Suhbah 2019: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (19/25)
you saying this is from Him. This is they are wrong, they have mistake and they make it worse. But people who they don't have shame they can say anything.
But we are, this is, Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying there is of course we are only knowing very little. "Wa-mā ūtītum mina l-‘ilmi illā qalīlā" (17:85) – from knowledge very very little we know. But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He is knowing how this people they deserve this and who people they are not deserve this. So by His knowledge this is. So we cannot say, when we are doing wrong thing, "We done this because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He want this." When you say this, it is wrong because there is many thing, not many thing – very few things we know about. We don't know anything about our Lord... by, more clear, not knowing very small thing for our Lord Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
We don't know anything about Him. So only you must accept what, if you will do good thing, this is we must be thankful for Him if we are doing wrong thing we must ask forgiveness and we must be happy. If Allāh from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla because also secret –when, if you ask forgiveness, He forgive you. But if you are like Pharaoh or like Nimrod –coming against – so you will be punished and nobody can say anything for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. He is our Lord. He is the best Judge – "Aḥkamu l-Ḥākimīn" (11:45). So for what, sometime something happen in your life without your, without your knowledge, something happen accidentally – so this is from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. No need to... because not to need to remember and to say if, "It was like this, it will be like that." If thought like this this is no end for this. Only this is coming from Allāh. Azza wa-Jalla and this is from Him.
We ask forgiveness and for ask for help from Him. And every time, in shā’a Llāh, we are asking to be in position – good side, what – "khayrihi mina Llāha ta‘ālá," the best from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, to be helpful for people, to help for everything by doing, showing people good thing, to help people, to help poor people, to teach people the way of Allāh. This is the best. This is what all time we are asking Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla to help us from this, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
136.THE QURBĀN OF IDU L-ADHA Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Shukr to Allāh we are living in these blessed days. The first ten days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah are holy. And of course, there is the holy Id. The virtue of these days is great. Only Allāh knows the reward for the worship done during these days.
Every reward He gives you tenfold but for these days, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gives limitlessly. The worship of these days include your prayers, ṣadaqah, charity and so on. The fasting of the nine days has great reward. Who can't do it, our Prophet advised fasting the 8th and 9th. If you can't fast on the 8th then fast on the 9th, on the day of ‘Arafah. Your sins will pour off you then. No sin will remain, says our Prophet.
And then of course, those who are on ḥajj are doing the worship of ḥajj during these days. And for those who are here, people who can afford it, who have enough money, it is wājib for them to sacrifice an animal according to the Ḥanafī madhhab. Wājib is the second most powerful worship after farḍ. Farḍ comes first. It is the strongest. And then comes wājib. It [sacrifice] is wājib for Ḥanafī. Shāfi‘ī has no wājib. They have sunnah mu’akkadah. As it is not the same as wājib, they can make one qurbān for a household and it is enough according to Shāfi‘ī. For Ḥanafī, when everyone in the household has enough money, each of them should do it. This applies to the mature of mind, not to children, but when their parents do it, it brings benefit for them too. Allāh gives a separate reward. This matter of qurbān, people did... Of course, shayṭān doesn't like it. They bring up various reasons to not let them make it. They say there is no need to kill so many animals and other things, as if no animal is killed on other days and they don't eat it. They say in Europe a man should, I think, eat 60-70 kg of meat per year. Who is not Muslim, it is not important what kind of meat it is. It doesn't matter if it is clean or dirty. They put an animal through electric shock, kill and eat it. They hit it on its head, kill and eat it. They do all kinds of things, it is nothing for them. When it comes to this worship, when an animal submits itself and qurbān is made for the pleasure of Allāh, they don't like it. They object to it. Bad words and ugly noise come from everywhere. We are fine with it. As we said, it is wājib for Muslims who are Ḥanafī. They should do it. In order to mislead people, they suggest that there are many people in need now who could use this money for their needs other than making qurbān. It is not all right because it is
worship, it is wājib. If you don't do it, you owe it. Okay, there are poor people. There are poor Muslims all over the world. Some of them eat meat only once a year and that is during Idu l-Aḍḥá. I heard something even stranger. In some places, there are people who are 30-40 years old and have never tasted meat. Not because they are vegetarian. No. If they were given, they would try. If qurbān is made on your behalf there, it is fine. But if you take this money and pay for someone's needs – like phone bills and fines, or cigarettes – it is wrong. You can't help him this way. Worship is different and ṣadaqah is different. Ṣadaqah is sunnah. Qurbān is wājib.
No need to mislead people and put them in doubt. You do your worship and do what you like. And if you do that instead of your worship, then it is wrong. These people are there regardless of you making qurbān or not. They have no benefit for you. Skipping your worship in order to do goodness... It is not goodness. You will do a wrong which only looks like right. Therefore, we should be careful.
As we said, these are holy days. Being present in such gatherings of knowledge, and learning bless it for all of us. May He gives rewards for this too. May Allāh something, Allāh let all of us make qurbān, Insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah we are now days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, month of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. It is specially ten days Allāh put in Qur’ān: "Wa-l-fajr, wa-layālin ‘ashr" (89:1-2). Sūrah about this, and swore for these days. Is very blessed days. It is important we must be take care of these days, to be make as much we can do, praying fasting, and charity, helping people, learning something from knowledge of Qur’ān and Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, making ziyārah for holy place, for holy people. All this, Allāh not leaving any small thing without reward. And normal reward, Allāh give ten times for anything you do good thing. But these days He without counting He give for people. And it is days of, of course who are going to ḥajj, once a year it is... and once a life for people. And these people now, Alhamdulilah, they are making as much they can do for ḥajj, they're in holy place.
But our subject for who are not going there but wishing to be there. Allāh also reward them for like this. And to, Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam say, he was encouraging people for fasting especially Yawmu t-Tarwiyah wa Yawmu ‘Arafah, 8th and 9th of Dhū l- Ḥijjah. He said, "Who fast these two days, his sins it will drop from him as they are shaking." Not Allāh not let any sin on these people who are fasting these two days. If not two days, even you can only for day of ‘Arafah you can fast. And other after this, ‘Īd. ‘Īd is also there is one worship we must do: to slaughter sheep, or cow, or camel, or goat. This is four kinds of animals only allowed for for ‘Īd to slaughter. You cannot slaughter deer. You cannot slaughter these other thing, Anything you can hunt but for slaughtering, for worshipping, only this four kinds of anim and it is for Ḥanafī madhhab, wājib. Wājib meaning after farḍ. We have farḍ, wājib, sunnah mu’akkadah, sunnah, and
nāfilah – five kind of ibādah. So, it is for Hanafī madhhab, wājib. For Shāfi‘ī they don't have wājib, they have only sunnah mu’akkadah or sunnah. For other madhhab I don't know, but for this – majority of Muslim people they are in these two madhhab. Ya‘nī. In whole world the majority Hanafī and Shāfi‘ī. There is Hanbalī, Mālikī, but they are not so many like this. So, for Hanafī it is wājib. Wājib, meaning who has enough money as hundred gram of gold or equal this. So, who has this he must slaughter. Who don't have, he is no obligatory, no wājib for him. For Shāfi‘ī it is sunnah mu’akkadah. But who, for one house they can slaughter only one [animal]. Is enough for them. And Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla with this slaughtering, from first drop of blood of this, Allāh also forgive who slaughter. And for each hair of sheep or goat, Allāh reward give one, ten reward, because one is not for this. For each one. How is sheep, million of hair. Allāh reward you like this.
But shayṭān and his follower they are not happy at all with this. Every year when, Idu l- Adha, the feast of Adha coming, beginning from non-believer non-Muslim, whole world they are attacking people, attacking this worship. As [if] they are not eating at all meat; whole year they are not eating, they are not killing animal. Because they are, I hear they are saying normally, one European, one American each year he eat at least 70 kg of meat. Is our poor people, once a year maybe they can eat only for this Id Adha, many of poor people from Muslims all around world, they are, once maybe a year they can eat. And it is maybe half kg, not one kg even. And these people they are saying, "Oh they're wild people. They are killing animals. They're doing this. They are doing that." What they don't know – this the animal who slaughtered, they're the most happy one, because they are knowing their Creator better and for His than this people. They are happy to be slaughter for sake of Allāh worshipping. Don't think they are suffering, at all.
Who suffering? These people who are killing they are... what they will eat, they killing them by giving them shock by electricity, or they shoot their head. And they doing many thing to kill animal with violence. Not Muslim. Allāh and Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, showing us how to slaughter, how to make, to be clean and benefit for people and for animal also. Allāh give barakah for this. But this people they are every time they're real they are hypocrite. They are doing every badness but for... and after they're trying to be like angel. When other people doing good thing, "Aw, you are doing wrong, you are doing bad thing. You!" And they are coming like vampires, blood coming from their mouths. They can't see, but we can see this. They don't, think we are stupid. We are knowing everything, but time for them. This time for hypocrite, for bad people, for shayṭān people. But we must do our worshipping, don't this important.
This is one subject. Other one also, shayṭān trying to make us to not make this ibādah, this time coming as from Muslim people, "Oh!" saying, "If you, there is many people they're very in need for money, extremely in need for money. How if we give this money for this people and not slaughter?" This is also from shayṭān this is because this is worship, ibādah. Ibādah more important. If you slaughter or not slaughter, thisfor
slaughter and after if there is, you can help, you can help. You cannot help, Allāh help them. But to leave ‘ibādah and make to help people... And people they are these days the most of them, with their craziness they're doing this. Many times people coming, complaining, "We, we must pay for our telephone bill. If we not pay, they will make case for us." Make case for us, don't speak. Other one, for he is, cannot buy cigarette, other one not buy this.
So, many people if you are leaving your ibādah and give them they will be spend for bad thing. Don't listen. First thing to make ‘ibādah. But of course there is many poor people around the world, so for this people we send, and there is permission to send your qurbān for them, slaughter in their countries. Because these people they cannot find. As we said before, once a year they can eat only meat. And then there is more than this. I hear there is people, maybe he's 40 year or 30 year old, he is never had tasted meat in his life. He is vegan, he is vegetarian, no! Because he couldn't find. For this, for this people we can send for them and make behind [behalf] on you, you give money and say this is behind of this man, this woman we cutting for wājib of for them and spend – give for poor people in this area. This is very acceptable. Sometime it is better than some place they're not appreciate this. Some place it is like gold when they eat, and once a year it is, you cannot imagine how they are happy. This is very important ibādah. And Allāh Azza wa-Jalla reward for this and He give barakah for this animal, not finish at all. And they are also not feeling pain as these people say.
Allāh make us to be able to slaughter every time and for Allāh, sake of Allāh and His order, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
137.THE EIGHTH AND NINTH OF DHŪ L-ḤIJJAH Thursday, 8 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
We have these blessed days now. And tomorrow is the day of Tarwiyah. The day afterwards is ‘Arafah. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah is the 8th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, a day before Arafah. Both are holy days. Showing respect to them and making worship brings big profit. People in this world want to become rich immediately. So showing respect to these days and praying during them is so profitable that it remains permanently. No matter how much you earn in dunyā, it is not permanent, it goes away. Even if you have it until you die, after you die you have nothing. And the real profit is the profit of Akhirah. And huge reward is given by Allāh Azza wa-Jalla. Who fasts on the day of Arafah, his sins are forgiven a year ahead and behind. For Yawmu t- Tarwiyah, your sins of the last year are forgiven.
Sins are a burden, trouble, and disaster. In order to get rid of the sins of this world, our Prophet always used to say make tawbah so that Allāh forgives you. People sin throughout the day. We are sinning, knowing or not knowing. Therefore, this is the chance for those sins to be forgiven. Insha Allah, who can fast can do so tomorrow, on the 8th and the 9th. Both days are within the ten days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah fasting. Fasting before that is also virtuous, but the most virtuous are Yawmu t-Tarwiyah and ‘Arafah, tomorrow and the day after. And especially on ‘Arafah, we should recite one thousand Ikhlāṣ Sharīf. People give ṣadaqah. Sometimes some people make qurbān. Before cutting on Idu l-Adha, Arafah is also a holy day. If other qurbān animals are sacrificed on Arafah, it is also lots of rewards. May Allāh bless it.
Insha Allah. One thousand Ikhlāṣ on Arafah. One thousand lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadur Rasūlu Llāh, one thousand ṣalawāt, one thousand ṣalawāt sharīfah. If you can do more, you may do, Insha Allah. May Allāh bless it. May we all have it again, Insha Allah. May the darkness of this world disappear with the appearance of Islām and the Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. Because Mawlānā says, it is worship to wait for the Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām too. Therefore, don't forget. We don't forget, Insha Allah. We hope every time that next year we will be with Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. We will always hope, Insha Allah, because the condition of dunyā doesn't look good. As the days are passing, it is becoming worse. It is not getting better. And the result of its worsening, with Allāh's permission,
is that events will occur that are promised by Allāh and our Prophet. Qiyāmah is near. Insha Allah, it is close.
May Allāh let us reach those good days with Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām and with Isa alayhi s- salām, Insha Allah.
We are, Alhamdulilah, in Dhū l-Ḥijjah. Tomorrow blessed day and after tomorrow is more blessed day. Tomorrow they call it, Yawmu t-Tarwiyah meaning to be prepared for going for ‘Arafāt from Makkah. Before there was going walking and making sunnah to stay one night in Muzdalifah. But now, no sunnah, no wājib anymore. But still we are this day, they cannot, they couldn't take bless[ing] Allāh He give us this as a present. To who are respect and believe and worshipping in these days, Allāh He reward them huge reward. Reward which it is real one, not false one. Because people in dunyā they are running after reward or to be, have something from dunyā, they are happy. But this what they have in dunyā it is not forever and not real. Only when many time, even before he die they, many people they finish what they have. Some of them they have until they are dying they are rich, but also they can... cannot take this to other life. But what Allāh reward us and give us this reward for these holy days, blessed days, it is forever. Especially, 8th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah and 9th of Dhū l- Ḥijjah – Yawmu t-Tarwiyah wa Yawmu ‘Arafāh. This, for who fasting in these days, in Yawmu t-Tarwiyah, Allāh forgive his sins for last one year. For ‘Arafāh – for one year before, one year after, Insha Allah, also.
This is real good because we have every time we do wrong, we are making sin, and Allāh if He not forgive us for this, it is heavy for our body and our spiritual. So as much as we can get rid of our sins, asking forgiveness, Allāh forgive us. For this whole time we asking forgiveness, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah and Allāh fogive. And for whole year also fogive us for this what we are fasting in these days. So, it is... very nice day, before feast and feast also nice. Because we are happy which Allāh give us this present and Allah, He is happy when He sees us happy for His gift, thankful for Him.
Insha Allah, Allāh accept our ibādā and there is in yawm - after tomorrow we must read 1000 times Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, "Qul huwa Llāhu Aḥad." And 1000 times lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadur Rasūlu Llāh ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and 1000 times ṣalawāt also, for sake of these days. And other what you can read – from Qur’ān, from Sūrah, from... you can do. As much you can do, it is good. Allāh reward us, Insha Allah. And, Insha Allah, we hope to be also next year with these good days, but to be better for whole world with Prophet's grandson, Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām to be with him and to see these good days. Because Mawlānā he is saying for us every time, "You must make du‘ā’ praying for Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām to come." So we are every time we remember this and we ask for him to come, because world as you see nothing going well, not here, not Europe, not China, not America, not Russia, not Turk, not Arab, nothing. Everywhere in this world they have chaos and they have problem, problem which it is too difficult
to fix. So, we are only, who can give solution for this – Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s- salām. And we are praying for whole human being, ask Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla to send him.
Maybe, Insha Allah, next year to be with him with good days, good for human being, for whole human being. They are waiting somebody to save them. Insha Allah, he is Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām and Isa alayhi s-salām. Insha Allah, we can meet them and to be with them, Insha Allah, with this good days and to be real feast with next Idu l-Adha, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
138.NOTHING COMPARES WITH HAJJ Friday, 9 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
You know that today is the 8th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, Yawmu t-Tarwiyah. Today ḥujjāj should start their journey to climb ‘Arafāt. Of course, as we live in the end of times, some direct places were made. You go there, and what is important is to stand on ‘Arafāt. Some people can go tomorrow. Many go up today as well. Most of ḥujjāj go up today. But tonight it is normally sunnah to stay in Muzdalifah. But of course, there is no sunnah anymore. They don't make it possible to do it. They say, no need to do it. They go to ‘Arafāt. Because of end of times, our Prophet said it also: "If you don't keep one percent of [the sunnah] it won't be acceptable from you. A people will come in the end of times for whom keeping one percent will be enough for them." So says our Prophet. So we reached those days. We live in those days.
It is the time of the weakest īmān. Imān is the most beautiful thing and they want it to be forgotten. They say people don't need it. "You say you are Muslim, that is enough." Of course, that is also enough for Allāh. To witness the existence and oneness of Allāh and to accept Him becomes the means to salvation, the means to be saved. There are many people who don't say it. Most people are without faith. Those who do not believe in Allāh people who don't accept Him are the majority. Therefore, with even the weakest Imān a man can be saved. Of course, that beauty is different and the worship done without spirituality is different.
Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim, may Allāh increase his station, went to ḥajj about 25 times. Every time there was hardship. Of course, there is always hardship in ḥajj. And that time had its own hardship. Once Shaykh Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghistānī decided to go for ṭawāf. Grandshaykh said they went there. Down below people always push each other, they fight, scream and yell when you should act with adab. A person doing the worship of ṭawāf should do it without disturbing others. So in that situation, Shaykh Abdu Llāh ad- Dāghistānī said, "Look up in the sky." Mawlānā did so. He saw at the upper level of the Ka‘bah some were making ṭawāf. Compared to below, it was such a ṭawāf that everyone was making their rounds in peace and tranquility, quietly. They were doing it without disturbing each other. He said, "Look even higher." He looked. There were numerous creatures, angels and awliyā’ making ṭawāf in several layers.
They say they [want to go but] can't go to ḥajj. They will certainly join these creatures there. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla ordered not only humans, ḥajj is farḍ for the unseen people too. Like we have farḍ, jinn have farḍ too. They must do ḥajj as well. Because they are Muslim and must fulfill its conditions. Therefore, there is no need to be angry with the ḥujjāj. They are in their own worlds. They act as they like without learning adab. But who are with adab, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla allows them to do ḥajj better and higher. Of course, there are all types of hardship now, necessary and unnecessary. Allāh will give its reward and nothing will go wasted. That is why those who are becoming ḥajjī shouldn't be upset if they did it [according to the sunnah] or not. No need. As long as you step on ‘Arafāt your ḥajj is accepted.
May Allāh write the reward of those making ṭawāf in a beautiful way for us too, in shā’a Llāh. Not of those who disturb other ḥujjāj and fight with them, but the rewards of the others are more acceptable and more virtuous. And may those who can't go receive their share of it. May it be blessed. It is good time and good days now. Tomorrow people will stand on ‘Arafāt and earn their ḥajj. May Allāh give to who couldn't go, Insha Allah.
Al-ḥamdu liLlāh today nice blessed day. It is day of moving to ‘Arafāt, Jabal ‘Arafāt, which it is main, once a year happen. If people, they're going for Ḥajj but they are not going to ‘Arafāt, Ḥajj not acceptable. "Al-Ḥajju ‘Arafāt," Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam saying. You must go for ‘Arafāt place, the big place can take millions of people, staying there until Maghrib. And it is, you once a year, only one day. So you be Ḥajjī.
But before also today, from today they are moving for ‘Arafāt. And normally it must be they was going by walking, slowly, slowly going for first Muzdalifah, sleeping in Muzdalifah. All time to go from Makkah to Muzdalifah it is easy, maybe one hour, two hours. Now if you will go by walking maybe takes day, because they are making long ways, take maybe five hours. And even with this they are, they cannot, not allowed. So it is sunnah but nobody make this sunnah. But our intention to make. Even last year, we intention to make but they said no we cannot go. So Allāh accept our intention as we done it, in shā’a Llāh. And they, many of them sleeping in ‘Arafāt from tonight. And tomorrow after ‘Arafāt going to finish the Ḥajj program, going for jamarāt, throwing stone for Jamarāt. After make ṭawāf, cutting sheep, or shaving hair and come out from iḥrām – acceptable Ḥajjī. This is very nice. Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla He show us how to do this.
Many people all around the world they try to imitate pilgrimage, but they are doing any time. No, it is, you cannot. Nothing can compare with Ḥajj of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla what ordered for Muslims. They have special worshipping, everything, it is perfect. And it is reward, and to come from this Ḥajj you will be like a newborn child, without any sin. With, what you done in Ḥajj, this is the present for Ḥajjī people. And, Allāh reward you because you're doing big obligatory for Muslim, each Muslim, who can afford, to go to
Ḥajj. Of course Ḥajjī now, when you go it is real difficult and especially for people who are, they don't have any learning from teaching of adab, or Islām. They're going, only they thinking about themselves, not looking for other. And it is, end of time. It is as it is, normal because everything not good – no any adab, nothing at all. Because time of Mawlānā Shaykh he was going more than 25 times for Ḥajj and he was of course, there is difficulty. And one of these time he was with Mawlānā Shaykh Abdu Llāh ad- Dāghistānī, and Mawlānā Shaykh take him to... He said, "Come, we go for Ka‘bah." And when they come, see people they were making ṭawāf shouting, fighting, pushing each other and normally it must be quiet and everybody respect other, not shouting, not fighting, not doing anything, because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla in Qur’ān says, "Don't, no." "Fa-lā rafatha wa-lā fusūqa wa-lā jidāla fī l-ḥajj" (2:197). Don't do anything from this. But people not listening. They are doing everything. So this Mawlānā Shaykh Abdu Llāh saying to Mawlānā Shaykh, "Look up." And he look and he, from Ka‘bah, top of Ka‘bah, he was seeing people making ṭawāf in air. But it was quiet, nicely, and with light. And they was respecting each other like very... What they say? Kelebek, like butterfly, each other not... going around. And he said, "Look more up." And he second also, after this also another people they was making ṭawāf. This until sky, people they was doing this ṭawāf. And it is...This people they're Awliyā’u Llāh, or from Malā’ikah, or from Jinn who also they have. Because Jinn also they are Muslim, they must do what we are doing, fasting, making Ḥajj, making praying, everything. So this millions of people making ṭawāf. And this people now, they are saying, "We will make it bigger and bigger." They thought they can serve better than Allāh. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He can put millions in one place, no each other fighting, nothing happen. So Mawlānā Shaykh he was saying this, once he said, "I saw this, and after I was happy. Because every time I see these people fighting, quarrelling, pushing each other, I was not happy when I saw this," he said, "Don't look for this people," Mawlānā Shaykh, "look what Allāh He has." He Allāh not in need to anybody, but everybody Allāh give them this favour to be Ḥajjī and they must respect this and be thankful and be merciful for other people – to be each other must be same like yourself. Not any – "First, I must do this first, not other. I must be, I must have it." You can have and other also they can have. But people they are doing, so Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla accept because we are living in time no any good teaching. And Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was saying for his companion: "If you do 99 thing and not doing 100% is not acceptable for you. But there it will be time, only to do one from what you are doing, to leave 99, it is acceptable. Because these people they are living in time, not not like your time." Insha Allah, Allāh give us from this barakah and reward, these people who are making good Ḥajj and good ṭawāf. Our intention, Insha Allah, to make like them, Insha Allah. Allāh accept Ḥajjī of these people and reward them, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
139.ALLAH LOVES THE THANKFUL Saturday, 10 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Wa-in ta‘uddū ni‘mata Llāhi lā tuḥṣūhā" (14:34). Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, you can't count the favours given by Allāh. Not only on your ten fingers, but also on the computer it is impossible to count Allāh's favours. They are so many. Allāh has favoured us so much. He gives to everyone, not only to Muslims. His favours are given to all mankind. Mankind does not know the value. They are ungrateful. They say it happens or occurs by itself. They object and rebel. It is not good to object. The more you are ungrateful, the lower your rank falls. You become worthless. The value of a person is to know Allāh. By knowing Allāh a man becomes worthy, his rank increases. He becomes a beloved person in the presence of Allāh .
Allāh says, "Inna Llāha lā yuḥibbu l-kāfirīn" (3:32). Allāh created mankind great and respected. But people who rebel and make kufr, Allāh doesn't love them. Whom does Allāh love? Allāh loves those who appreciate His favours, Muslims and mu’min. You should make shukr for favours. Nothing can be given in return for His favours. No one can pay it back. The worship we do does not resemble anything. Therefore, these favours are important. We should always make shukr. When we make shukr, the favours increase. But otherwise, people who rebel and show ungratefulness by saying, "We did everything ourselves. We did it," and so on, their station decreases. They become the lowest of creatures. People rank each other as they like: "This is a very great man, this is a philosopher, this one is a professor, that one is a doctor, this one wrote so many books." All of this has no value so long as they don't believe in Allāh. The most ignorant person, a completely illiterate person who believes in Allāh is better than all of them in the sight Allāh.
Taqwá, (God-fearing) a person with taqwá has a high rank. Regardless of color and race, regardless of his knowledge, what is important is his strong faith, strong taqwá. Therefore, shukr to Allāh for His favours, especially for the favour of īmān (belief). Shukr to Allāh. May Allah strengthen our faith .
Today is a holy day, a day when prayers are accepted. It is one day in a year for all
Muslims. Those who went on ḥajj, today millions of people are becoming ḥujjāj. May they have Allāh's pleasure by completing their duty, Insha Allah.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, "Wa-in ta‘uddū ni‘mata Llāhi lā tuḥṣūhā" (14:34). If you count the favour what Allāh give us for, not only for Muslim, for whole human being, you cannot count what He is, His favour for all this humanity. Counting, not by finger, by computer even you cannot count Allāh's ‘Azza wa-Jalla favours, what He give us. We are just going around not seeing anything from His favours. But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He is knowing and He is happy with people who appreciate this favour and thank Him. And this people, they are believer people, who appreciate and accept and try to do something for this favour, what Allāh give us. But we cannot give anything for our Lord. He is not in need to anything but He is happy when you are thank, you thanking: "O my Lord, Allāh ‘
you saying this is from Him. This is they are wrong, they have mistake and they make it worse. But people who they don't have shame they can say anything.
But we are, this is, Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying there is of course we are only knowing very little. "Wa-mā ūtītum mina l-‘ilmi illā qalīlā" (17:85) – from knowledge very very little we know. But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He is knowing how this people they deserve this and who people they are not deserve this. So by His knowledge this is. So we cannot say, when we are doing wrong thing, "We done this because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He want this." When you say this, it is wrong because there is many thing, not many thing – very few things we know about. We don't know anything about our Lord... by, more clear, not knowing very small thing for our Lord Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
We don't know anything about Him. So only you must accept what, if you will do good thing, this is we must be thankful for Him if we are doing wrong thing we must ask forgiveness and we must be happy. If Allāh from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla because also secret –when, if you ask forgiveness, He forgive you. But if you are like Pharaoh or like Nimrod –coming against – so you will be punished and nobody can say anything for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. He is our Lord. He is the best Judge – "Aḥkamu l-Ḥākimīn" (11:45). So for what, sometime something happen in your life without your, without your knowledge, something happen accidentally – so this is from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. No need to... because not to need to remember and to say if, "It was like this, it will be like that." If thought like this this is no end for this. Only this is coming from Allāh. Azza wa-Jalla and this is from Him.
We ask forgiveness and for ask for help from Him. And every time, in shā’a Llāh, we are asking to be in position – good side, what – "khayrihi mina Llāha ta‘ālá," the best from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, to be helpful for people, to help for everything by doing, showing people good thing, to help people, to help poor people, to teach people the way of Allāh. This is the best. This is what all time we are asking Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla to help us from this, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
136.THE QURBĀN OF IDU L-ADHA Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Shukr to Allāh we are living in these blessed days. The first ten days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah are holy. And of course, there is the holy Id. The virtue of these days is great. Only Allāh knows the reward for the worship done during these days.
Every reward He gives you tenfold but for these days, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gives limitlessly. The worship of these days include your prayers, ṣadaqah, charity and so on. The fasting of the nine days has great reward. Who can't do it, our Prophet advised fasting the 8th and 9th. If you can't fast on the 8th then fast on the 9th, on the day of ‘Arafah. Your sins will pour off you then. No sin will remain, says our Prophet.
And then of course, those who are on ḥajj are doing the worship of ḥajj during these days. And for those who are here, people who can afford it, who have enough money, it is wājib for them to sacrifice an animal according to the Ḥanafī madhhab. Wājib is the second most powerful worship after farḍ. Farḍ comes first. It is the strongest. And then comes wājib. It [sacrifice] is wājib for Ḥanafī. Shāfi‘ī has no wājib. They have sunnah mu’akkadah. As it is not the same as wājib, they can make one qurbān for a household and it is enough according to Shāfi‘ī. For Ḥanafī, when everyone in the household has enough money, each of them should do it. This applies to the mature of mind, not to children, but when their parents do it, it brings benefit for them too. Allāh gives a separate reward. This matter of qurbān, people did... Of course, shayṭān doesn't like it. They bring up various reasons to not let them make it. They say there is no need to kill so many animals and other things, as if no animal is killed on other days and they don't eat it. They say in Europe a man should, I think, eat 60-70 kg of meat per year. Who is not Muslim, it is not important what kind of meat it is. It doesn't matter if it is clean or dirty. They put an animal through electric shock, kill and eat it. They hit it on its head, kill and eat it. They do all kinds of things, it is nothing for them. When it comes to this worship, when an animal submits itself and qurbān is made for the pleasure of Allāh, they don't like it. They object to it. Bad words and ugly noise come from everywhere. We are fine with it. As we said, it is wājib for Muslims who are Ḥanafī. They should do it. In order to mislead people, they suggest that there are many people in need now who could use this money for their needs other than making qurbān. It is not all right because it is
worship, it is wājib. If you don't do it, you owe it. Okay, there are poor people. There are poor Muslims all over the world. Some of them eat meat only once a year and that is during Idu l-Aḍḥá. I heard something even stranger. In some places, there are people who are 30-40 years old and have never tasted meat. Not because they are vegetarian. No. If they were given, they would try. If qurbān is made on your behalf there, it is fine. But if you take this money and pay for someone's needs – like phone bills and fines, or cigarettes – it is wrong. You can't help him this way. Worship is different and ṣadaqah is different. Ṣadaqah is sunnah. Qurbān is wājib.
No need to mislead people and put them in doubt. You do your worship and do what you like. And if you do that instead of your worship, then it is wrong. These people are there regardless of you making qurbān or not. They have no benefit for you. Skipping your worship in order to do goodness... It is not goodness. You will do a wrong which only looks like right. Therefore, we should be careful.
As we said, these are holy days. Being present in such gatherings of knowledge, and learning bless it for all of us. May He gives rewards for this too. May Allāh something, Allāh let all of us make qurbān, Insha Allah.
Alhamdulilah we are now days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, month of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. It is specially ten days Allāh put in Qur’ān: "Wa-l-fajr, wa-layālin ‘ashr" (89:1-2). Sūrah about this, and swore for these days. Is very blessed days. It is important we must be take care of these days, to be make as much we can do, praying fasting, and charity, helping people, learning something from knowledge of Qur’ān and Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, making ziyārah for holy place, for holy people. All this, Allāh not leaving any small thing without reward. And normal reward, Allāh give ten times for anything you do good thing. But these days He without counting He give for people. And it is days of, of course who are going to ḥajj, once a year it is... and once a life for people. And these people now, Alhamdulilah, they are making as much they can do for ḥajj, they're in holy place.
But our subject for who are not going there but wishing to be there. Allāh also reward them for like this. And to, Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam say, he was encouraging people for fasting especially Yawmu t-Tarwiyah wa Yawmu ‘Arafah, 8th and 9th of Dhū l- Ḥijjah. He said, "Who fast these two days, his sins it will drop from him as they are shaking." Not Allāh not let any sin on these people who are fasting these two days. If not two days, even you can only for day of ‘Arafah you can fast. And other after this, ‘Īd. ‘Īd is also there is one worship we must do: to slaughter sheep, or cow, or camel, or goat. This is four kinds of animals only allowed for for ‘Īd to slaughter. You cannot slaughter deer. You cannot slaughter these other thing, Anything you can hunt but for slaughtering, for worshipping, only this four kinds of anim and it is for Ḥanafī madhhab, wājib. Wājib meaning after farḍ. We have farḍ, wājib, sunnah mu’akkadah, sunnah, and
nāfilah – five kind of ibādah. So, it is for Hanafī madhhab, wājib. For Shāfi‘ī they don't have wājib, they have only sunnah mu’akkadah or sunnah. For other madhhab I don't know, but for this – majority of Muslim people they are in these two madhhab. Ya‘nī. In whole world the majority Hanafī and Shāfi‘ī. There is Hanbalī, Mālikī, but they are not so many like this. So, for Hanafī it is wājib. Wājib, meaning who has enough money as hundred gram of gold or equal this. So, who has this he must slaughter. Who don't have, he is no obligatory, no wājib for him. For Shāfi‘ī it is sunnah mu’akkadah. But who, for one house they can slaughter only one [animal]. Is enough for them. And Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla with this slaughtering, from first drop of blood of this, Allāh also forgive who slaughter. And for each hair of sheep or goat, Allāh reward give one, ten reward, because one is not for this. For each one. How is sheep, million of hair. Allāh reward you like this.
But shayṭān and his follower they are not happy at all with this. Every year when, Idu l- Adha, the feast of Adha coming, beginning from non-believer non-Muslim, whole world they are attacking people, attacking this worship. As [if] they are not eating at all meat; whole year they are not eating, they are not killing animal. Because they are, I hear they are saying normally, one European, one American each year he eat at least 70 kg of meat. Is our poor people, once a year maybe they can eat only for this Id Adha, many of poor people from Muslims all around world, they are, once maybe a year they can eat. And it is maybe half kg, not one kg even. And these people they are saying, "Oh they're wild people. They are killing animals. They're doing this. They are doing that." What they don't know – this the animal who slaughtered, they're the most happy one, because they are knowing their Creator better and for His than this people. They are happy to be slaughter for sake of Allāh worshipping. Don't think they are suffering, at all.
Who suffering? These people who are killing they are... what they will eat, they killing them by giving them shock by electricity, or they shoot their head. And they doing many thing to kill animal with violence. Not Muslim. Allāh and Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, showing us how to slaughter, how to make, to be clean and benefit for people and for animal also. Allāh give barakah for this. But this people they are every time they're real they are hypocrite. They are doing every badness but for... and after they're trying to be like angel. When other people doing good thing, "Aw, you are doing wrong, you are doing bad thing. You!" And they are coming like vampires, blood coming from their mouths. They can't see, but we can see this. They don't, think we are stupid. We are knowing everything, but time for them. This time for hypocrite, for bad people, for shayṭān people. But we must do our worshipping, don't this important.
This is one subject. Other one also, shayṭān trying to make us to not make this ibādah, this time coming as from Muslim people, "Oh!" saying, "If you, there is many people they're very in need for money, extremely in need for money. How if we give this money for this people and not slaughter?" This is also from shayṭān this is because this is worship, ibādah. Ibādah more important. If you slaughter or not slaughter, thisfor
slaughter and after if there is, you can help, you can help. You cannot help, Allāh help them. But to leave ‘ibādah and make to help people... And people they are these days the most of them, with their craziness they're doing this. Many times people coming, complaining, "We, we must pay for our telephone bill. If we not pay, they will make case for us." Make case for us, don't speak. Other one, for he is, cannot buy cigarette, other one not buy this.
So, many people if you are leaving your ibādah and give them they will be spend for bad thing. Don't listen. First thing to make ‘ibādah. But of course there is many poor people around the world, so for this people we send, and there is permission to send your qurbān for them, slaughter in their countries. Because these people they cannot find. As we said before, once a year they can eat only meat. And then there is more than this. I hear there is people, maybe he's 40 year or 30 year old, he is never had tasted meat in his life. He is vegan, he is vegetarian, no! Because he couldn't find. For this, for this people we can send for them and make behind [behalf] on you, you give money and say this is behind of this man, this woman we cutting for wājib of for them and spend – give for poor people in this area. This is very acceptable. Sometime it is better than some place they're not appreciate this. Some place it is like gold when they eat, and once a year it is, you cannot imagine how they are happy. This is very important ibādah. And Allāh Azza wa-Jalla reward for this and He give barakah for this animal, not finish at all. And they are also not feeling pain as these people say.
Allāh make us to be able to slaughter every time and for Allāh, sake of Allāh and His order, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
137.THE EIGHTH AND NINTH OF DHŪ L-ḤIJJAH Thursday, 8 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
We have these blessed days now. And tomorrow is the day of Tarwiyah. The day afterwards is ‘Arafah. Yawmu t-Tarwiyah is the 8th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, a day before Arafah. Both are holy days. Showing respect to them and making worship brings big profit. People in this world want to become rich immediately. So showing respect to these days and praying during them is so profitable that it remains permanently. No matter how much you earn in dunyā, it is not permanent, it goes away. Even if you have it until you die, after you die you have nothing. And the real profit is the profit of Akhirah. And huge reward is given by Allāh Azza wa-Jalla. Who fasts on the day of Arafah, his sins are forgiven a year ahead and behind. For Yawmu t- Tarwiyah, your sins of the last year are forgiven.
Sins are a burden, trouble, and disaster. In order to get rid of the sins of this world, our Prophet always used to say make tawbah so that Allāh forgives you. People sin throughout the day. We are sinning, knowing or not knowing. Therefore, this is the chance for those sins to be forgiven. Insha Allah, who can fast can do so tomorrow, on the 8th and the 9th. Both days are within the ten days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah fasting. Fasting before that is also virtuous, but the most virtuous are Yawmu t-Tarwiyah and ‘Arafah, tomorrow and the day after. And especially on ‘Arafah, we should recite one thousand Ikhlāṣ Sharīf. People give ṣadaqah. Sometimes some people make qurbān. Before cutting on Idu l-Adha, Arafah is also a holy day. If other qurbān animals are sacrificed on Arafah, it is also lots of rewards. May Allāh bless it.
Insha Allah. One thousand Ikhlāṣ on Arafah. One thousand lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadur Rasūlu Llāh, one thousand ṣalawāt, one thousand ṣalawāt sharīfah. If you can do more, you may do, Insha Allah. May Allāh bless it. May we all have it again, Insha Allah. May the darkness of this world disappear with the appearance of Islām and the Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. Because Mawlānā says, it is worship to wait for the Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām too. Therefore, don't forget. We don't forget, Insha Allah. We hope every time that next year we will be with Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. We will always hope, Insha Allah, because the condition of dunyā doesn't look good. As the days are passing, it is becoming worse. It is not getting better. And the result of its worsening, with Allāh's permission,
is that events will occur that are promised by Allāh and our Prophet. Qiyāmah is near. Insha Allah, it is close.
May Allāh let us reach those good days with Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām and with Isa alayhi s- salām, Insha Allah.
We are, Alhamdulilah, in Dhū l-Ḥijjah. Tomorrow blessed day and after tomorrow is more blessed day. Tomorrow they call it, Yawmu t-Tarwiyah meaning to be prepared for going for ‘Arafāt from Makkah. Before there was going walking and making sunnah to stay one night in Muzdalifah. But now, no sunnah, no wājib anymore. But still we are this day, they cannot, they couldn't take bless[ing] Allāh He give us this as a present. To who are respect and believe and worshipping in these days, Allāh He reward them huge reward. Reward which it is real one, not false one. Because people in dunyā they are running after reward or to be, have something from dunyā, they are happy. But this what they have in dunyā it is not forever and not real. Only when many time, even before he die they, many people they finish what they have. Some of them they have until they are dying they are rich, but also they can... cannot take this to other life. But what Allāh reward us and give us this reward for these holy days, blessed days, it is forever. Especially, 8th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah and 9th of Dhū l- Ḥijjah – Yawmu t-Tarwiyah wa Yawmu ‘Arafāh. This, for who fasting in these days, in Yawmu t-Tarwiyah, Allāh forgive his sins for last one year. For ‘Arafāh – for one year before, one year after, Insha Allah, also.
This is real good because we have every time we do wrong, we are making sin, and Allāh if He not forgive us for this, it is heavy for our body and our spiritual. So as much as we can get rid of our sins, asking forgiveness, Allāh forgive us. For this whole time we asking forgiveness, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah and Allāh fogive. And for whole year also fogive us for this what we are fasting in these days. So, it is... very nice day, before feast and feast also nice. Because we are happy which Allāh give us this present and Allah, He is happy when He sees us happy for His gift, thankful for Him.
Insha Allah, Allāh accept our ibādā and there is in yawm - after tomorrow we must read 1000 times Sūratu l-Ikhlāṣ, "Qul huwa Llāhu Aḥad." And 1000 times lā ilāha illā Llāh Muḥammadur Rasūlu Llāh ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam and 1000 times ṣalawāt also, for sake of these days. And other what you can read – from Qur’ān, from Sūrah, from... you can do. As much you can do, it is good. Allāh reward us, Insha Allah. And, Insha Allah, we hope to be also next year with these good days, but to be better for whole world with Prophet's grandson, Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām to be with him and to see these good days. Because Mawlānā he is saying for us every time, "You must make du‘ā’ praying for Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām to come." So we are every time we remember this and we ask for him to come, because world as you see nothing going well, not here, not Europe, not China, not America, not Russia, not Turk, not Arab, nothing. Everywhere in this world they have chaos and they have problem, problem which it is too difficult
to fix. So, we are only, who can give solution for this – Sayyidunā l-Mahdī ‘alayhi s- salām. And we are praying for whole human being, ask Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla to send him.
Maybe, Insha Allah, next year to be with him with good days, good for human being, for whole human being. They are waiting somebody to save them. Insha Allah, he is Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām and Isa alayhi s-salām. Insha Allah, we can meet them and to be with them, Insha Allah, with this good days and to be real feast with next Idu l-Adha, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
138.NOTHING COMPARES WITH HAJJ Friday, 9 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
You know that today is the 8th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah, Yawmu t-Tarwiyah. Today ḥujjāj should start their journey to climb ‘Arafāt. Of course, as we live in the end of times, some direct places were made. You go there, and what is important is to stand on ‘Arafāt. Some people can go tomorrow. Many go up today as well. Most of ḥujjāj go up today. But tonight it is normally sunnah to stay in Muzdalifah. But of course, there is no sunnah anymore. They don't make it possible to do it. They say, no need to do it. They go to ‘Arafāt. Because of end of times, our Prophet said it also: "If you don't keep one percent of [the sunnah] it won't be acceptable from you. A people will come in the end of times for whom keeping one percent will be enough for them." So says our Prophet. So we reached those days. We live in those days.
It is the time of the weakest īmān. Imān is the most beautiful thing and they want it to be forgotten. They say people don't need it. "You say you are Muslim, that is enough." Of course, that is also enough for Allāh. To witness the existence and oneness of Allāh and to accept Him becomes the means to salvation, the means to be saved. There are many people who don't say it. Most people are without faith. Those who do not believe in Allāh people who don't accept Him are the majority. Therefore, with even the weakest Imān a man can be saved. Of course, that beauty is different and the worship done without spirituality is different.
Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim, may Allāh increase his station, went to ḥajj about 25 times. Every time there was hardship. Of course, there is always hardship in ḥajj. And that time had its own hardship. Once Shaykh Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghistānī decided to go for ṭawāf. Grandshaykh said they went there. Down below people always push each other, they fight, scream and yell when you should act with adab. A person doing the worship of ṭawāf should do it without disturbing others. So in that situation, Shaykh Abdu Llāh ad- Dāghistānī said, "Look up in the sky." Mawlānā did so. He saw at the upper level of the Ka‘bah some were making ṭawāf. Compared to below, it was such a ṭawāf that everyone was making their rounds in peace and tranquility, quietly. They were doing it without disturbing each other. He said, "Look even higher." He looked. There were numerous creatures, angels and awliyā’ making ṭawāf in several layers.
They say they [want to go but] can't go to ḥajj. They will certainly join these creatures there. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla ordered not only humans, ḥajj is farḍ for the unseen people too. Like we have farḍ, jinn have farḍ too. They must do ḥajj as well. Because they are Muslim and must fulfill its conditions. Therefore, there is no need to be angry with the ḥujjāj. They are in their own worlds. They act as they like without learning adab. But who are with adab, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla allows them to do ḥajj better and higher. Of course, there are all types of hardship now, necessary and unnecessary. Allāh will give its reward and nothing will go wasted. That is why those who are becoming ḥajjī shouldn't be upset if they did it [according to the sunnah] or not. No need. As long as you step on ‘Arafāt your ḥajj is accepted.
May Allāh write the reward of those making ṭawāf in a beautiful way for us too, in shā’a Llāh. Not of those who disturb other ḥujjāj and fight with them, but the rewards of the others are more acceptable and more virtuous. And may those who can't go receive their share of it. May it be blessed. It is good time and good days now. Tomorrow people will stand on ‘Arafāt and earn their ḥajj. May Allāh give to who couldn't go, Insha Allah.
Al-ḥamdu liLlāh today nice blessed day. It is day of moving to ‘Arafāt, Jabal ‘Arafāt, which it is main, once a year happen. If people, they're going for Ḥajj but they are not going to ‘Arafāt, Ḥajj not acceptable. "Al-Ḥajju ‘Arafāt," Prophet sallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam saying. You must go for ‘Arafāt place, the big place can take millions of people, staying there until Maghrib. And it is, you once a year, only one day. So you be Ḥajjī.
But before also today, from today they are moving for ‘Arafāt. And normally it must be they was going by walking, slowly, slowly going for first Muzdalifah, sleeping in Muzdalifah. All time to go from Makkah to Muzdalifah it is easy, maybe one hour, two hours. Now if you will go by walking maybe takes day, because they are making long ways, take maybe five hours. And even with this they are, they cannot, not allowed. So it is sunnah but nobody make this sunnah. But our intention to make. Even last year, we intention to make but they said no we cannot go. So Allāh accept our intention as we done it, in shā’a Llāh. And they, many of them sleeping in ‘Arafāt from tonight. And tomorrow after ‘Arafāt going to finish the Ḥajj program, going for jamarāt, throwing stone for Jamarāt. After make ṭawāf, cutting sheep, or shaving hair and come out from iḥrām – acceptable Ḥajjī. This is very nice. Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla He show us how to do this.
Many people all around the world they try to imitate pilgrimage, but they are doing any time. No, it is, you cannot. Nothing can compare with Ḥajj of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla what ordered for Muslims. They have special worshipping, everything, it is perfect. And it is reward, and to come from this Ḥajj you will be like a newborn child, without any sin. With, what you done in Ḥajj, this is the present for Ḥajjī people. And, Allāh reward you because you're doing big obligatory for Muslim, each Muslim, who can afford, to go to
Ḥajj. Of course Ḥajjī now, when you go it is real difficult and especially for people who are, they don't have any learning from teaching of adab, or Islām. They're going, only they thinking about themselves, not looking for other. And it is, end of time. It is as it is, normal because everything not good – no any adab, nothing at all. Because time of Mawlānā Shaykh he was going more than 25 times for Ḥajj and he was of course, there is difficulty. And one of these time he was with Mawlānā Shaykh Abdu Llāh ad- Dāghistānī, and Mawlānā Shaykh take him to... He said, "Come, we go for Ka‘bah." And when they come, see people they were making ṭawāf shouting, fighting, pushing each other and normally it must be quiet and everybody respect other, not shouting, not fighting, not doing anything, because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla in Qur’ān says, "Don't, no." "Fa-lā rafatha wa-lā fusūqa wa-lā jidāla fī l-ḥajj" (2:197). Don't do anything from this. But people not listening. They are doing everything. So this Mawlānā Shaykh Abdu Llāh saying to Mawlānā Shaykh, "Look up." And he look and he, from Ka‘bah, top of Ka‘bah, he was seeing people making ṭawāf in air. But it was quiet, nicely, and with light. And they was respecting each other like very... What they say? Kelebek, like butterfly, each other not... going around. And he said, "Look more up." And he second also, after this also another people they was making ṭawāf. This until sky, people they was doing this ṭawāf. And it is...This people they're Awliyā’u Llāh, or from Malā’ikah, or from Jinn who also they have. Because Jinn also they are Muslim, they must do what we are doing, fasting, making Ḥajj, making praying, everything. So this millions of people making ṭawāf. And this people now, they are saying, "We will make it bigger and bigger." They thought they can serve better than Allāh. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He can put millions in one place, no each other fighting, nothing happen. So Mawlānā Shaykh he was saying this, once he said, "I saw this, and after I was happy. Because every time I see these people fighting, quarrelling, pushing each other, I was not happy when I saw this," he said, "Don't look for this people," Mawlānā Shaykh, "look what Allāh He has." He Allāh not in need to anybody, but everybody Allāh give them this favour to be Ḥajjī and they must respect this and be thankful and be merciful for other people – to be each other must be same like yourself. Not any – "First, I must do this first, not other. I must be, I must have it." You can have and other also they can have. But people they are doing, so Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla accept because we are living in time no any good teaching. And Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam was saying for his companion: "If you do 99 thing and not doing 100% is not acceptable for you. But there it will be time, only to do one from what you are doing, to leave 99, it is acceptable. Because these people they are living in time, not not like your time." Insha Allah, Allāh give us from this barakah and reward, these people who are making good Ḥajj and good ṭawāf. Our intention, Insha Allah, to make like them, Insha Allah. Allāh accept Ḥajjī of these people and reward them, Insha Allah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
139.ALLAH LOVES THE THANKFUL Saturday, 10 August 2019
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Wa-in ta‘uddū ni‘mata Llāhi lā tuḥṣūhā" (14:34). Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, you can't count the favours given by Allāh. Not only on your ten fingers, but also on the computer it is impossible to count Allāh's favours. They are so many. Allāh has favoured us so much. He gives to everyone, not only to Muslims. His favours are given to all mankind. Mankind does not know the value. They are ungrateful. They say it happens or occurs by itself. They object and rebel. It is not good to object. The more you are ungrateful, the lower your rank falls. You become worthless. The value of a person is to know Allāh. By knowing Allāh a man becomes worthy, his rank increases. He becomes a beloved person in the presence of Allāh .
Allāh says, "Inna Llāha lā yuḥibbu l-kāfirīn" (3:32). Allāh created mankind great and respected. But people who rebel and make kufr, Allāh doesn't love them. Whom does Allāh love? Allāh loves those who appreciate His favours, Muslims and mu’min. You should make shukr for favours. Nothing can be given in return for His favours. No one can pay it back. The worship we do does not resemble anything. Therefore, these favours are important. We should always make shukr. When we make shukr, the favours increase. But otherwise, people who rebel and show ungratefulness by saying, "We did everything ourselves. We did it," and so on, their station decreases. They become the lowest of creatures. People rank each other as they like: "This is a very great man, this is a philosopher, this one is a professor, that one is a doctor, this one wrote so many books." All of this has no value so long as they don't believe in Allāh. The most ignorant person, a completely illiterate person who believes in Allāh is better than all of them in the sight Allāh.
Taqwá, (God-fearing) a person with taqwá has a high rank. Regardless of color and race, regardless of his knowledge, what is important is his strong faith, strong taqwá. Therefore, shukr to Allāh for His favours, especially for the favour of īmān (belief). Shukr to Allāh. May Allah strengthen our faith .
Today is a holy day, a day when prayers are accepted. It is one day in a year for all
Muslims. Those who went on ḥajj, today millions of people are becoming ḥujjāj. May they have Allāh's pleasure by completing their duty, Insha Allah.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, "Wa-in ta‘uddū ni‘mata Llāhi lā tuḥṣūhā" (14:34). If you count the favour what Allāh give us for, not only for Muslim, for whole human being, you cannot count what He is, His favour for all this humanity. Counting, not by finger, by computer even you cannot count Allāh's ‘Azza wa-Jalla favours, what He give us. We are just going around not seeing anything from His favours. But Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He is knowing and He is happy with people who appreciate this favour and thank Him. And this people, they are believer people, who appreciate and accept and try to do something for this favour, what Allāh give us. But we cannot give anything for our Lord. He is not in need to anything but He is happy when you are thank, you thanking: "O my Lord, Allāh ‘