even in this system there was one up, one down, one... Not all level same because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla create people [on different] level[s]. Some of them, they have ability to rule people. Some of them ability to do work. Some of them to be soldier. Some of them to be doctor. This is level. Allāh make level for people to... Life it must be like this, somebody must help each other. Doctor cannot be butcher, cannot be, he need butcher. Other also, everybody need somebody else. So, they must be happy with their profession, job. Because this life, like this.
But our important thing – human being Allāh create them in level. The most highest level they are prophets. Allāh create, send for human being, from Sayyidunā Ādam ‘alayhi s- salām until our Prophet Muḥammad ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, 124.000 prophets. This is the highest in between human being. They are the highest level of human being. And many, even in prophets also there is level. The highest level of course – Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, Sayyidunā Muḥammad and Ūlī l- ‘Azm, and [then] less and less. And they was... Allāh send them message for Book for human being. To teach human being, there is many heavenly Message, Books, sent Holy Books, sent for many of prophets. And this was coming by Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām or other angel – by seeing.
And there was prophets also whose level less; some of them maybe once in their life they see angel coming for them to give message. Even there was, they don't have seeing angel also, only by dream. Many of prophets, Allāh sent them message by dream. Here important thing for dream, dream of prophets not like other people's dream – special dream, shayṭān cannot interfere or give order or to say anything. In dream it is purely, coming clearly and purely, coming for them order from Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla what to do, what, how to be with people, how to – instruction Allāh give them in dream. So they was following dream, and make hidāyah for people to follow them. But for common people, a dream, especially for, after Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, because Prophet thousands of times Sayyidunā Jibrīl coming for Prophet and order coming. So it was no need for dream for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam – directly
coming with Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām.
After, real believer or awliyā’u Llāh or ṣaḥābah they was seeing dream, real dream, but also, not giving sharī‘ah and what we must do. For this we are saying many people they are dreaming and they following their dream. "I have been ordered in dream to do this, or to do that, or to not do this." There is many people they are thinking it is order from Allāh. But there is rule in Islām, don't do anything according dream.
So, when you dream, only you can say good tiding for good thing: "Oh I see this dream, I see awliyā’u Llāh, I see, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, I see..." All this the most highest dream to see Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. It is enough. No need to say, to do this, to do that. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam he teach us, saying what you will do. No need for you to say: "In dream Prophet say, tell me this, to do this." Only, you be thank for Allāh, you see Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam or you see Mashāyikh. This is good. But now not obligatory to do what instruction in dream.
So this is, many people they are living in dream every time. "I see this, I saw that." No, it is good to see dream of course, but not to follow if it is against Sharī‘ah, against human being, against nature, you mustn't follow this. If other it's okay you can be happy. It is blessed to see Mashāyikh, to see relative. All this good. Maybe sometimes you see relative they pass away, they are not happy. This meaning they want you to read for them to take this heaviness from them. But other, to do wrong thing according dream – don't do this.
Allāh make us to be see reality, Insha Allah, every time, not to follow dreams.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
109.YOU ONLY CHEAT YOURSELF Monday, 27 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. People don't like to be cheated. When someone is cheated, he gets angry when he realizes it. He gets angry and cross with that person saying, "He cheated and lied to me." But people mostly cheat themselves. They harm themselves. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n "Yukhādi‘ūna Llāha wa-huwa khādi‘uhum wa-idhā qāmū ilá ṣ-ṣalati qāmū kusālá yurā’ūna n-nāsa" (4:142), "wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum" (2:9). They want to cheat Allāh. But Allāh is not in need of anything from you. Neither your worship, nor your right or wrong deeds, nothing affects Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Only you lose. If you want to cheat Allāh, it is said in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n, you will have cheated yourself.
If they get up for prayer, they do so lazily – that is if they pray. Back then who did pray they were some hypocrites. Now it's worse. People forget Allāh and don't accept Him. Allāh doesn't need them. "Yurā’ūna n-nās" (4:142). They are doing things only to look good in the eyes of people. But "wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum wa-mā yash‘urūn" (2:9). They are cheating themselves. They are not aware of it. They think they are smart cheating Allāh cheating people. Whereas their egos are harming themselves. When a man gets wholly cheated, he gets harmed of course. He gets harmed either materially or morally. And he does this harm to himself. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla can't be cheated.
Who think they cheat Him they cheat themselves. They are idiots. No
matter what wealth, what rank, what education they have got, it will be of no use. They will have cheated themselves.
May Allāh protect us from the evil of our egos. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created mankind in such a way that everything is a lesson. They should learn from everything. They should learn conduct and good manners so that their actions do not cause harm to themselves. At least they won't do useless things. Who knows the truth, will not even bother thinking about cheating Allāh and people. The harm comes to ourself.
Even if he harms others, the biggest harm will go to him. May Allāh protect us. May Allāh not separate us from the right way. May He show guidance to people because in this time the majority of people are like this. They think they are fooling others, that they are cunning in all aspects. While trying to cheat, they have mainly cheated themselves in worldly matters as well. They lose and fail in the eyes of others. And the biggest harm is to themselves. May Allāh protect us.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla when want something for people, He want good thing. But people they like to be, have something they thought they are doing good, they will be win something, they try to cheat people. But at the end this, they cheat themself. Especially they want to cheat Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. In Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n Allāh tells us because He create us, He know what we are. "Yukhādi‘ūna Llāha wa-huwa khādi‘uhum wa-idhā qāmū ilá ṣ- ṣalati qāmū kusālá yurā’ūna n-nās" (4:142), "wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum" (2:9). Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh- Sha’n Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, they want to cheat Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla. And when they are going for praying, they are going laz
ophet, in shā’a Llāh. When Sūrah of, Sūratu n-Naṣr. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem: "Idhā jā’a naṣru Llāhi wa-l- fatḥ, wa-ra’ayta n-nāsa yadkhulūna fī dīni Llāhi afwāja, fa-sabbiḥ bi-ḥamdi rabbika wa- staghfirhu, innahu kāna tawwāba" (110:1-3). This, this is a Sūrah, good tiding for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, for opening door of Islām for whole people – "and you will see people coming to Islām, gathering many people from everywhere it will be come to Islām." Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam was sad and he was little crying. Ṣaḥābah, companions, asking, "Why you are sad, this is good tiding Allāh saying?" Because Prophet
ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam when he ten years, only forty people was around him. And when go in Madīnah and thousand of people coming to Islām, hundred people coming, two hundred, five hundred coming, taking bay‘ah and asking from Prophet. This Sūrah was asking and he said because "in the end of time it will be time people going out from Islām like this, thousands people, millions people, going out from Islām. For this I am crying." And Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying. It is our days – we are nearly more, nearly two billion Muslims in the world but they are no any value for them. And Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, "You will be like a wave, type of wave of sea when going like this big, after finish – nothing [foam]." It will be like this – you are many people, but you don't have any value. Value with, to be with Allāh, with Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam. And these days we are having nearly two billions and in whole this world there very less than Muslim there is people they have respected [respect]. But for Islām, they are like toy.
They are doing everything for [to] them, nothing happen. Why? Because, as Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, we don't have real Islām, real belief. But it must be like this, end of time, for Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām to come. But what we... who is... Very few people they are following Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. These people they have value and they have respected [respect], in shā’a Llāh. From time of Prophet coming less and less and fitnah growing everywhere, but nothing comparing to this time, our time what happened. But it is every after, every difficult, it will be opening.
Allāh, "Fa-inna ma‘a l-‘usri yusra, inna ma‘al-‘usri yusra" (94:5-6). We are living difficult time, our time difficult. But we don't... we are not hopeless. We are believer and we are believe after this it will be happiness and it will be, in shā’a Llāh, whole world it will be finish all this fitnah. Coming peace with Sayyidunā Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām.
Allāh make it easy for people. We are passing period, difficult period, but who is with Allāh, Allāh He is with him. The worst thing, hopeless. For this Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, "Lā taqnaṭū" (39:53) – "Don't be
hopeless." You are with One who is, everything He in His Hand. Everything in His Hand, and no nothing affect Him, nothing changing Him. Our heart it must be with Him, as Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam saying, "Yā Muqalliba l-Qulūb, thabbit qalbanā ‘alá ṭā‘atik." "O Who Changing Heart, let our heart to be with You جل جالله. Don't change my heart," Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying. And Ṣahābah, companion, asking, "Why O Prophet, you are the one, the Beloved one, of course Allāh He has promised for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam nothing will be, but Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam mercy for us, he teach us what he, to be survive, to be safe.
He said this is heart in two fingers of Allah He can changing any time. So we are doing this du‘ā’ imitating Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam.
So, Insha Allah, our heart it will be with truth, with Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, not changing to anywhere. If it's like this nothing affect you, not make you hopeless. Allāh keep our heart with Him, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
106.NO ḤAJJ THIS YEAR Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Tomorrow, Insha Allah, and tonight starts a new month, Dhū l-Ḥijjah. We congratulate our brothers on this occasion. May it be good and blessed. What Allāh told us, of course, what our Prophet informed us is happening slowly. Therefore, no need to worry and fear. Everything will be as Allāh wants it to be. This is a strange year. So strange that there is no Ḥajj. No one is accepted for Ḥajj and no one can go to Ḥajj. Only a few people... It is different to go spiritually. But physically only few people will go to Ḥajj.
It is a holy month, Dhū l-Ḥijjah. The ten days and ten nights before ‘Īd are very holy. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla swore by them. Sūratu l-Fajr: "Wa-l-fajr, wa-layālin ‘ashr" (89:1-2). As they are valuable, they are sworn by. Fajr is the morning prayer and it is a valuable time too. For us to know their value Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is reminding us by mentioning them in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n. Whoever wants can fast nine days. Who cannot, can fast at least on the eighth and ninth of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. The eighth is Yawmu t- Tarwiyah which is the day before Yawmu ‘Arafah. And if you can't fast then, fast on the Day of ‘Arafah. This time it falls on Thursday. And ‘Īd is on Friday. There are going to be two feasts. That is why, sometimes they say "no wedding between the two feasts." Its wisdom is about ‘Īd coming on Friday. There is a khuṭbah in the morning and another khuṭbah in the afternoon. There is no time to wed between them. We should explain that, using this occasion, because most people think no marriage is allowed for about two and half months. Some even consider it as ḥarām. However,
that is another matter.
This time it comes on Friday, ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. Insha Allah, there will be two khuṭbahs. And on the Day of ‘Arafah, the more good you do during these days, the more Allāh will reward you. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla knows the amount. We are approaching holy days. These days are what our souls need. They are food for our souls. Lucky are the people who know their value. And may Allāh inform those who don't know, Insha Allah, so that they take benefit from their beauty. May Allāh let us reach more feasts, Insha Allah. The coming ‘Īd will be a relief and Islām will spread everywhere, in shā’a Llāh. We will make feast with Mahdī ‘alayhi s- salām, Insha Allah. We hope so.
Alhamdulilah we are reaching tonight Dhū l-Ḥijjah, month of pilgrimage, very holy month. There is many thing in this month Allāh make us for Muslim, most important one of obligatory after praying, fasting, zakāh – Ḥajj, pilgrimage in this month. And to slaughter also in this month. So it is very blessed month and it is the last month of moon calendar, it is twelfth. Next month Muḥarram, first of new year. So, al-ḥamdu liLlāh and Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla make it very special. He... In Qur’ān there is sūrah Allāh swore on these ten nights. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Wa-l- fajr, wa-layālin ‘ashr" (89:1-2). The Fajr meaning morning praying and ten days, ten nights, nights of Dhū l-Ḥijjah if we count from now until first of qurbān day, ‘Īd. Nine days, but it is because from night – ten nights it will be. So, can fast nine days if they like, everybody. And even cannot be – because it is not like Ramaḍān. Ramaḍān everybody fasting and don't feel and nighttime you have tarāwīḥ and other thing. It is more easy. Now it's more difficult. If cannot [fast] nine days, maybe two days – eight and nine of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah where it is before Yawmu ‘Arafah, and ‘Arafah day you can fast. If not, only one day also it is very reward by Allāh. Yawmu ‘Arafah it is real blessed day, the most blessed day in year. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah it is blessed but Yawmu ‘Arafah it is more blessed for mu’min. So don't miss this day and there is, you can make charity. Especially we must read thousand Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, in Yawmu ‘Arafah.
Allāh make it, Insha Allah, this year it was real weird – what they said in English – because this month, month of Ḥajj, pilgrimage, but no Ḥajj this year. No war, nothing, but war from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla on humanity, I think, to become, to come back for Allāh, to remember Allāh. For this, even Ḥajj, Allāh not allow this year for people to make Ḥajj. Million of people they was intending to go Ḥajj but no. When Allāh wants something you cannot go in front of this. So it is year... Don't worry everything what Allāh want it is going according His will, and His will, Insha Allah, with mu’min.
Maybe, Insha Allah, next year more better, more happy. Whole world, Insha Allah, be Islām with Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. We hope this. So no need to be sad or to be... This is from His will, and we are accepting His will. And the most important – to be with Him, to know this. After this, don't worry.
And thank you for our brothers in everywhere, in Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Africa, Europe, America. Whole world we are make mubārak, Insha Allah. This year this, Allāh reward you as [if] you are in Ḥajj and give you, supporting you and supporting your children to be safe from shayṭān and his follower and every bad thing. Allāh give khayr, Insha Allah, for all. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
107.OPENING THE AYASOFYA Friday, 24 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. We are living in blessed days, shukr Allāh. And today is the day of Jum‘ah, a festival, bayram. There are two festivals next week, Jum‘ah and ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. Today as well, shukr Allāh, we have two festivals. What is the second festival? The will of the Sulṭān, who is praised in Islām and by our Prophet, returned to its place now. Because his will was ignored... He bought the mosque with his own money and his property that he paid to the People of the Book, when he could have just taken it by conquest. But he could foresee, and by the light of his faith, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla showed him the future. He made it his own property and turned it into a waqf, a charitable donation. He made it waqf until Qiyāmah.
And for nearly ninety years now, that will has been ignored and all kinds of people were allowed to enter it – the only thing not allowed were prayers. That is why we are saying, there was a curse of the Sulṭān on it and, Insha Allah, that curse has been lifted from us. It will be a means to goodness. This is the way it is. Not just for the entire mosque, but even there is a curse for one stone of it [being misused] and it turns out bad for people. That's why, shukr Allāh, a huge mosque is open now. Today is a festival, a festival for all the Islāmic world, not just in Turkey or Istanbul. Muslims all over the world have a happy day today, a festival. We have a festival a week before the ‘Īd. Two holidays – both Jum‘ah and the opening of the mosque for praying.
As we said, more important than the opening of the mosque for praying,
is the will of the Sulṭān. The Sulṭān is also Allāh's servant. But whether he is Sulṭān or someone else, he made it a waqf, a will, a bequest. So it has to be as it was endowed until Qiyāmah. They are not doing this. Most waqfs are used for useless purposes and some for wrong things. According to the intention of the person, Allāh rewards him until Qiyāmah. But those who misuse it will be punished. They should not think they will benefit. They are just drowning in troubles. They won't know how to rescue themselves and will wonder how they ended up like that. You have profited in a ḥarām way, profiting from a waqf. That is a difficult matter, not an easy one.
Therefore, may Allāh be pleased with our ancestors, they left waqfs everywhere around. Those waqfs are like the works of Islām everywhere. Therefore, what the unbelievers did first was to destroy the cemeteries of Muslims, getting rid of them so that they cannot be seen. Unfortunately, our people were not different from them. We are living with real unbelievers in Cyprus. They ask, "Where did you come from?" "There are thousands of graves of our ancestors and martyrs." "Well, where are they?" "We destroyed them." "You destroyed them, so they must not have existed. You must be lying. You were an unbeliever like us. They made you Muslim by force. You don't have ancestors," they claim. Shukr Allāh, we are saved from this treachery.
In shā’a Llāh, from now on may Allāh forgive us and may we be more careful, Insha Allah. Because what they [our ancestors] did is barakah for us, barakah until Qiyāmah. They worried what unbelievers would say when they opened the mosque. It was already a mosque with four minarets for several hundred years. It was bought and made into a mosque. You talk like an unbeliever when you question this. May Allāh protect us; your end will be like theirs. Therefore, where does this barakah come from? It comes from these waqfs, from helping and protecting them. Allāh gives barakah for it. He protects us.
There is a big trouble all over the world now. They don't know what to do about it. With Allāh's permission, a curse of our Sulṭān is taken off us. Insha Allah there will be goodness for Islām. May the curse go to the
enemies of Islām. Because they are not using their minds. You should say , may Allah protect everyone but we cannot tolerate Allāh's enemies. their minds. Because they are coming against Allāh, they start a war against Allāh. They want people to enter in shoes and not pray there, not say Allāh's name there. Allāh has given their punishment. We won't interfere. We ask that Allāh lift this trouble from all of us. And may He give it to those who deserve it, not to those who respect Islām, obey, and love Allah. May it go to those who swear at Allāh, who don’t obey and ignore Allah. Allāh knows. Allāh is powerful over everything. He knows whom to hit. May Allāh .protect us, Insha Allah. Alhamdulilah we are today in this ten days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, holy blessed days. Today Friday, it is feast of Muslims. Allāh give Friday. Next Friday two feasts, one Jum‘ah, one Īdu l-Aḍḥá. Alhamdulilah, I say today also we have two feasts, Jum‘ah and feast of happiness for whole Muslim world. Not only in Turkey, in Istanbul, whole Muslim world they are celebrating, they are happy with this feast for Jum‘ah and opening this holy mosque after 86 years forbidden to pray, to say "Allāh" in this mosque, which it is bought by Sulṭān, Conqueror Muḥammad al-Fātiḥ.
When he conquerred Istanbul, this mosque it was in terrible condition. Crusaders they were destroying, because they was Catholic, and Istanbul people they was Orthodox and they was fighting together. And the Catholic was oppressing Orthodox and destroying all this. Before mosque, it was church but hundred year they no, nobody was using. By [him]self Sulṭān Muḥammad Fātiḥ saying this, he can take it without giving anything. Because he is conqueror he can take anything he wants. But from his wisdom and mercy, he give, he ask for this monks of Orthodox to sell this.
And they was happy to sell and there is document for what he is buying. And he buy and restore and make it mosque. It was charity, and charity for, until Qiyāmah. He was saying and explaining, cursing anybody using this mosque for anything else except mosque... And to change anything to... He was making big will. He was cursing if anything, any small thing changing.
So this people from pressure from Europe, because there was Ottoman finish, they are pressured from Europe and this non-believer world – they close it. But they cannot close, they change it to museum. And since that time, curse of Sulṭān Muḥammad Fātiḥ was coming on this country and this people. If you are doing or not doing – but it will be not good for people. So, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, today Allāh make naṣīb for this president and to open this. It is not joke, not small thing to do this. Many president, many prime minister they was saying, "We will open." After you see – no. Because it is, they afraid, because whole dark power in the world against this, against Islam. And this is also for, it is like challenge for non-believer.
So Alhamdulilah, today we are happy, whole Islām world happy with this occasion, opening, and this cursing, Insha Allah, will be away from us. And we need to avoid cursing, especially in these days which it is whole world they don't know what to do. They have big problem and, from very small enemy Allāh sent for them, they destroy whole system, whole world, everything in this world. And it is very small. So, you must be, avoid to do thing against Allāh. To give everything right for everything. Because charity it is very important. This is Sulṭān but there is thousand of thing, charity, they take, they destroy. And people they thought, "When we take this, we are... Oh this waqf, charity property, you can use. Nobody looking. You can take, nobody asking." But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He is seeing and He is asking and punishing.
So we are in this time, we hope Allāh take this punishment from Islām world, and punishing who is against Him, fighting against Allāh, against Islām, to destroy them. With very small thing, because Islām world they cannot fight with people with this. But Allāh save whole humanity," but humanity can change. Before was saying – "Allāh He they are fighting with Allāh, so we are not responsible for them. Allāh if He wanting punishing them or not punishing them, He can do what He want. But we asking for Islām world, to take this bad thing from us for sake of Prophet, sake of Salāṭīn, Mu’minīn, Awliyā’, Mashāyikh and to be safe, Insha Allah. Allāh give hidāyah for people. if they not coming to hidāyah, still
insist for fighting, Allāh punish them. Allāh make our belief stronger and don't be with oppressor people. This is right of Islām, and don't say, for political thing, this is not from Islām, not from us... It is, from Islām and it was like this, Insha Allah, until Qiyāmah. After this it will be like this, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created people on different levels. The highest level belongs to the prophets. All prophets are on the highest level among people. Allāh protected them from sin. They are innocent. Innocent meaning Allāh doesn't let them make a sin. After them come ṣaḥābah, awliyā’ and mashāyikh, mu’mins. They come in levels like this.
What is important here is that prophets have levels too. There are Ūlū l- ‘Azm who are on the highest level of them. There are 124,000 prophets, we say ‘alayhimu s-salām. How did prophecy come to them? To some Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām came bringing revelation. And there are many prophets who did not have any revelation sent to them. How did they receive orders? They had dreams. And as they were prophets, their dreams were true. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gave orders to them through their dreams. And based on the dreams, they shared the message with their people. And our situation now with Islām, our Prophet had thousands of revelations through Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām. For 23 years continuously Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām came to our Prophet and gave him messages. Therefore, it was not through a dream but directly by revelation.
The reason we are saying this is that many people among us say, "I saw this in a dream. That happened. We should do so and so." You cannot act based on a dream. Only prophets act based on their dreams. They see them as their order and sharī‘ah. If everyone acts based on their dreams,
things will get confusing because they do not know what is truth, what is imagination, and what is influence. They don't know this. Say, "Shukr Allāh I had a good dream. This dream, in shā’a Llāh, will be the means for good openings and we will be protected from evil." You should interpret it like this and be content. "I saw such a dream. Such and such order came through it. I should do like that. I should go there and there." No need to think like this. Because if everyone acts based on their dreams, they will leave sharī‘ah and religion. Because it is just a dream.
People often see nonsense things, useless things in their dreams. You should not follow them and lose your way. And if an inspiration comes, you should look at the inspiration. Many people get inspiration from their egos. They don't succeed in what they do. Then they regret doing it. Everything is clear anyway.
Our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam said, "Ad-dīnu bayyin." Everything is clear. But there are doubtful things. They are a few. We should beware of them. So these people at the end of times are living in imagination. They mix their imagination with religion. Therefore, do not act based on your dream. No need to do something according to your dream. Do what you are ordered. That is enough. No need to do more as well. If you carry out Allāh's orders – you make ṣalāh, pay zakāh, go to ḥajj if you can, do these things, the rest, other than dhikr and practices of ṭarīqah, no need to do more. If you do these, you are certainly a beloved servant of Allāh.
May Allāh let people see the truth. We should be thankful to Allāh for the things we are given, first of all īmān. We should make shukr for īmān. No need to run after other things and other people. Because Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla says in Qur’ān if you run after people, they will mislead you. "This man is like this, let's follow him. This man knows so much..." While saying this, you will have lost your way. Be steadfast on the way of Allāh. You will be in profit in the end. May Allāh make all of us firm, Insha Allah.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla create whole human being and He make it level[s]
for human being. We are, there was theory of, doctrine of Communist – everybody must be same. And they try. They try. Even in this system there was one up, one down, one... Not all level same because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla create people [on different] level[s]. Some of them, they have ability to rule people. Some of them ability to do work. Some of them to be soldier. Some of them to be doctor. This is level. Allāh make level for people to... Life it must be like this, somebody must help each other. Doctor cannot be butcher, cannot be, he need butcher. Other also, everybody need somebody else. So, they must be happy with their profession, job. Because this life, like this.
But our important thing – human being Allāh create them in level. The most highest level they are prophets. Allāh create, send for human being, from Sayyidunā Ādam ‘alayhi s- salām until our Prophet Muḥammad ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, 124.000 prophets. This is the highest in between human being. They are the highest level of human being. And many, even in prophets also there is level. The highest level of course – Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, Sayyidunā Muḥammad and Ūlī l- ‘Azm, and [then] less and less. And they was... Allāh send them message for Book for human being. To teach human being, there is many heavenly Message, Books, sent Holy Books, sent for many of prophets. And this was coming by Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām or other angel – by seeing.
And there was prophets also whose level less; some of them maybe once in their life they see angel coming for them to give message. Even there was, they don't have seeing angel also, only by dream. Many of prophets, Allāh sent them message by dream. Here important thing for dream, dream of prophets not like other people's dream – special dream, shayṭān cannot interfere or give order or to say anything. In dream it is purely, coming clearly and purely, coming for them order from Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla what to do, what, how to be with people, how to – instruction Allāh give them in dream. So they was following dream, and make hidāyah for people to follow them. But for common people, a dream, especially for, after Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, because Prophet thousands of times Sayyidunā Jibrīl coming for Prophet and order coming. So it was no need for dream for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam – directly
coming with Jibrīl ‘alayhi s-salām.
After, real believer or awliyā’u Llāh or ṣaḥābah they was seeing dream, real dream, but also, not giving sharī‘ah and what we must do. For this we are saying many people they are dreaming and they following their dream. "I have been ordered in dream to do this, or to do that, or to not do this." There is many people they are thinking it is order from Allāh. But there is rule in Islām, don't do anything according dream.
So, when you dream, only you can say good tiding for good thing: "Oh I see this dream, I see awliyā’u Llāh, I see, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, I see..." All this the most highest dream to see Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam. It is enough. No need to say, to do this, to do that. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam he teach us, saying what you will do. No need for you to say: "In dream Prophet say, tell me this, to do this." Only, you be thank for Allāh, you see Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam or you see Mashāyikh. This is good. But now not obligatory to do what instruction in dream.
So this is, many people they are living in dream every time. "I see this, I saw that." No, it is good to see dream of course, but not to follow if it is against Sharī‘ah, against human being, against nature, you mustn't follow this. If other it's okay you can be happy. It is blessed to see Mashāyikh, to see relative. All this good. Maybe sometimes you see relative they pass away, they are not happy. This meaning they want you to read for them to take this heaviness from them. But other, to do wrong thing according dream – don't do this.
Allāh make us to be see reality, Insha Allah, every time, not to follow dreams.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
109.YOU ONLY CHEAT YOURSELF Monday, 27 July 2020
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya. People don't like to be cheated. When someone is cheated, he gets angry when he realizes it. He gets angry and cross with that person saying, "He cheated and lied to me." But people mostly cheat themselves. They harm themselves. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n "Yukhādi‘ūna Llāha wa-huwa khādi‘uhum wa-idhā qāmū ilá ṣ-ṣalati qāmū kusālá yurā’ūna n-nāsa" (4:142), "wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum" (2:9). They want to cheat Allāh. But Allāh is not in need of anything from you. Neither your worship, nor your right or wrong deeds, nothing affects Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Only you lose. If you want to cheat Allāh, it is said in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n, you will have cheated yourself.
If they get up for prayer, they do so lazily – that is if they pray. Back then who did pray they were some hypocrites. Now it's worse. People forget Allāh and don't accept Him. Allāh doesn't need them. "Yurā’ūna n-nās" (4:142). They are doing things only to look good in the eyes of people. But "wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum wa-mā yash‘urūn" (2:9). They are cheating themselves. They are not aware of it. They think they are smart cheating Allāh cheating people. Whereas their egos are harming themselves. When a man gets wholly cheated, he gets harmed of course. He gets harmed either materially or morally. And he does this harm to himself. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla can't be cheated.
Who think they cheat Him they cheat themselves. They are idiots. No
matter what wealth, what rank, what education they have got, it will be of no use. They will have cheated themselves.
May Allāh protect us from the evil of our egos. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created mankind in such a way that everything is a lesson. They should learn from everything. They should learn conduct and good manners so that their actions do not cause harm to themselves. At least they won't do useless things. Who knows the truth, will not even bother thinking about cheating Allāh and people. The harm comes to ourself.
Even if he harms others, the biggest harm will go to him. May Allāh protect us. May Allāh not separate us from the right way. May He show guidance to people because in this time the majority of people are like this. They think they are fooling others, that they are cunning in all aspects. While trying to cheat, they have mainly cheated themselves in worldly matters as well. They lose and fail in the eyes of others. And the biggest harm is to themselves. May Allāh protect us.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla when want something for people, He want good thing. But people they like to be, have something they thought they are doing good, they will be win something, they try to cheat people. But at the end this, they cheat themself. Especially they want to cheat Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. In Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n Allāh tells us because He create us, He know what we are. "Yukhādi‘ūna Llāha wa-huwa khādi‘uhum wa-idhā qāmū ilá ṣ- ṣalati qāmū kusālá yurā’ūna n-nās" (4:142), "wa-mā yakhda‘ūna illā anfusahum" (2:9). Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh- Sha’n Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, they want to cheat Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla. And when they are going for praying, they are going laz