313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 5/120)
s that beast they are not doing that. It is not Islam, they are not Islam, no! Their final station should be Hells. Allah (is) never ordering people to do harming, to harm anything. That is Islamřs principle that can save whole people - if they are listening: Donřt harm yourself or anyone around yourself. Even someone (is) harming you, donřt harm him! Leave to be beast that person! Islam (is) never accepting to be his followers beasts! ŘMajaninř; people now they are like no mind people, crazy ones, fools, idiot ones that they are in need to be put into mental-houses. Mental-houses they are in need (of)! Therefore they are fearing from Islam, because Islam (is) coming with (the) sword now! Full sword! Always they are, Non-Muslims they are not accepting (that) Islam (is) coming with (a) sword. Yes, Islam just came by sword, because so many beasts must be killed! But now Islam (is) standing in its station and (it is) looking, what Shaitan (is) doing on Non-Muslims. Every trouble (is) coming from Non-Muslims. Islam (is) so pure, so sweet, so wonderful! (It is) taking people from (the) deepest position to (the) highest position. That is Islam. But if (there are) coming dragons, (Islam is also) keeping his sword! Now Islam (is) keeping its sword and (is) leaving those beasts that they are not Muslims, (that they are) burning themselves and killing themselves. Leave them! But it is not a good - oh oh oh... for Muslims to make trouble. Islam (is) preventing trouble-makers. No, never accepting! Trouble-makers must leave communities! You must clean your community from beasts, from dragons, from serpents, from snakes. All of them (are) harming people. Islam (is) never happy to leave such a people. But now Islam (is)... only they are looking and Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖO Muslims, keep your positions and I am going to give punishment for those beasts through themselves.ŗ Through themselves. May Allah forgive us. O people, listen and understand. Understand and keep the way, ways of Paradises, ways of Heavens. We have been created for that! Not to be idiots or not to be fool ones, not to be crazy ones. Islam (is) ordering to its followers: ŖKeep the ways of Heavens. You should reach Ŕ Huuu! Ŕ (the) Mercy of Allah and (His) Blessings, if you are keeping yourself. O people, donřt follow shaitanic ways! Ŗ I am hearing that some young ones after Isha they are running through streets. I am not happy with that, I am not happy. What I am saying (are the) Commands of Heavens. Donřt follow Shaitan and shaitanic ways, you should be happy here and Hereafter. Donřt be enemies to each other. And keep respect for each other and keep what Allah Almighty (is) giving to you from His endless Mercy Oceans. Be
thankful to your Lord and ask His Forgiveness. It is not true for youngsters to go out after Isha. When they are going to be clean Salatu-l Isha, then Shaitan (is) saying: ŖCome and follow me. Come, we are going to enjoy ourselves with young men, young women!ŗ It is not true. If they are insisting, (those) that (are) coming here and (they are) not listening (to the) Holy Commands, I have some... I may use something for them. Then they should be repented. But repenting is no good. O young ones, keep yourself, because Shaitan (is) running after you! Keep your honour and keep your respect (for the) holy Commands of Allah Almighty. And keep Allah Almightyřs Blessings to come on you. If you are not listening, heavenly Blessings (are) leaving you and (there is) coming on you so many bad situations, (that) whole people living on earth canřt reach to you, canřt save you, canřt be able to save (you) from that conditions. O young ones, o young ones! It is honour for you to follow the way of Heavens. But Shaitan (is) so greedy (jealous), asking young ones to fall into fire, to lose their honours in divinely Presence. O ones, who (are) coming from far distance! Shaitan (has) shaitanic places, dirty paces, dirty ones everywhere and this is a clean place and Shaitan (is) always coming to carry away even one of you and making you to follow him. No, keep your honour, keep your honour. There is young boys and girls, coming; yes, it is... I am not preventing, who (is) coming. But you must ask what is heavenly Orders for young ones from children. Ask, what it is Halal and then you may establish your life and you may be people of Paradise. First of all prepare yourself that you can carry (the) responsibility for a marriage. You must know it, then you must ask. If it is okay, (if the) Shariat (is) giving to you a permission, we may do for you a marriage from both sides agreement. If not, you should be unhappy and you should be thrown into fire. May Allah forgive us. I am hearing, what (is) happening. And also sometimes I am seeing and looking what (is) making Shaitan around yourself. I am warning everyone that they should follow heavenly Orders, not satanic ways. You are young ones, clean ones; live cleanly and leave Dunya clean and you should be with clean ones (on) the Day of Resurrection. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah. Fatiha. Sohbet-12 Sohbet after Cuma, Friday, 24.4.09 Believe in the power of Islam! OR: We are following selected ones As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, ahlan wa sahlan. Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, aiduna, ya Rijalallah Sahibu-l Imdad. Maal fukara wa duafa, asbana diara fi sahratin la naliku sharkan aw gharban, shimalan aw dunuban, dullana khaira dalil, ya Rijalallah (?). Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Rabbana, ya Rabbi-ghfir wa-rham wa Anta khairu Rahimin. Ya Latifan, lam tazzal, ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifan lam tazal. Bi lutfika awadtana, ya Rabbi, amin khaufana, ya Rabbi, amin khaufana, fa-fuanna, ya Karim. And we are saying: Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. To speak is so easy; everyone is speaking. I am looking (that) everyone is speaking, but to listen (to) what he is hearing, that is important! That is
important. Therefore I am asking humbly as a weak servant of my Lord Allah Almighty to make me and you Ŗmina-l ladhina yastabiuna kaulan fa tabiuna ahsana Ŗ (?)... wa yakul: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, la haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAdhim. It is a short speech, sohbet, association, because the Imam Shahu Naqshiband, (the) Imam of (the) most high Naqshbandi Order, he was always saying: ŖTariqtuna as-sohba wa khairu fi jamiat.ŗ Therefore, we are following those selected ones. Selected ones, not elected ones! Selection is better than election, but people (are) running after elections and (they are) bringing one (person) dirty more than others. Selection; that selection (is) coming from Heavens, election (is) coming from people. And people now they are following the way of election that that is the way of Shaitan. (It is) shaitanic teachings, election; no power, no honour for them, but selected ones, they have power and honour and heavenly Support. If you are following them, you may reach heavenly Support also. Therefore (the) Prophet was saying pbuh: ŖMa ghaliban min ummati min 12.ooo alf min kullatin (?).ŗ Kalamun adhim; it is a big word that the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws (is) teaching mankind. (He is) teaching mankind and saying: ŖOh people, 12.000 from my Ummah, from my nation, anywhere they are asking to fight for Non-Muslims or unbelievers, they (are) never going to be not victorious. Always (they will be) victorious.ŗ Donřt say that 12.000 of Muřmins (are) going to be winned, no! Because 12.000 people, (even) if (there are) coming on them 12 billion people, (it) doesnřt matter. 12.000 (are) going to destroy them, to make them away, because 12.000 they are holding and making up the Alemu-l Islam, (the) heavenly Flag, (the) holy Flag of Heavens. Allah Almighty (is) never leaving His holy Flag to fall down! But Muslims, where they are? (The) Muslim world, they are asking to eat each other, to kill each other, to destroy each other, because they are following elections. They are not asking selected ones. What you are electing? (People) like you. We are not in need (of) people like ourselves, no. (There) must be someones selected from Heavens and supported from Heavens, (someones that) heavenly Powers (are) coming to them and destroying everything. Donřt worry from their missiles, nuclear-muclear! But we are getting weaker, weaker. Technology (is) frightening Muslims and (the) Muslim World; they are saying: ŖOh, Non-Muslims, they have such-and-such a powers.ŗ Therefore they are trembling. Why? Allah (is) giving to you such a power, (that), if one of (the) weak ones from (the) Ashabu Nawba - those people whom they are looking for (after the) Ummah, not to touch them any Řasař, harm, they are looking - (even) if (there are) coming 7o missiles on a place, they may do like this... finished! Or, before they are making it fire, (they are) taking its heads, nuclear heads; taking and (it is) making bummm... ŖOh, (it is) nothing doing, this (bomb)! What is (happening)?ŗ ŖSomeone stole it.ŗ One Jinn (is) enough to take away (the) whole heads of their nuclear bombs. One Jinn! One Order! No need Awliya. Awliya may change this world from East to West, from North to South! They are not using such a power, but one Jinn may take (the nuclear heads) by an order from their commander in chief from Awliyas, and take all of them from everywhere and let them to fight. When they are making like this, like that... ŖWhat happened?ŗ Believe! Believe in Islam! Believe in His beloved and most honoured glorious Rasul, (the) Prophet for the Lord of Heavens! (Of the) known Heavens and (of the) unknown Heavens, (of the) counted Heavens (and the) countless Heavens! (There is) no any limit for His territory, (the) divinely Territory. No limits, no one (is) knowing (any limit)! Believe in Islam, you should be up. (If you are) not believing, (you) should be under (unbelieversř) feet. And we are coming to a limit that Allah Almighty left unbelievers to move, to move (and) to do something. To do something, and they were thinking that they
are (the) most powerful ones. Most powerful ones? Eh. Ghalatu-l namla, an ant (was) speaking and warning. One ant. What about one Wali, one Saint, one holy one, one beloved one in (the) divinely Presence or (the) holy Presence of Rasulullah sws? What he can do? He can to everything! But Allah Almighty (is) leaving them (the unbelievers) to do everything and to know, to think on something that they may reach that result what we are saying. Allah Almighty (has) endless Power Ocean, endless Power Oceans. That He Almighty (is) saying:ŗI am ordering an ant to inform and warn (the ants in) one valley. One valley, (in) that valley of ants, to take their care, not to reach them any harm from the horses of S.Suleiman - pbuh and upon of our most beloved, most honoured Prophet in (the) divinely Presence. O people, look what heavenly Orders (are) sending you through His Prophets. Follow Prophets, donřt fear. Donřt fear. He may, (the) Almighty may protect you or He may shelter you anywhere, (so that) nothing (is) touching you here or Hereafter. Try to be Muslims, try to understand Islam, try to understand the power of Islam. You must try to learn (about) the power of the Seal of Prophets. The Seal of Prophets, every creature that created... Allah Almighty (is) saying to His beloved one: ŖO My beloved one, o My most glorified servant, o Muhammad. For your honour I am created and creating. Say to your Ummah ŘDonřt fearř, but say to them to follow you. If anyone (is) following you, they should be under shelter. Shelter. Donřt run after Dunya, no, but try to fulfil (the) holy Orders of Heavens to you.ŗ What about if Allah Almighty (is) warning? (He was) warning ants through a huge valley with one weak ant - what about for his believers? Do you think that He is not able to warn and to make them to take their cares to keep themselves against those unbelievers? They are saying Řtoysř- that (the nuclear weapons) is toys. (Allah) may send, not sending one ant (even), but (He) may send a (creature that) those unbelievers (are) saying for some small creatures Řvirusř. Virus. (Allah is) ordering one regiment of virus: ŖReach and make their missiles not to work.ŗ And they may say: ŖWhat happened?ŗ Someone (is) saying: Ŗ(A) virus (was) just entering in it, therefore we canřt do anything!ŗ I am saying: Youmust catch that virus and to put poison on their mouth and kill them (and) you should be in safety. Allah Almighty never needs to use big powers, no, (a) virus (is) enough. One virus may kill from East to West billions of people through three days, through two days, through one day, through one hour, through one minute, through one second. He may kill everything with a very, very, very, very weak virus. May kill and their weapons (are) sleeping there... O people, believe (in) the power of the Seal of Prophets, what he had been granted by his Lord Almighty Allah and trust him. Believe and trust, give your 100 % trust for your beloved Rasul, you should be in safety here and Hereafter, through your graveyard, through the Day of Resurrection and through (the Day of Judgment,) when Allah Almighty (is) calling people for their court cases, to look after what they did or (what they are) not doing. O people, come and listen! Come and obey, (so) that Allah makes you in safety here, through this life, (and) through your graveyard, through the Yaumu-l Mahshar, that He is making His divinely Judgment for His servants. Beware (of) Shaitan; Shaitan (is) asking to carry you, as he should be carried, to Hells. O people, follow Prophets and their ways to Jannatu-l Firdaus. Donřt follow Shaitan, its way is ways toward Hells. May Allah forgive us, may Allah bless you. For the honour of the most honoured
one in His divine Presence. Bi jahihi, ya Rabbi, irhamna, bi jahi man arsalta alayhi Suratu-l Fatiha. As-salamu alaikum!
Sohbet-13 Sohbet after Cuma, Friday,22.5.09 Wake-up! As-salamu alaikum! Jařanan Allahu wa iyakum min asŘhabu jamin wa ... ? baraka alaikum. Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, la haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim O people, mostly our people (are) understanding English, therefore I am asking permission from our Umara, Highness(es). Three Highness(es) min Umara, from (the) Jordan(ian) Kingdom, whom they are (from) the line of the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws. Sharafa wa karam, wajana wa uazzam (?) wa jallala wa jamman...Huuu! From Subuhu-l Amir, his Highness, I am asking permission to address to people a little bit, what is coming to my heart, tadbiu lahum, to wake people up. Wake up, ayyuha-l ghafilun! Everyone (is) heedless... You are not heedless, only I am heedless... Wake up! May Allah forgive us and send His Blessings on His weak servants. We are Muslims, but we are now weakest, (the) weakest ones on earth. For what? Really we must be (the) most powerful ones on earth now, because our supporter is Rasulullah sws and his inheritors, Awliya-ullah. They are looking to ourselves, if we are asking: ŖO our Lordřs beloved ones, o our Lordřs servants, please support us!ŗ But I am sorry that no one from Muslims they are asking a support from the friends of Allah. Awliya-ullah, they are (the) friends of Allah. First they are going to be (the) friends of the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws, then they may be (the) friends of (the) divinely Presence, for Allah Almighty. O people. ŖAl jaza-u min jinsi Řamalŗ. That is an Islamic wisdom, coming from (the) Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, the Ŗbahru-l Řulumŗ, because the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws, (has been) granted, granted from Allah Almightyŗ bahru-l Řulumŗ. ŖBahrŗ for the Seal of Prophets. They are not saying Ŗmuhitŗ; muhit, muhitat, (are) for Allah Almighty, and (there are) endless Ŗmuhitatŗ. ŖMuhitŗ means Oceans, Oceans, but Ŗbahrŗ (means) sea. (The) sea is not like (the) ocean. Oceans they are also (the) Indian Ocean, (the) Atlantic Ocean, and (the) Pacific Ocean. Do you think that Allah Almighty only He has three Oceans? (No), endless Oceans! (There are) countless Oceans for Allah Almighty, Ŗmuhitŗ. You must try to know something for the identity or personality for the Seal of Prophets. If you are not knowing something (about him), you canřt know anything for Allah Almighty. But I am sorry to say that now we are living closer to the Last Day, Yaumu-l Qiyama and it is (from the) signs of (the) Day of Resurrection, Yaumu-l Qiyama, that the Seal of Prophets was informing that: ŖWhen (the) Last Day (is) approaching, people (will be) running away (from) to know or to learn about their Lord (and they will be) going towards ignorance oceans.ŗ (For) ignorance (there are) also oceans and people, they are running to ignorance oceans and they are going to be heedless ones. No one (is) asking: ŖWho created us?ŗ No one (is) asking: ŖWho (is) bringing us and landing us on a planet through space? How we landed on it?ŗ They are saying on that Shaitanřs box that (people are) looking (to it) and (they are) showing people so many things... it is written that (the) Americans (are) sending a new missile to space. (They are) saying that; so foolishly ideas in America! America that is the fountain for ignorance; anything wrong thing you
can find in America. They are saying... that (one here) is American, no mind Ŗzatenŗ... (They are) saying a news; they are saying that: ŖWe are sending a missile through space.ŗ They are sending a missile to see. What they are looking? The idea (is) that (the) beginning of this universe (was like this): one atom (was) exploding and (there was) getting out one light; from that light everything (was) just coming. ŖAnd this lighteningŗ, they are saying, ŖWe have (been) informed that we must run through space to look, to see that first lightening.ŗ And they are saying that on that lightening there was a star and (the) light (was) reaching from that star to us (in) 250 million light years. They are running to find when (creation was) beginning, when (it was) coming. So foolishly! Every foolish thing you can find in America because they are eating too much and then (they are) sleeping and dreaming such a curious or foolish dreams and (they are) awakening, (saying): ŖOh, we found a way to reach to that star, to look what (is) happening there. ŗ In such a way foolish ideas just they are filling every country; even Muslims countries, even Arabs countries also, that they are reciting (the) Holy Quran! They are forgetting (the Holy Quran) and (they are) running after that: ŖWhere is that star?ŗ I may swear, if not his Highness here, for those people, but for the honour of (his) Highness I am keeping Adab because I am (a) very adabful person... Sleeping?... Ya Hu, look first (to) your world, this, how we landed on it! They are not looking (to) that. If they are looking, they must look (to the) Holy Books. And (the) Old Testament, (the) New Testament, according to their understanding, (were) just reaching to (the) Children of Israel and other nations, but the Seal of Prophets just he had been granted (the) Holy Quran. You can find everything in it, from pre-eternal up to eternal. They are not looking (at) that, (they are) saying: ŖThere is (a) star, we must go.ŗ Give that money to (the) people in Africa that they are never finding to eat something or to drink something. But Shaitan (is) carrying them on (the) wrong way. (There are) two ways, o people: one way (is the) true way, (the) second (is the) wrong way. Wholly now, including Arabs and Muslims and Turks, Kurdish, Ajam, Iranian And (the) first class Muslims (are the) Pakistan(i people), (the) second class Muslims (are the people of) Afghanistan, (the) third class Muslim(s are the) Wahabiyun. they are not thinking on (the) Holy Quran. And that is the reason (that there is) coming cursing on people. Look through their universities, if they are putting any lesson from (the) Holy Quran to think on it! Why? Why? And Allah (is) taking all of them away, bringing someone that is Arabs, Turks , Iranian, Pakistan, Afghanistan taken away, bringing a people (that) everyone (of them is) His servant. If you are not giving respect for (the) Holy Quran and the way of the Seal of Prophets, He is going to take you away, bringing another (nation). Haaa! Ehhh. ŖPalestine, Palestine. !ŗ (Is) Palestine only for Muslims or (is) Allah Almighty granting us (the) whole world? ŖGaza, Gaza .. !ŗ This is the aim of our nation, (of the) Muslims? They never said: ŖLive in Quds.ŗ This is for Ŗumma sabizaŗ. ŖBaitu-l Maqdisŗ. For us ŖShatra Mecca Mukarramaŗ. Rasulullah sws just he fought to reach Kařaba Muazzama - that is our honour! 100.000 (mosques) like (the) Mascid Aqsa (are) never going to be equal (to) the high respect of (the) Kařaba on earth! ŖLa hayata liman tunadiŗ. Wrong way! Look (for the) true way in (the) Holy Quran. You must look in it! If you are not looking, your eyes (will be) taken away from you, (you are) going to be blind. And who is blind in this world, will be blind in the next. I am (the) weakest one, I am (a) zero on (the) left hand. But if I am giving my zero in front of (the) one, I may take this world like (a) football up...
Volleyball I can do this world! But I am zero. But (a) zero, if (it is) coming on one, (that means) power. One zero (is) enough; the Lord of Heavens (is) not using a second zero there, no, one (zero is) enough. Like this universe billion (of) universes Ŕ (He) may take it away with one zero. O people, you must change (the) wrong way to (the) right way. .. We must say: Now whole governments (are) running after to be democratic. No, Haram! That is Batil! We must follow (the) theocratic way. Democratic (is) the ways of no mind people. Theocratic (is) Allah Almightyřs Orders. You must change or (you are) going to be taken away. Therefore from 5 (people there are) going to be remaining one. 4 billions (are going to be) taken away. (Then) Allah brings who (is) believing and respecting and keeping (the) Holy Orders of Heavens. O people, I am nothing, but something! And we are approaching step by step to (the) Last Day, the Day of Resurrection, Yaumu-l Qiyama. And before (it is) coming (the) Yaumu-l Qiyama, (there) must come Madhi a.s. to arrange the lives of people according (to the) Holy Commands of Allah Almighty... (A)man must be (a) man, women must be women. Allah Almighty (is) making (the) ways of men, how they should move, and for women, how they should be dealt (with). Homes (are) for ladies, for women, outside (is) for men - that is (the) Holy Command. Who is making against that, they should be taken away. (And there are) so many ways today! Eh. ŖO Sheikh, what we shall do? There is a virus of pigs!ŗ That (virus is) never going to a muřmin, but (to) who is going their lives (to be) like (the) lives of pigs...That should be coming, as (we are) informed through (the) Holy Hadith for Rasulullah sws: ŖWhen Jesus (is) coming, (he is) killing (the) pigs and breaking (the) crosses.ŗ Subhanallah! S.Isa a.s. also he is... perhaps (there are) no more pigs, till he is reaching, but people they are not... Pigs (are) eating whole dirt... Haram is dirty; people, they are not making a difference between Halal and Haram. (They are) eating Haram and their character (is) like (that of) pigs... they are going to be killed. O people, you must know (the) true way and (the) wrong way. Who is going to (the) wrong way - no mercy from Heavens. But what we shall say? Muslim countries also, they are following Ŗgharbiyunŗ, Western people. We are not Western people; Western, that (the) sun (is) setting down (in the West), (are) the countries of darkness. We are Oriental ones, (where) always (the) sun (is) shining. Ae, Western countries must follow the lights that (are) coming from (the) oriental countries, from Mecca Mukarrama, that (they are) just coming out (there). O people, keep what we are saying! I am not looking in books and coming to address to you. What they are giving to my heart, I am speaking and I am not fearing from anyone! If anyone thinks something wrong for me, I may reach (to him) before he is reaching to me, to make him under (the) earth. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah . Give Halwa to people... to be sweet ones... If anyone (there is) coming something through their heart, something wrong, (there will be) 40 days only for him to be on earth. (Day) 41 you may find that one under (the) earth... They are saying: ŖThere is (a) virusŗ, but they are not seeing. And (a) virus, if (it is) more powerful from mankind? How it can be? Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tughda ilay, mamarra layali wa tula dawam... Fatiha...
Sohbet-14 Mawlana challenges Wahhabis to Mubahala in Makka or Madina Our Ulema are following dunya... Why are they not speaking to them [Wahhabis]? al-haqqu ya`lu wala yu`la `alayh (Truth prevails and is not prevailed upon)."
"You must know that Islam and Muslim communities--they are never going to be saved as long as they are not bringing real understanding [of] Islam their glory (hayba) is taken away because they are following a small handful (shirdhima) of people. Two billion Muslims, and Wahhabi groups are trying to change their beliefs, their high respect to Sayyidina Muhammad! Raghima anfuhum [In spite of their noses]."
"They will be told: Come here. Who is commanding you, or teaching you such false beliefs, making you attack the big mass of Muslims and accuse them: You are all haram, You are all Ahl al-bid`a, You are all on shirk? Who gave you that authority?"
"If we are wrong I may call them to a place and [do] what the Seal of Prophets did with the Nasara of Najran. Mubahala. I am ready, anywhere. In front of Kaaba mu`azzama. In front of Holy Prophet. If they have the courage."
"They are not believing in Rijaal Allah [men of Allah] kaman [either]. They are believing in Rijaal of Shaytan. May Allah forgive us."
Mawlana al-Shaykh Nazim, suhba of 30 May 2010 in Lefke, Cyprus. Sohbet-15 The Power of Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim
Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya. Bismillah (stands) La ilaha ilallah 3x Sayyidina wa Nabiyuna Muhammadur Rasulallah. Allahumma zidhu izzan wa sharafa, w anuran wa surura wa ridwanan wa sultana. Amin, Amin, Amin (sits) Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya. Meded! We are in need heavenly Support. Destur, o heavenly Ones. We are saying also Salaam to (the) controller for this world that he is responsible for everything happening on this planet dunya. One person, how can reach? Allah Almighty, when He is asking something to be, He is saying only, “Be!” and (it is) going to be. If He (the Almighty is) asking from an ant for controlling this world, (in) just a moment it can do this. (He is) Allah, Subhana Hu wa ta‟ala! Therefore, but Allah Almighty (was) making (His) khalifa, deputy, from Mankind. Man, they are deputies (of Allah Almighty), but one only (is) going to be on power, not everyone, no, one (is) enough! And (the) divinely Order (is) coming on him and he is looking (to the) Preserved Tablet and according everything on it. As-Salamu alaikum, ya Sayyiduna, ya Sultanu-l Awliya wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. Aiduna, help us for understanding, what you are giving us to address to people. Give us a power of understanding. And that is our main target: to reach to our Controller, our Sultan, that through his way we can reach everything here and Hereafter. As-salaamu alaikum, o Mankind, attenders, attend; through 24 hours give a little bit (of) time, even a short time, for your coming future or try to reach something that it should be useful for you after this life. When you are leaving this life, that (is) going to give a benefit, therefore, try to reach something from heavenly Knowledge and heavenly Support. Try for that purpose (and) even
(a)very short time (is) giving to you a good chance to come in(to the) Divine Presence, and you should be accepted by heavenly Beings.
O our Master, we are saying as you are ordering us to say, A‟udhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. Always run away from (that) dirty one, dangerous one, ugly one. Whole characteristics of Shaytan (are) as a magnet collecting everything from steel on it; (like this) shaytan also (is) collecting every badness, everything that may give to people harm, (everything that is) harming people. Everything on it! Therefore, beware, beware; (shaytan) may throw on you one arrow (that is) poisoned. Everything that sending Shaytan on people is poisoned. Beware, beware, take your care from shaytan. We must repeat it all times, every time, according (to the) high Command of Allah Almighty, “Wa dhakkir.” That means - it is (an) addressing to the Seal of Prophets, addressing to the divine Representative of the Lord of Creation and everything, saying, “Don't leave people to forget. Dhakkirhum, remind them for every occasion, ‟So that you can protect yourself‟.” If a person (is) coming (to the) fighting level/(area) and (the fight is)beginning (and the) enemy (is) throwing arrows, you are coming like this... or (you) make like this... like that (ducks)...(and) take your care (for the arrow) not to touch to you? If (they are) touching (you), these arrows on earth, it is so easy, but if shatan (is) throwing to you an arrow, its arrow (is) poisoned and (this poison is) changing your being in another form. Perhaps you
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s that beast they are not doing that. It is not Islam, they are not Islam, no! Their final station should be Hells. Allah (is) never ordering people to do harming, to harm anything. That is Islamřs principle that can save whole people - if they are listening: Donřt harm yourself or anyone around yourself. Even someone (is) harming you, donřt harm him! Leave to be beast that person! Islam (is) never accepting to be his followers beasts! ŘMajaninř; people now they are like no mind people, crazy ones, fools, idiot ones that they are in need to be put into mental-houses. Mental-houses they are in need (of)! Therefore they are fearing from Islam, because Islam (is) coming with (the) sword now! Full sword! Always they are, Non-Muslims they are not accepting (that) Islam (is) coming with (a) sword. Yes, Islam just came by sword, because so many beasts must be killed! But now Islam (is) standing in its station and (it is) looking, what Shaitan (is) doing on Non-Muslims. Every trouble (is) coming from Non-Muslims. Islam (is) so pure, so sweet, so wonderful! (It is) taking people from (the) deepest position to (the) highest position. That is Islam. But if (there are) coming dragons, (Islam is also) keeping his sword! Now Islam (is) keeping its sword and (is) leaving those beasts that they are not Muslims, (that they are) burning themselves and killing themselves. Leave them! But it is not a good - oh oh oh... for Muslims to make trouble. Islam (is) preventing trouble-makers. No, never accepting! Trouble-makers must leave communities! You must clean your community from beasts, from dragons, from serpents, from snakes. All of them (are) harming people. Islam (is) never happy to leave such a people. But now Islam (is)... only they are looking and Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖO Muslims, keep your positions and I am going to give punishment for those beasts through themselves.ŗ Through themselves. May Allah forgive us. O people, listen and understand. Understand and keep the way, ways of Paradises, ways of Heavens. We have been created for that! Not to be idiots or not to be fool ones, not to be crazy ones. Islam (is) ordering to its followers: ŖKeep the ways of Heavens. You should reach Ŕ Huuu! Ŕ (the) Mercy of Allah and (His) Blessings, if you are keeping yourself. O people, donřt follow shaitanic ways! Ŗ I am hearing that some young ones after Isha they are running through streets. I am not happy with that, I am not happy. What I am saying (are the) Commands of Heavens. Donřt follow Shaitan and shaitanic ways, you should be happy here and Hereafter. Donřt be enemies to each other. And keep respect for each other and keep what Allah Almighty (is) giving to you from His endless Mercy Oceans. Be
thankful to your Lord and ask His Forgiveness. It is not true for youngsters to go out after Isha. When they are going to be clean Salatu-l Isha, then Shaitan (is) saying: ŖCome and follow me. Come, we are going to enjoy ourselves with young men, young women!ŗ It is not true. If they are insisting, (those) that (are) coming here and (they are) not listening (to the) Holy Commands, I have some... I may use something for them. Then they should be repented. But repenting is no good. O young ones, keep yourself, because Shaitan (is) running after you! Keep your honour and keep your respect (for the) holy Commands of Allah Almighty. And keep Allah Almightyřs Blessings to come on you. If you are not listening, heavenly Blessings (are) leaving you and (there is) coming on you so many bad situations, (that) whole people living on earth canřt reach to you, canřt save you, canřt be able to save (you) from that conditions. O young ones, o young ones! It is honour for you to follow the way of Heavens. But Shaitan (is) so greedy (jealous), asking young ones to fall into fire, to lose their honours in divinely Presence. O ones, who (are) coming from far distance! Shaitan (has) shaitanic places, dirty paces, dirty ones everywhere and this is a clean place and Shaitan (is) always coming to carry away even one of you and making you to follow him. No, keep your honour, keep your honour. There is young boys and girls, coming; yes, it is... I am not preventing, who (is) coming. But you must ask what is heavenly Orders for young ones from children. Ask, what it is Halal and then you may establish your life and you may be people of Paradise. First of all prepare yourself that you can carry (the) responsibility for a marriage. You must know it, then you must ask. If it is okay, (if the) Shariat (is) giving to you a permission, we may do for you a marriage from both sides agreement. If not, you should be unhappy and you should be thrown into fire. May Allah forgive us. I am hearing, what (is) happening. And also sometimes I am seeing and looking what (is) making Shaitan around yourself. I am warning everyone that they should follow heavenly Orders, not satanic ways. You are young ones, clean ones; live cleanly and leave Dunya clean and you should be with clean ones (on) the Day of Resurrection. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah. Fatiha. Sohbet-12 Sohbet after Cuma, Friday, 24.4.09 Believe in the power of Islam! OR: We are following selected ones As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, ahlan wa sahlan. Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, aiduna, ya Rijalallah Sahibu-l Imdad. Maal fukara wa duafa, asbana diara fi sahratin la naliku sharkan aw gharban, shimalan aw dunuban, dullana khaira dalil, ya Rijalallah (?). Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Rabbana, ya Rabbi-ghfir wa-rham wa Anta khairu Rahimin. Ya Latifan, lam tazzal, ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifan lam tazal. Bi lutfika awadtana, ya Rabbi, amin khaufana, ya Rabbi, amin khaufana, fa-fuanna, ya Karim. And we are saying: Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. To speak is so easy; everyone is speaking. I am looking (that) everyone is speaking, but to listen (to) what he is hearing, that is important! That is
important. Therefore I am asking humbly as a weak servant of my Lord Allah Almighty to make me and you Ŗmina-l ladhina yastabiuna kaulan fa tabiuna ahsana Ŗ (?)... wa yakul: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, la haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAdhim. It is a short speech, sohbet, association, because the Imam Shahu Naqshiband, (the) Imam of (the) most high Naqshbandi Order, he was always saying: ŖTariqtuna as-sohba wa khairu fi jamiat.ŗ Therefore, we are following those selected ones. Selected ones, not elected ones! Selection is better than election, but people (are) running after elections and (they are) bringing one (person) dirty more than others. Selection; that selection (is) coming from Heavens, election (is) coming from people. And people now they are following the way of election that that is the way of Shaitan. (It is) shaitanic teachings, election; no power, no honour for them, but selected ones, they have power and honour and heavenly Support. If you are following them, you may reach heavenly Support also. Therefore (the) Prophet was saying pbuh: ŖMa ghaliban min ummati min 12.ooo alf min kullatin (?).ŗ Kalamun adhim; it is a big word that the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws (is) teaching mankind. (He is) teaching mankind and saying: ŖOh people, 12.000 from my Ummah, from my nation, anywhere they are asking to fight for Non-Muslims or unbelievers, they (are) never going to be not victorious. Always (they will be) victorious.ŗ Donřt say that 12.000 of Muřmins (are) going to be winned, no! Because 12.000 people, (even) if (there are) coming on them 12 billion people, (it) doesnřt matter. 12.000 (are) going to destroy them, to make them away, because 12.000 they are holding and making up the Alemu-l Islam, (the) heavenly Flag, (the) holy Flag of Heavens. Allah Almighty (is) never leaving His holy Flag to fall down! But Muslims, where they are? (The) Muslim world, they are asking to eat each other, to kill each other, to destroy each other, because they are following elections. They are not asking selected ones. What you are electing? (People) like you. We are not in need (of) people like ourselves, no. (There) must be someones selected from Heavens and supported from Heavens, (someones that) heavenly Powers (are) coming to them and destroying everything. Donřt worry from their missiles, nuclear-muclear! But we are getting weaker, weaker. Technology (is) frightening Muslims and (the) Muslim World; they are saying: ŖOh, Non-Muslims, they have such-and-such a powers.ŗ Therefore they are trembling. Why? Allah (is) giving to you such a power, (that), if one of (the) weak ones from (the) Ashabu Nawba - those people whom they are looking for (after the) Ummah, not to touch them any Řasař, harm, they are looking - (even) if (there are) coming 7o missiles on a place, they may do like this... finished! Or, before they are making it fire, (they are) taking its heads, nuclear heads; taking and (it is) making bummm... ŖOh, (it is) nothing doing, this (bomb)! What is (happening)?ŗ ŖSomeone stole it.ŗ One Jinn (is) enough to take away (the) whole heads of their nuclear bombs. One Jinn! One Order! No need Awliya. Awliya may change this world from East to West, from North to South! They are not using such a power, but one Jinn may take (the nuclear heads) by an order from their commander in chief from Awliyas, and take all of them from everywhere and let them to fight. When they are making like this, like that... ŖWhat happened?ŗ Believe! Believe in Islam! Believe in His beloved and most honoured glorious Rasul, (the) Prophet for the Lord of Heavens! (Of the) known Heavens and (of the) unknown Heavens, (of the) counted Heavens (and the) countless Heavens! (There is) no any limit for His territory, (the) divinely Territory. No limits, no one (is) knowing (any limit)! Believe in Islam, you should be up. (If you are) not believing, (you) should be under (unbelieversř) feet. And we are coming to a limit that Allah Almighty left unbelievers to move, to move (and) to do something. To do something, and they were thinking that they
are (the) most powerful ones. Most powerful ones? Eh. Ghalatu-l namla, an ant (was) speaking and warning. One ant. What about one Wali, one Saint, one holy one, one beloved one in (the) divinely Presence or (the) holy Presence of Rasulullah sws? What he can do? He can to everything! But Allah Almighty (is) leaving them (the unbelievers) to do everything and to know, to think on something that they may reach that result what we are saying. Allah Almighty (has) endless Power Ocean, endless Power Oceans. That He Almighty (is) saying:ŗI am ordering an ant to inform and warn (the ants in) one valley. One valley, (in) that valley of ants, to take their care, not to reach them any harm from the horses of S.Suleiman - pbuh and upon of our most beloved, most honoured Prophet in (the) divinely Presence. O people, look what heavenly Orders (are) sending you through His Prophets. Follow Prophets, donřt fear. Donřt fear. He may, (the) Almighty may protect you or He may shelter you anywhere, (so that) nothing (is) touching you here or Hereafter. Try to be Muslims, try to understand Islam, try to understand the power of Islam. You must try to learn (about) the power of the Seal of Prophets. The Seal of Prophets, every creature that created... Allah Almighty (is) saying to His beloved one: ŖO My beloved one, o My most glorified servant, o Muhammad. For your honour I am created and creating. Say to your Ummah ŘDonřt fearř, but say to them to follow you. If anyone (is) following you, they should be under shelter. Shelter. Donřt run after Dunya, no, but try to fulfil (the) holy Orders of Heavens to you.ŗ What about if Allah Almighty (is) warning? (He was) warning ants through a huge valley with one weak ant - what about for his believers? Do you think that He is not able to warn and to make them to take their cares to keep themselves against those unbelievers? They are saying Řtoysř- that (the nuclear weapons) is toys. (Allah) may send, not sending one ant (even), but (He) may send a (creature that) those unbelievers (are) saying for some small creatures Řvirusř. Virus. (Allah is) ordering one regiment of virus: ŖReach and make their missiles not to work.ŗ And they may say: ŖWhat happened?ŗ Someone (is) saying: Ŗ(A) virus (was) just entering in it, therefore we canřt do anything!ŗ I am saying: Youmust catch that virus and to put poison on their mouth and kill them (and) you should be in safety. Allah Almighty never needs to use big powers, no, (a) virus (is) enough. One virus may kill from East to West billions of people through three days, through two days, through one day, through one hour, through one minute, through one second. He may kill everything with a very, very, very, very weak virus. May kill and their weapons (are) sleeping there... O people, believe (in) the power of the Seal of Prophets, what he had been granted by his Lord Almighty Allah and trust him. Believe and trust, give your 100 % trust for your beloved Rasul, you should be in safety here and Hereafter, through your graveyard, through the Day of Resurrection and through (the Day of Judgment,) when Allah Almighty (is) calling people for their court cases, to look after what they did or (what they are) not doing. O people, come and listen! Come and obey, (so) that Allah makes you in safety here, through this life, (and) through your graveyard, through the Yaumu-l Mahshar, that He is making His divinely Judgment for His servants. Beware (of) Shaitan; Shaitan (is) asking to carry you, as he should be carried, to Hells. O people, follow Prophets and their ways to Jannatu-l Firdaus. Donřt follow Shaitan, its way is ways toward Hells. May Allah forgive us, may Allah bless you. For the honour of the most honoured
one in His divine Presence. Bi jahihi, ya Rabbi, irhamna, bi jahi man arsalta alayhi Suratu-l Fatiha. As-salamu alaikum!
Sohbet-13 Sohbet after Cuma, Friday,22.5.09 Wake-up! As-salamu alaikum! Jařanan Allahu wa iyakum min asŘhabu jamin wa ... ? baraka alaikum. Ařudhu bi-llahi mina sh-shaitani rajim, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, la haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim O people, mostly our people (are) understanding English, therefore I am asking permission from our Umara, Highness(es). Three Highness(es) min Umara, from (the) Jordan(ian) Kingdom, whom they are (from) the line of the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws. Sharafa wa karam, wajana wa uazzam (?) wa jallala wa jamman...Huuu! From Subuhu-l Amir, his Highness, I am asking permission to address to people a little bit, what is coming to my heart, tadbiu lahum, to wake people up. Wake up, ayyuha-l ghafilun! Everyone (is) heedless... You are not heedless, only I am heedless... Wake up! May Allah forgive us and send His Blessings on His weak servants. We are Muslims, but we are now weakest, (the) weakest ones on earth. For what? Really we must be (the) most powerful ones on earth now, because our supporter is Rasulullah sws and his inheritors, Awliya-ullah. They are looking to ourselves, if we are asking: ŖO our Lordřs beloved ones, o our Lordřs servants, please support us!ŗ But I am sorry that no one from Muslims they are asking a support from the friends of Allah. Awliya-ullah, they are (the) friends of Allah. First they are going to be (the) friends of the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws, then they may be (the) friends of (the) divinely Presence, for Allah Almighty. O people. ŖAl jaza-u min jinsi Řamalŗ. That is an Islamic wisdom, coming from (the) Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, the Ŗbahru-l Řulumŗ, because the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws, (has been) granted, granted from Allah Almightyŗ bahru-l Řulumŗ. ŖBahrŗ for the Seal of Prophets. They are not saying Ŗmuhitŗ; muhit, muhitat, (are) for Allah Almighty, and (there are) endless Ŗmuhitatŗ. ŖMuhitŗ means Oceans, Oceans, but Ŗbahrŗ (means) sea. (The) sea is not like (the) ocean. Oceans they are also (the) Indian Ocean, (the) Atlantic Ocean, and (the) Pacific Ocean. Do you think that Allah Almighty only He has three Oceans? (No), endless Oceans! (There are) countless Oceans for Allah Almighty, Ŗmuhitŗ. You must try to know something for the identity or personality for the Seal of Prophets. If you are not knowing something (about him), you canřt know anything for Allah Almighty. But I am sorry to say that now we are living closer to the Last Day, Yaumu-l Qiyama and it is (from the) signs of (the) Day of Resurrection, Yaumu-l Qiyama, that the Seal of Prophets was informing that: ŖWhen (the) Last Day (is) approaching, people (will be) running away (from) to know or to learn about their Lord (and they will be) going towards ignorance oceans.ŗ (For) ignorance (there are) also oceans and people, they are running to ignorance oceans and they are going to be heedless ones. No one (is) asking: ŖWho created us?ŗ No one (is) asking: ŖWho (is) bringing us and landing us on a planet through space? How we landed on it?ŗ They are saying on that Shaitanřs box that (people are) looking (to it) and (they are) showing people so many things... it is written that (the) Americans (are) sending a new missile to space. (They are) saying that; so foolishly ideas in America! America that is the fountain for ignorance; anything wrong thing you
can find in America. They are saying... that (one here) is American, no mind Ŗzatenŗ... (They are) saying a news; they are saying that: ŖWe are sending a missile through space.ŗ They are sending a missile to see. What they are looking? The idea (is) that (the) beginning of this universe (was like this): one atom (was) exploding and (there was) getting out one light; from that light everything (was) just coming. ŖAnd this lighteningŗ, they are saying, ŖWe have (been) informed that we must run through space to look, to see that first lightening.ŗ And they are saying that on that lightening there was a star and (the) light (was) reaching from that star to us (in) 250 million light years. They are running to find when (creation was) beginning, when (it was) coming. So foolishly! Every foolish thing you can find in America because they are eating too much and then (they are) sleeping and dreaming such a curious or foolish dreams and (they are) awakening, (saying): ŖOh, we found a way to reach to that star, to look what (is) happening there. ŗ In such a way foolish ideas just they are filling every country; even Muslims countries, even Arabs countries also, that they are reciting (the) Holy Quran! They are forgetting (the Holy Quran) and (they are) running after that: ŖWhere is that star?ŗ I may swear, if not his Highness here, for those people, but for the honour of (his) Highness I am keeping Adab because I am (a) very adabful person... Sleeping?... Ya Hu, look first (to) your world, this, how we landed on it! They are not looking (to) that. If they are looking, they must look (to the) Holy Books. And (the) Old Testament, (the) New Testament, according to their understanding, (were) just reaching to (the) Children of Israel and other nations, but the Seal of Prophets just he had been granted (the) Holy Quran. You can find everything in it, from pre-eternal up to eternal. They are not looking (at) that, (they are) saying: ŖThere is (a) star, we must go.ŗ Give that money to (the) people in Africa that they are never finding to eat something or to drink something. But Shaitan (is) carrying them on (the) wrong way. (There are) two ways, o people: one way (is the) true way, (the) second (is the) wrong way. Wholly now, including Arabs and Muslims and Turks, Kurdish, Ajam, Iranian And (the) first class Muslims (are the) Pakistan(i people), (the) second class Muslims (are the people of) Afghanistan, (the) third class Muslim(s are the) Wahabiyun. they are not thinking on (the) Holy Quran. And that is the reason (that there is) coming cursing on people. Look through their universities, if they are putting any lesson from (the) Holy Quran to think on it! Why? Why? And Allah (is) taking all of them away, bringing someone that is Arabs, Turks , Iranian, Pakistan, Afghanistan taken away, bringing a people (that) everyone (of them is) His servant. If you are not giving respect for (the) Holy Quran and the way of the Seal of Prophets, He is going to take you away, bringing another (nation). Haaa! Ehhh. ŖPalestine, Palestine. !ŗ (Is) Palestine only for Muslims or (is) Allah Almighty granting us (the) whole world? ŖGaza, Gaza .. !ŗ This is the aim of our nation, (of the) Muslims? They never said: ŖLive in Quds.ŗ This is for Ŗumma sabizaŗ. ŖBaitu-l Maqdisŗ. For us ŖShatra Mecca Mukarramaŗ. Rasulullah sws just he fought to reach Kařaba Muazzama - that is our honour! 100.000 (mosques) like (the) Mascid Aqsa (are) never going to be equal (to) the high respect of (the) Kařaba on earth! ŖLa hayata liman tunadiŗ. Wrong way! Look (for the) true way in (the) Holy Quran. You must look in it! If you are not looking, your eyes (will be) taken away from you, (you are) going to be blind. And who is blind in this world, will be blind in the next. I am (the) weakest one, I am (a) zero on (the) left hand. But if I am giving my zero in front of (the) one, I may take this world like (a) football up...
Volleyball I can do this world! But I am zero. But (a) zero, if (it is) coming on one, (that means) power. One zero (is) enough; the Lord of Heavens (is) not using a second zero there, no, one (zero is) enough. Like this universe billion (of) universes Ŕ (He) may take it away with one zero. O people, you must change (the) wrong way to (the) right way. .. We must say: Now whole governments (are) running after to be democratic. No, Haram! That is Batil! We must follow (the) theocratic way. Democratic (is) the ways of no mind people. Theocratic (is) Allah Almightyřs Orders. You must change or (you are) going to be taken away. Therefore from 5 (people there are) going to be remaining one. 4 billions (are going to be) taken away. (Then) Allah brings who (is) believing and respecting and keeping (the) Holy Orders of Heavens. O people, I am nothing, but something! And we are approaching step by step to (the) Last Day, the Day of Resurrection, Yaumu-l Qiyama. And before (it is) coming (the) Yaumu-l Qiyama, (there) must come Madhi a.s. to arrange the lives of people according (to the) Holy Commands of Allah Almighty... (A)man must be (a) man, women must be women. Allah Almighty (is) making (the) ways of men, how they should move, and for women, how they should be dealt (with). Homes (are) for ladies, for women, outside (is) for men - that is (the) Holy Command. Who is making against that, they should be taken away. (And there are) so many ways today! Eh. ŖO Sheikh, what we shall do? There is a virus of pigs!ŗ That (virus is) never going to a muřmin, but (to) who is going their lives (to be) like (the) lives of pigs...That should be coming, as (we are) informed through (the) Holy Hadith for Rasulullah sws: ŖWhen Jesus (is) coming, (he is) killing (the) pigs and breaking (the) crosses.ŗ Subhanallah! S.Isa a.s. also he is... perhaps (there are) no more pigs, till he is reaching, but people they are not... Pigs (are) eating whole dirt... Haram is dirty; people, they are not making a difference between Halal and Haram. (They are) eating Haram and their character (is) like (that of) pigs... they are going to be killed. O people, you must know (the) true way and (the) wrong way. Who is going to (the) wrong way - no mercy from Heavens. But what we shall say? Muslim countries also, they are following Ŗgharbiyunŗ, Western people. We are not Western people; Western, that (the) sun (is) setting down (in the West), (are) the countries of darkness. We are Oriental ones, (where) always (the) sun (is) shining. Ae, Western countries must follow the lights that (are) coming from (the) oriental countries, from Mecca Mukarrama, that (they are) just coming out (there). O people, keep what we are saying! I am not looking in books and coming to address to you. What they are giving to my heart, I am speaking and I am not fearing from anyone! If anyone thinks something wrong for me, I may reach (to him) before he is reaching to me, to make him under (the) earth. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah . Give Halwa to people... to be sweet ones... If anyone (there is) coming something through their heart, something wrong, (there will be) 40 days only for him to be on earth. (Day) 41 you may find that one under (the) earth... They are saying: ŖThere is (a) virusŗ, but they are not seeing. And (a) virus, if (it is) more powerful from mankind? How it can be? Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tughda ilay, mamarra layali wa tula dawam... Fatiha...
Sohbet-14 Mawlana challenges Wahhabis to Mubahala in Makka or Madina Our Ulema are following dunya... Why are they not speaking to them [Wahhabis]? al-haqqu ya`lu wala yu`la `alayh (Truth prevails and is not prevailed upon)."
"You must know that Islam and Muslim communities--they are never going to be saved as long as they are not bringing real understanding [of] Islam their glory (hayba) is taken away because they are following a small handful (shirdhima) of people. Two billion Muslims, and Wahhabi groups are trying to change their beliefs, their high respect to Sayyidina Muhammad! Raghima anfuhum [In spite of their noses]."
"They will be told: Come here. Who is commanding you, or teaching you such false beliefs, making you attack the big mass of Muslims and accuse them: You are all haram, You are all Ahl al-bid`a, You are all on shirk? Who gave you that authority?"
"If we are wrong I may call them to a place and [do] what the Seal of Prophets did with the Nasara of Najran. Mubahala. I am ready, anywhere. In front of Kaaba mu`azzama. In front of Holy Prophet. If they have the courage."
"They are not believing in Rijaal Allah [men of Allah] kaman [either]. They are believing in Rijaal of Shaytan. May Allah forgive us."
Mawlana al-Shaykh Nazim, suhba of 30 May 2010 in Lefke, Cyprus. Sohbet-15 The Power of Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim
Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya. Bismillah (stands) La ilaha ilallah 3x Sayyidina wa Nabiyuna Muhammadur Rasulallah. Allahumma zidhu izzan wa sharafa, w anuran wa surura wa ridwanan wa sultana. Amin, Amin, Amin (sits) Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya. Meded! We are in need heavenly Support. Destur, o heavenly Ones. We are saying also Salaam to (the) controller for this world that he is responsible for everything happening on this planet dunya. One person, how can reach? Allah Almighty, when He is asking something to be, He is saying only, “Be!” and (it is) going to be. If He (the Almighty is) asking from an ant for controlling this world, (in) just a moment it can do this. (He is) Allah, Subhana Hu wa ta‟ala! Therefore, but Allah Almighty (was) making (His) khalifa, deputy, from Mankind. Man, they are deputies (of Allah Almighty), but one only (is) going to be on power, not everyone, no, one (is) enough! And (the) divinely Order (is) coming on him and he is looking (to the) Preserved Tablet and according everything on it. As-Salamu alaikum, ya Sayyiduna, ya Sultanu-l Awliya wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh. Aiduna, help us for understanding, what you are giving us to address to people. Give us a power of understanding. And that is our main target: to reach to our Controller, our Sultan, that through his way we can reach everything here and Hereafter. As-salaamu alaikum, o Mankind, attenders, attend; through 24 hours give a little bit (of) time, even a short time, for your coming future or try to reach something that it should be useful for you after this life. When you are leaving this life, that (is) going to give a benefit, therefore, try to reach something from heavenly Knowledge and heavenly Support. Try for that purpose (and) even
(a)very short time (is) giving to you a good chance to come in(to the) Divine Presence, and you should be accepted by heavenly Beings.
O our Master, we are saying as you are ordering us to say, A‟udhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim. Always run away from (that) dirty one, dangerous one, ugly one. Whole characteristics of Shaytan (are) as a magnet collecting everything from steel on it; (like this) shaytan also (is) collecting every badness, everything that may give to people harm, (everything that is) harming people. Everything on it! Therefore, beware, beware; (shaytan) may throw on you one arrow (that is) poisoned. Everything that sending Shaytan on people is poisoned. Beware, beware, take your care from shaytan. We must repeat it all times, every time, according (to the) high Command of Allah Almighty, “Wa dhakkir.” That means - it is (an) addressing to the Seal of Prophets, addressing to the divine Representative of the Lord of Creation and everything, saying, “Don't leave people to forget. Dhakkirhum, remind them for every occasion, ‟So that you can protect yourself‟.” If a person (is) coming (to the) fighting level/(area) and (the fight is)beginning (and the) enemy (is) throwing arrows, you are coming like this... or (you) make like this... like that (ducks)...(and) take your care (for the arrow) not to touch to you? If (they are) touching (you), these arrows on earth, it is so easy, but if shatan (is) throwing to you an arrow, its arrow (is) poisoned and (this poison is) changing your being in another form. Perhaps you
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