Suhbah 2016: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (20/25)
pened? He died? Yes he said, "He died." He said "and his wife." What happened he said his wife she died. After his wife how many days many months, he says no next day. He is 93 years old. He write one letter "O my darling, I am, as I was promising to you, I am coming to you." Taking poison, finishing his life. Can you imagine this, how this nonbeliever to be crazy and they are harming themselves, harming around and they don't have any responsibility for... no responsibility for him? He is an old man. He has relatives. He has everything, everybody they were very sorry and he is 93 years old. Maybe if he wait a little bit Allāh He can take him by order of Allāh. But when they are doing this, this is what nonbeliever can do for people, the worst thing to be non- believer. The biggest favour for human being, from beginning of ṣuḥbah, saying the belief, to have a strong belief and to be happy with Allāh. Awliyā’u Llāh there is one kind of Awliyā’u Llāh - many kind of them. One kind, they are not interfering with anything, with Allāh what He wants. Mawlānā he was making du‘ā’ for people and other he is carrying. But there is kind, even you are in sea and going down, not interfering at all. This is order of Allāh. We are happy with everything in this world. We are not doing anything because this Allāh He knows what He is doing. They are saying this. This is, they are also big Awliyā’ acceptable Awliyā’ also. He is not, Allāh accept them also. Other kind of Awliyā’ they interfere but this kind of Awliyā’ only, nothing affect them. If you are, whole world finish, there's no affect for them. This is what Allāh give favour for them more than normal human being, to be strong īmān. This is what we must try to make our īmān to be stronger, to every second to remember Allāh. To say "Allāh He is with me, Allāh He is looking with me," and he will ask what you've done. This is to not forget Allāh, make your īmān stronger and stronger in shā’a Llāh. Allāh giving us, all of us, real belief, real īmān, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.
173.THEY CANNOT DO ANYTHING Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla gave us this beautiful place. This is the navel of the world. All these rotten people have been trying to take over this place since the beginning, but they are trying harder now since it is End Times. They think they can finish this place off with their own power and with their own tricks, but Allah Azza wa Jalla has brought the people whom He loves. With their duas, because they are respected, Allah willing there is no threat at all. و َم َك ُر ۡوا و َم َك َرا ّٰللُ “Wamakaru wamakarallah” (Sura Aal Imran:54) “They set a trap and Allah set a trap.” Allah does what He wants. They can produce as much evil as they want and they can set as many traps as they want. Because His awliya are respected and because they respect the Hazrat Prophet (SAW) whom He loves much, Allah Azza wa Jalla will never make them servile and they will always be the head Allah willing.
As long as they strive to serve in the way of Allah and to obey the commands of Allah, Allah will help them and Allah willing nobody can harm them. This is always the case. It does not change. It is something that does not change. Nobody can change this.
Now, people make a fuss as, “This one came and that one came.” There is no need to make a fuss. As long as Allah is with us, Allah willing there is no fear. May Allah not take this love out of our hearts. May He make our love for His awliya and Hazrat Prophet (SAW) continuous Inshallah. Once we have this, it is our biggest weapon. Once we have this, nobody can do anything.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
174.DO NOT LEAVE THE SUNNA Thursday, September 22, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
People of tariqa are those who follow the path of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Because the mashayikh come from him (SAW). It is a must for people of tariq to do the sunna1 our Holy Prophet (SAW) did.
People of tariqa need to follow the sharia2 and the sunna of our Holy Prophet (SAW). They should do whatever the sunna is, whatever they know as sunna. For example, not praying with a bare head when offering prayers. A new fashion is out now. There are women who pray with uncovered heads. That is never acceptable for women anyway, but if men pray with uncovered heads, they would also be leaving the sunna. Let them at least put on skull cap (kufi hat) on their head and not have a bare head.
There are many sunnats like this. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) has thousands of sunnats. Of course, everybody is not able to know them all. However, as you learn the sunna of our Holy Prophet (SAW) you should apply it so it would be like gaining the reward of a hundred martyrs in End Times. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says this. It is not a little thing, martyrdom is not an easy thing. You think about it now. You will do a tiny thing and it will be so beneficial.
We are giving the wearing of a skull cap as an example. Wearing a silver ring is also a sunna. Combing your beard and combing your hair are also sunnats. There are thousands of sunnats like this. People who make the intention for Allah’s consent and to follow the sunnat of our Holy Prophet (SAW) would come out profitable. Difficulty does not exist for people who do everything according to our Holy Prophet (SAW). People think following the sunna is difficult. If you do the things you know little by little, you would gain its reward and not be deprived of that reward. May Allah make us successful in doing all the sunnats Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Traditions (actions and sayings) 2. Divine Law
175.ALLAH WILL TAKE REVENGE FROM THEM Friday, September 23, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
˚مو ´ن م ˚نت´ ¸ق
˚م ˚ج ¸ر ¸مي ´ن م ´ن ا ˚ل
َ ¸إنَّا
ض ع ˚ن ´ها
ث˚ َّم أ´ ˚ع ´ر ت ر ’¸ب ¸ه
ذ˚ ’¸ك ´ر ¸بآ ´يا م َّم ˚ن
و ´م ˚ن أ´ ˚ظل´ ˚م
“Waman athlamu mimman thukkira bi’ayati rabbihi thumma a’rada ‘anha, inna minal mujrimina muntaqimoon.” (Sura Sajda:22) Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Those who hear Allah’s verses and commands then turn away from them are tyrants. Nobody can be more of a tyrant than this person. We will take revenge from these tyrants.” Those who act like Pharoah in the world, stand up to Allah and disobey Allah’s commands, should not think they can bully and get away with it. They have deserved Allah’s revenge.
Allah (JJ) will take revenge from them with His name al-Muntaqim. There is no place to escape. They can have as many men supporting them as they want. They have no value. What is important is loving Allah and applying the commands of Allah. Otherwise, they can have millions of men and the whole world can be with them, it is of no value. Let them not think they have gained benefit by turning away from the orders of Allah.
Those people are mindless because they have not thought of the end and have not calculated. The world is of no use to anybody. A person who is with you for worldly gain can again go to somebody else for worldly gain. Hence what these people do is mindlessness. Do not take it for light when you hear the orders of Allah so your end may be good. Otherwise, there is no place to escape if you stand against it, and revenge will reach you.
Sometimes people do a bad thing to somebody then run away from them in the world. They go after them for revenge. Sometimes they escape but there is no escape from Allah. If Allah says it, He does it. He is capable of everything and nothing can obstruct Him. Therefore, we need to be careful while in the world. Bullying does not work with Allah. Allah is the greatest and nothing can stand in front of His majesty. However, He is Arhamur Rahimin. People can only be saved from that revenge if they repent. Let us repent. May Allah not put us in those situations Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
176.THE SAVED FACTION Friday, September 23, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May our gathering be a means for good Inshallah. It says, “Our tariqa stands with association.” It is the principal of our tariqa to make sohbat: say a couple of words to take advice from the Kalam of Allah and the Hadith Sharif of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
Jamiyya means to get together, the gathering of good people. Our tariqa is not for conversations of the world. The goal is not the world, not for work on the worldly. The goal is the hereafter. Muslims need to understand this. These things done need to be for the good of Islam and Muslims, for the benefit of Muslims. This is jamiyya, the good congregation, the good gathering.
There is no harm or waste in Islam. It says, “La darara wala dirar,” meaning, “You can neither cause harm nor cause waste.” This is for people who are Muslim. Those who say they are Muslim and harm people mean they have gone astray. “You will be divided into factions, separate into 73 factions,” had said our Holy Prophet (SAW). He says, “72 will go to hell.” The companions then asked, “How should we know the right one?” “Wherever the majority is at the time.” And they are always the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat group and are mostly the tariqas that come from the way of our Holy Prophet (SAW). It is the way that directly comes from our Holy Prophet (SAW), the way that reaches him. Tariqa means a way. This way reaches there.
That is why they would not want tariqas. All these perverted sides are against tariqas. Tariqas are ways that order goodness, love, love amongst Muslims, and being of benefit to people. They do not want it. Shaitan does not want it. They say, “We are a jamaat1. Apart from us nobody has value and nobody has dignity.” Because they have not accepted and not respected the path shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW).
This is why a person who is Muslim needs to follow a shaykh. Of course, what we mean by shaykh is someone connected to tariqa. Not to somebody from these perverted factions, but to a shaykh who surely has a link, so the person is comfortable in the world.
What is more important is the hereafter. They would not have a headache in the hereafter either. Let alone having a headache, people will not have a head left there. If they have committed disgracefulness in the world, they would devour their head. They would be questioned there for the evils committed.
Therefore, if you do not harm anybody in the world nobody would harm you. Your accounting in the hereafter would be easy because you are on the path of the Prophet (SAW), you are in the saved faction. Even though this sohbat is short, it is the essense of the matter.
There are many dissensions2 in the world. There are many people who come out with perverted ideas and perverted thoughts. Arabs have a saying: “Assammu fiddasam.” Poison is in the good cream. You think it is a good thing and eat it with a plop. You would then perish away. Therefore be careful. Do not think of going with new fashion that comes out early with every season. Connect with solid ways and tariqas that are solid, rooted, and its roots reach all the way to our Holy Prophet (SAW).
If you do not connect to them, do not go to others either. Offer your five daily prayers. If you absolutely want to connect, make sure you connect to tariqas because it is a very dangerous thing. Do not enter ways you do not know just because you like it. You might like it because there are many talkative people, there are many that speak beautiful words with clipped speech. “Most will go to hell,” he says. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) has a hadith. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “There are many people who speak well but their end will be hell.”
There are many people fooled by words since lying people do not care. They could say anything just to fool you. That is why we need to be careful of this matter. These times are times of fitna. These are dangerous times. Be with good people. Stay away from people who do not sit well with your heart. May Allah protect us.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
177.ASK FOR ALLAH’S FAVORS Saturday, September 24, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“Kullu aatin qareeb,” it says meaning “Everything on the way is near.” Do not think of anything as far away. It is near. No matter how far, days pass quickly and it will definitely happen. The promise of Allah is truth. This world has an end too. People and everybody also have an end. Allah Azza wa Jalla has assigned an age for everything, just as everybody is going towards an end. Nothing stays the same in the world. Everything but Allah changes. Everything is mortal. Only in the hereafter will we stay forever Inshallah.
This is how Allah’s promise is. Therefore, you should bear the distress and torment of the world and say, “This will also pass,” so you are comfortable. We should ask Allah not to put us to trial saying, “What Allah wants occurs.” Sometimes people trust themselves too much and say, “I can do it.” It requires patience. No, the mashayikh say, “Never ask for such a thing!” because it is hard like that. You should say, “May Allah bestow on us, not test us.”
Given the choice between two things where one was difficult and the other a little easier, according to our mother Hazrat Aisha (RA) our Holy Prophet (SAW) would chose the easy one so it would also be easy on the Nation1. Therefore, we should accept what comes from Allah. Never say, trusting in yourself, “Let it be harder so I can gain more rewards,” because you would not be able to carry it, you would not be able to do anything. That time you would not be left with a little, you would not be able to take anything. It is not good to rebel against Allah. We need to ask for mercy from Allah. May Allah give us all from his easy bestowings Inshallah. Allah is capable of everything. What is important, let there be the favor2 of Allah, Inshallah. May Allah not give us a burden we would not be able to bear.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Umma 2. Lutuf
178. THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN MAZHABS Monday, September 26, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May Allah be content with you, we are here for a couple of days now. We are here at the beautiful dargah Ahmad Efendi built. May Allah make these gatherings continue Inshallah. May good and beautiful gatherings be lasting. They are few, but as they say “less is more.” It is better to be real, on the right path, and on the good path rather than be a million times bigger but with Shaitan.
ش ˚كو ˚ر
ي ال
¸د ع ´با
ن˚ م’
وق´ ¸لي ˚ل
“Waqalilun min ‘ibadiyash shakhur.” (Sura Saba:13) “Those who are grateful are always few.” Those who obey Allah’s commands are few. Inshallah may our few also compensate for the many. Of course now again the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamat faction is the big faction our Holy Prophet (SAW) speaks about. They have of course leaned towards the world. They are on that path but their creed is solid as our Holy Prophet (SAW) says. So there is no deviation from the right path and from what is right. Those whom Allah speaks about are still within them. Those who are grateful and obedient to Allah are again within this faction.
The matter of creed is important. We follow the four schools of thought1 as the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamat. So we need to follow any one of them. Not four of them at once, but we need to follow one of them. Lately Shaitan has been entering from every side: they do not believe in mazhabs either and they are not connected to any one of them.
“I also read the Koran,” they say. Are you reading the Koran? Or are you reading and understanding it? What you understand is the opposite understanding anyway. People say something to each other and misunderstand each other, then they sulk. People even kill each other due to a misunderstanding sometimes. How then can you go about saying you can understand Allah, Grand be His glory (Azimush-shan)? You do not recognise scholars, imams, and say, “I can read and understand by meyself.” Nothing can be more flawed than this. Nothing can be more mindless than this.
First of all, our Holy Prophet (SAW) explained the Koran to the companions. They
explained it with hadiths to those who followed. It comes by teaching like this. Therefore, it is essential to follow a mazhab. This is also a blessing2 because there is a mazhab for people of these times that fits every climate and every geography. People practice according to them. It is a work of Shaitan to say, “No, there is no such thing.”
Therefore, it is not good to deal with these people who newly came out. Still thank Allah there is not much daily bread for them in our country. They are trying hard but fail to gain a thing because the foundation is strong. The foundation is our ancestors. They respected the saints3 and respected the scholars. Our ancestors were careful not to allow deviant ideas to enter. This is why the foundation kept strong.
Therefore, everybody who comes cannot do as they like. Since a foundation is not left in other places, they are trying to direct people as they like. They direct those they can manage, and cause those they cannot manage to run away. For example, those Central Asian countries stayed under Communist rule for 80 years. When Communism ended these ones came across them and they leaned towards them. However, they saw that these ones are cursing at their ancestors and are not accepting them, they started keeping their distance from them. When they started staying away from them, sometimes they also distanced themselves from being Muslim.
Here, what we are trying to say is these ones are Shaitan’s friends, not Allah’s friends. Allah Azza wa Jalla says in the Koran there are Awliaullah and there are Awliaushaytan. These are friends of Shaitan, awliya of Shaitan because they do not accept true awliya. They are Shaitan’s friends, friends Shaitan is happy with and likes. They, and those who are with them, are in danger. The door of repentance is open but sometimes they are stubborn. It is the stubbornness of unbelief. They are not repenting and are not listening to advice. Shaitan has taken over these ones and they cannot listen to anything else.
However, thank Allah their true colors appeared lately. Most people keep distant from them and try to get closer to the awliya. Those who can get close are getting close but still lucky people are few. “Waqalilun min ‘ibadiyash shakur.” May Allah make us amongst the grateful, amongst those who are respectful, and amongst those who accept the truth Inshallah.
May Allah be content with them, there are many awliya and holy ones in this country too Mashallah. Everywhere thank Allah, they are in every part of Anatolia. This is Alanya, belonging to the Seljuqs, meaning Sultan Aladdin’s winter residence. That holy one served a lot as well. Because sultans knew the truth, they would see themselves as servants of Islam. Everything they did they would do for Allah, not for themselves. And this is something a clever person would do.
Hazrat Sultan Alaaddin Kayqubad, may his place be paradise, was the sultan here. He fought against all the unbelievers4, and he was of service thank Allah. So many centuries have gone by since he switched worlds and passed to the hereafter. It would have been useless if the whole world were his but he had not given anything to the hereafter. But he made so much jihad in the path of Allah, opened up countries to Islam, expanded Islamic lands, and increased the number of Muslims. Allah will give him so many multiples of the world in return for each. He will also be a sultan in the hereafter because he ruled justly, he ruled mercifully, and did very good things. He did very good things for Islam, for people, and for Muslims. His good works continue now.
That is it, this is the lesson these sultans left us. We will see the benefit of good things forever. Some ignorant ones also say forever. Hazrat Sultan Alaaddin Kayqubad did things he will benefit forever, because this world does not last forever. Eternity is in the hereafter. Whatever you send from this world goes to the hereafter, it is in the hereafter. Whatever you send in this world, you will see its benefit until eternity there. Inshallah everybody is able to build their hereafter. May Allah increase his station. May the spiritual support5 of our Shaykh (QS) be with us, may the station of awliya here increase, and may their himmat be with us.
1.Mazhabs 2.Nimat 3.Awliya 4.Kafir 5.Himmat
179.DO NOT BE HOPELESS Thursday, September 29, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
ل ت´ ˚ق ´نطوا م ˚ن ر ˚ح ´م ¸ة ا َّّلل¸ َ ¸إ َّن ا َّّلل´ ´ي ˚غ ¸ف ˚ر ال ذن˚وب ج ¸مي ًعا َ َّإ¸نه˚ ه ´و ا ˚لغ´ف˚و ˚ر ال َّر ¸حي ˚م “La taqnatu mirrahmatillahi innallaha yaghfiruthunuba jamee’a, innahu huwal ghafurur rahim.” (Sura Zumar:53) He says, “Do not despair of Allah’s kindness, do not be hopeless.” Allah is the One capable of everything. Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “No matter how much bother there is, never fall to despair.”
Even if you have the greatest distress, sins, still do not be hopeless. Just as Allah forgives all sins, He brings goodness. These are End Times and because people constantly forget Allah (JJ), they constantly live a hopeless life. And that gives them lots of bother. Whereas Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “Do not be hopeless.”
Trust in Allah. Allah opens the good, gives blessings, and all distress goes away. No matter how much distress there might be, never lose hope from Allah. Allah is with us and Allah will help us Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
180.DO GOOD WORKS Friday, September 30, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla states: Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. ´وا ˚ف ´عل˚وا ا ˚ل ´خ ˚ي ´ر ل´ع´لَّ ˚ك ˚م ت˚ ˚ف ¸ل ˚حو ´ن “Waf’alul khayra la’allakum tuflihoon.” (Sura Hajj:77) If you want your end to be good, do good works, do goodness. Your end can only be good like this. Otherwise, you cannot gain anything doing evil.
If you like, the whole world can be in your hands, and you would not gain anything if you do not do good. [Suppose] the whole world is yours, “This man is the wealthiest man in the world,” they would say and it would stop there. Nothing would benefit him if he does not send anything to the hereafter, if he does not do good. So there would be no use of things he ate, drank, visited and saw in the world.
Only those who do good have a good ending, only these people will have won. Most people do not know this. Those who have money or those whom Allah (JJ) has bestowed wealth on most of the time think the wealth is due to them. Like Qarun (Korah) , “I earned these through my knowledge,” they say. Allah sunk Qarun in earth and he is still sinking. He did not benefit himself, and those around him were ruined too. Therefore, we need to do good, good deeds, and goodness. There are various types of good. Not throwing trash in the street is also a good; removing dirty things and cleaning the street is also a good; taking advice is also a good. There is a lot of good. What is important is doing them. May Allah make us succeed in doing good Inshallah. For the sake of this Friday Inshallah.
Bi hurmatil Fatiha.
181.HAVE LOVE TOWARDS THE SHAYKHS Saturday, October 1, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“Inda thikrussaliheen tanzilur rahma.” (Hadith Sharif) Mercy descends when a salih1 is mentioned. Today is the day Grandshaykh, Hazrat Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani (QS) passed to the hereafter. We refer to him everyday afterall. We ask for madad2 from him everyday. May his himmat3 be present.
It does not work by only respecting him one day. We need to mention all the awliya, our mashayikh4 everyday. Thank Allah we mention them everyday. It does not work by assigning one day. He needs to be in our heart every moment, he needs to be with us always. His himmat is present thank Allah. It does not work by absolutely remembering him today, once a year.
Thank Allah their himmat, their madad is ever-present. Whenever there is a trouble, their himmat is presnet when you say, “Madad.” This is how the himmat of great awliya, mashayikh, our shaykh, shaykhs of our shaykh is. They are alive. They shut their eyes here, but they open them on the other side. Their himmat is again present, and it is even stronger.
This is our creed, this is the creed of Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat. Death is not the end. They are alive anyway, they are the beloved servants of Allah, and they are living in the station of Hayy thank Allah. Always ask for their himmat, ask for help, because it is good to ask for help in this world. It is a good thing to have a person, to have someone hold our hand.
Do not say, “We can do it.” It is certainly good for someone to hold by your hand. It is a great blessing. Thank Allah. Very few people have been granted these himmats. The things Hazrat Shaykh Mawlana (QS), our Shaykh Baba, showed and told people, they have also gained from that virtue.
Even though they did not see them, they developed love for our Holy Prophet (SAW), the companions, the shaykhs, and our shaykhs. It has been a good thing. It is not vouchsafed for everybody. As we said, it is predestined for a few people. Thank Allah.
We need to be thankful for these blessings6. Because as we are thankful Allah increases the blessings. The real blessings are the spiritual ones: faith and light, Allah willing. May Allah increase these blessings of ours.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha
1.Pious person 2.Spiritual help 3.Spiritual support 4.Shaykhs
182. THE YEAR OF VICTORY Sunday, October 2, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Today is the first of Muharram. May it be blessed1 Inshallah. May Allah (JJ) make the New Hijri Year blessed for the world of Islam. Inshallah may this year be the year of vistory for Islam. We hope so because the harder it gets the nearer victory is Allah willing.
When people are hopeless with this much toil, when they are in such a difficult situation Allah comes to the rescue. Allah Azza wa Jalla is surely with Mumins, with those who believe in Him. Therefore we are never hopeless.
Hopelesness means faithlesness. You need to believe in Allah (JJ) and not lose hope from Allah. You need to call for help from Allah in every opportunity, and you need to ask for help from Allah so He may help us Inshallah. Allah is capable of everything. The things He gave us are great blessings2. Most of us do not know the value of the blessings, but still Allah is Arhamur Rahimin and He forgives them. “Do not lose hope from My mercy,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Therefore, we are saying Inshallah may this year be the year of victory for Islam. 1438 years have passed since our Holy Prophet (SAW) got up and made hegira from Mecca to Medina. This is a big lesson for us. When, “Nothing can happen anymore. We can finish him alone,” was said, our Holy Prophet (SAW) said to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) in the middle of so much difficulty:
ل ت´ ˚ح ´ز ˚ن إ¸ َّن ا َّّلل´ م ´عن´ا
“La tahzan, innallaha ma’ana.” (Sura Tawba:40) “Do not grieve; we are not alone, indeed Allah is with us.” This is a big lesson for the world of Islam. These are beautiful words. Nothing would sadden people who believe the truth of this, and nothing would affect them. Allah is great, Allah is with us, and Allah is sufficient for us.
May these years be good. May they be good and blessed for the world of Islam. May Allah correct those who treat Islam as an enemy, and may Allah subdue3 with misery
those who are beyond redemption. May they not harm Islam and Muslims Inshallah. May this year be a good and blessed one Inshallah. May our iman increase, and may we never be in need of anybody Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Mubarak 2.Nimat
183. MUSLIM-LOOKING CREW Monday, October 3, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
When our Holy Prophet (SAW) made hijra to Medina, all Mumins in Medina rejoiced and welcomed him. They had not seen so much relief in their life, because Allah’s beloved servant, our Holy Prophet (SAW), had come to them. They knew the value.
Of course, since there is no rest in the world, our Holy Prophet (SAW) did not think he was going to be comfortable in Medina after being saved from Mecca, from the polytheists of Mecca. He did not migrate for comfort but for the sake of Allah. That was all that could be done at Mecca, and the second place was chosen as Madina-e Munawwara.
Even though he was welcomed with so much affection there, some people there did not like this situation, but they could not do anything by all appearances. They are the hypocrite1 crew. They came out to the presence of our Holy Prophet (SAW) there and appeared Muslim, but their inside was disbelief. This crew is a cursed crew.
Allah Azza wa Jalla said: “The munafiqs will be in the deepest part of hell.” Because their harm is worse than those who are polytheist, worse than those who directly say, “I am a polytheist!” Because they stab you in the back and harm you. Allah Azza wa Jalla has cursed them. Regarding that crew too you would think, “They were finished then,” but they are always there.
A munafiq means a traitor. Everybody can have some hypocrite traits. These petty things do not matter, but if they are to essentially harm Islam and people, then they are prone to Allah’s curse. Otherwise as we said, everybody has little hypocrite signs. What is important is people themselves should not be a munafiq, not deviate from Allah’s path, and not try to harm Islam. Those who do this need to repent. The door of repentance is open.
There were many munafiqs during the time of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) was very patient with them. They asked him, “Why are you patient with them?” He said, “It might just happen that they become Muslim.” In fact, a big portion
of them became Muslim later, and a few people were left as munafiqs. A big segment became Muslim due to our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) good manners, beautiful words, and what he did.
As we said, if there are munafiqs during these times, they need to repent. They should repent and ask for forgiveness since the door of repentance and forgiveness is open. Allah (JJ) would forgive if they are sorry for what they did. They would at least save themselves and their hereafter. Even if they cannot save their world, it would benefit their hereafter. That is what is important. May Allah keep us all safe from hypocrites and hypocrisy.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Munafiq
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created us in this time and place. Let people of today not think we came to being by ourselves. Allah (JJ) has no limit and boundary to His number of creatures. None but Allah can know the knowledge of Allah. It is so huge that it is mindboggling for humans. Not mind-boggling but people’s minds cannot reach it. There is a boundary up till somewhere and the mind can only reach so far.
Allah (JJ) has created this Universe. Unbelievers who act like they are clever truely have no mind and understanding.
¸م ˚قد´ا „ر عند´ه˚ ¸ب
˚ي „ء ش
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“Wakullu shay’in ‘indahu bimiqdar.” (Sura Ra’d:8) “Everything with Him is by due measure.” Everything Allah has created is neat. Everything has been created upon an accounting and knowledge. The calculation of the universe we are in is different compared to another universe Allah has created. In fact, it could be the opposite. So they are saying things like, “We did all our calculations, we found it, we are solving it, we are solving its secret, etc.” But you cannot solve it. Those who say so are ignorants. You cannot do anything. Your knowledge is not even zero!
Next to Allah’s knowledge, as we said, you are like taking a cup of water from the sea. It is only that much. You take it and put it there, but it is still useless. The true scholar or wise person would only submit in the face of the knowledge and grandness1 of Allah and profess the omnipotence2 of Allah. “We are weak3 servants. Allah created us. We believe in Allah,” they would say.
They get up and strive saying, “No, it was formed like this. No, the universe was made like that.” They send tools and equipment to the skies and say, “We will solve the secret of the Universe.” However, they cannot do anything and can only see their helplesness.
What is meant by “Allahu Akbar” is there is nothing greater than Allah. We need to profess the hauteur and omnipotence of Allah. We need to accept our helplesness. When
we accept our helplessness, Allah gazes at us with His mercy and His grace4. And the others, those who do not believe in Him, are going to be in trouble. So many pharaohs passed through this world. So many big-headed ones passed through. Even if they live for a hundred years or five hundred years, in the end they became dirt and left. Allah is lasting, Allah is Baqi. Excluding Allah are a mirage, an imagination, and there is nothing else. Allah creates whom He wills, raises whom He wills, and lowers whom He wills. For the sake of this morning and these holy days, may Allah make us amongst those who have faith, and may our iman get stronger Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Azamat 2.Qudrat 3.‘Ajiz
185.FEARING ALLAH IS A VIRTUE Wednesday, October 5 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Our Master Hazrat Ali (KW) said, “Ra’sul hikmah makhafatullah.” “Fear of Allah is the head of wisdom.” What does this mean? Everything is alright when you fear Allah. It is not a bad thing to fear Allah.
Some philosophers rise against and say words that are not good against Allah because of their faithlesness. Ignorant people are the same way. They call it “Courage of ignorance”. Fearing Allah is a great virtue and it is not a shame. Allah is our creator. Fearing Him is not a bad thing. What is meant by “Ra’sul hikma” is intelligence. The more intelligent a person is, the more the person fears Allah. Everything is in Allah’s hands. This is the start of faith and the start of every wisdom.
We read the hadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW) yesterday: “They fear everything but because of their ignorance they only do not fear Allah.” However, the person who fears Allah is not afraid of anything else. The one who is truely in existence is Allah, and the one who needs to be feared is Allah. When Allah Azza wa Jalla gives humans that fear, they are safe from everything and they are protected from every evil. To fear and to scare does not come from a bad meaning. On the contrary, Allah Azza wa Jalla’s scaring people is to forbid them from evil. Fear is a variety. Some people fear embarassment. So this also exists. People fear being in a bad state in front of Allah Azza wa Jalla, from coming to His presence in a bad state. What we mean by fear of Allah is such a thing unlike other fears.
Allah Azza wa Jalla rendered the Son of Adam honorable. He does not order derogatory things like that to us. He orders good things. In other words, fearing Allah, we fear coming to the presence of Allah with bad actions and we fear being in a bad situation. This is how we fear Allah. As long as people do not fear Allah, Allah gives them that trouble and they fear everybody. And cowardice is the worst thing. All their life is spent in worry and they become anxious.
May Allah make all of us amongst those who fear him. This is what is meant by Ahl-e
Taqwa. Meaning those who fear Allah, people of fear. They are all alike. May Allah Azza wa Jalla Inshallah make us amongst them.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha
186.WE ARE ALL GOING TO ALLAH Thursday, October 6, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla states: “This Universe is not stationary.” Our world is turning and moving, moving forward. The moon is the same way, and the stars are all going somewhere the same way. Scholars observe, “It moves with such and such speed,” they say. We think everything is stationary from where we sit. No, it is turning and moving someplace with speed. Not only our Solar System but all these stars we see, they all move as a whole and are going somewhere with speed.
Of course, only materialist scholars who look at matter are astonished by this. “Where are they going?” they keep asking. Whereas they are going to Allah Azza wa Jalla, they are going towards Doomsday. When Doomsday occurs, thes things we see and the ground will be flattened, and the stars will finish. However, Allah Azza wa Jalla is always the creator and He creates and makes other worlds.
We need to take lesson from everything. Some people make a fuss because these are going away. They ask, “Where are they going? What is happenning?” They say, “There are hundreds of boulders and rocks like this in the sky. If one of them hits a city the city would be ruined.” “What should we do? Let us take precautions against them. Let us protect ourselves,” they say. If it were up to your taking precautions, this world would have been finished long ago. It is in the hands of Allah. Allah made everything in accordance with a calculation. He created most beautifully. When the time comes, they will all explode, burn out and go away. But they are waiting for an order from Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Many people are afraid: “Will a meteoroid fall on our head?” They think if one falls it would take away the city, if a larger one falls it would take away the country, and if a yet larger one falls it would blow up the world.
They scare people intermittently and get them fussed up. Whereas this is also a lesson such that everything is in Allah’s hands. It will happen when Allah wants and Doomsday will erupt. They are making a fuss and being scared for no reason because they are faithless.
Old time people said: “We are riding on a sign1, we are going towards doom2”. This is the essence of the matter. We are all going towards Allah. Therefore, the Mumin person has no fear. A Believer only fears Allah. There is no fear after obeying what Allah says. May Allah give that iman3, that certainty4, to us all Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.‘Alama 2.Qiyama 3.Faith 4.Yaqeen
187. THE QUALITY PERSON Saturday, October 8,2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created humans in the most beautiful manner. Allah (JJ) created humans in the highest level amongst the rest of creation. Allah granted us gifts1 and honored2 us. You also need to give those gifts to yourself and be a quality person. A quality person means a good person.
People who follow their ego3 are poor-quality people and not good people. Everybody saw how our Holy Prophet (SAW) raised the statue of those companions4. Everybody saw it and everybody knows it. We need to take them as an example since a quality person is a useful person. They would be beneficial both for themselves and for people around them. Good people are those who stay away from evils. All goodness would be with them. These, as we said, are people who do not follow their ego.
People who follow their ego are bad people, not good people. They are people who are not liked and are those of selfcentredness. They are people who have gathered bad traits and bad habits. When people look at someone and say, “He is a gentleman. She is a lady. Truely, he is man enough.” It is immediately obvious when one speaks, but the other way around is also obvious and one cannot hide it. As Shaykh Mawlana (QS) used to say “trash”5. Zibil means dirt, in other words rubbish. The difference between rubbish and a jewel cannot be compared. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) tells us to “Be a jewel!” A person becomes a jewel through the things he teaches, and becomes trash, dirty, and rubbish with what Shaitan teaches.
May Allah not make us follow our ego so we may become quality people Inshallah. The quality person is a recognised person both in this world and in the hereafter in the sight of Allah. And this is what counts. May our inside and outside be the same Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Ikram 2. Izza 3. Nafs 4. Sahabi 5. Zibil
188. THE MONTH OF MUHARRAM AND KARBALA Saturday, October 8, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May Allah make this New Year of ours blessed. Inshallah it becomes the year of victory for Islam and the year Mahdi Alayhis Salam comes out Inshallah. Making this dua every year makes us gain both rewards and virtue. We are truely waiting for and want Mahdi Alayhis Salam to come. Mahdi Alayhis Salam is the person our Holy Prophet (SAW) gave good tidings of.
We need to wait for him every year. Some people get fed up or say, “He will not come anymore.” Or others go to denial and deny him. When in fact hadith scholars know. There are so many authentic1 hadiths. There are various kinds of hadith.
Just as they interfered in everything after our Holy Prophet (SAW), the Jews also mixed this up. There are many things they brought forward as hadith. However, the companions, the Tabieen2 that followed, and the people who knew the science of hadith combed it out one by one and they sorted most of it through.
The ones they were not sure of they called weak3 and they called alright4. They also called sahih, mutawatir5, and a couple of other kinds, but this hadith is an accepted hadith. There is no doubt in it.
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) gave good tidings and told us of Mahdi Alayhis Salam’s coming. He comes from his lineage. His mother’s name is like that of our Holy Prophet’s mother’s name, Amina, his fahter’s name is Abdullah, and his own name is Muhammad. “He will be of my lineage.
When the world is full of tyranny and all sorts of evil, he will fill the world with justice and goodness when he comes,” says a hadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
In this case, this needs to be the creed of people of Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat. Of course there are those who are not Ahl-e Sunnat. They are waiting for a different one but the issue our Holy Prophet (SAW) spoke about looks exactly like today’s. Meaning so much tyranny, so much evil, so much denial, and so much unbelief has never been seen before.
Of course it happened before, tyranny ocur
pened? He died? Yes he said, "He died." He said "and his wife." What happened he said his wife she died. After his wife how many days many months, he says no next day. He is 93 years old. He write one letter "O my darling, I am, as I was promising to you, I am coming to you." Taking poison, finishing his life. Can you imagine this, how this nonbeliever to be crazy and they are harming themselves, harming around and they don't have any responsibility for... no responsibility for him? He is an old man. He has relatives. He has everything, everybody they were very sorry and he is 93 years old. Maybe if he wait a little bit Allāh He can take him by order of Allāh. But when they are doing this, this is what nonbeliever can do for people, the worst thing to be non- believer. The biggest favour for human being, from beginning of ṣuḥbah, saying the belief, to have a strong belief and to be happy with Allāh. Awliyā’u Llāh there is one kind of Awliyā’u Llāh - many kind of them. One kind, they are not interfering with anything, with Allāh what He wants. Mawlānā he was making du‘ā’ for people and other he is carrying. But there is kind, even you are in sea and going down, not interfering at all. This is order of Allāh. We are happy with everything in this world. We are not doing anything because this Allāh He knows what He is doing. They are saying this. This is, they are also big Awliyā’ acceptable Awliyā’ also. He is not, Allāh accept them also. Other kind of Awliyā’ they interfere but this kind of Awliyā’ only, nothing affect them. If you are, whole world finish, there's no affect for them. This is what Allāh give favour for them more than normal human being, to be strong īmān. This is what we must try to make our īmān to be stronger, to every second to remember Allāh. To say "Allāh He is with me, Allāh He is looking with me," and he will ask what you've done. This is to not forget Allāh, make your īmān stronger and stronger in shā’a Llāh. Allāh giving us, all of us, real belief, real īmān, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa min Allāhi t-tawfīq. Al-Fātiḥah.
173.THEY CANNOT DO ANYTHING Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla gave us this beautiful place. This is the navel of the world. All these rotten people have been trying to take over this place since the beginning, but they are trying harder now since it is End Times. They think they can finish this place off with their own power and with their own tricks, but Allah Azza wa Jalla has brought the people whom He loves. With their duas, because they are respected, Allah willing there is no threat at all. و َم َك ُر ۡوا و َم َك َرا ّٰللُ “Wamakaru wamakarallah” (Sura Aal Imran:54) “They set a trap and Allah set a trap.” Allah does what He wants. They can produce as much evil as they want and they can set as many traps as they want. Because His awliya are respected and because they respect the Hazrat Prophet (SAW) whom He loves much, Allah Azza wa Jalla will never make them servile and they will always be the head Allah willing.
As long as they strive to serve in the way of Allah and to obey the commands of Allah, Allah will help them and Allah willing nobody can harm them. This is always the case. It does not change. It is something that does not change. Nobody can change this.
Now, people make a fuss as, “This one came and that one came.” There is no need to make a fuss. As long as Allah is with us, Allah willing there is no fear. May Allah not take this love out of our hearts. May He make our love for His awliya and Hazrat Prophet (SAW) continuous Inshallah. Once we have this, it is our biggest weapon. Once we have this, nobody can do anything.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
174.DO NOT LEAVE THE SUNNA Thursday, September 22, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
People of tariqa are those who follow the path of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Because the mashayikh come from him (SAW). It is a must for people of tariq to do the sunna1 our Holy Prophet (SAW) did.
People of tariqa need to follow the sharia2 and the sunna of our Holy Prophet (SAW). They should do whatever the sunna is, whatever they know as sunna. For example, not praying with a bare head when offering prayers. A new fashion is out now. There are women who pray with uncovered heads. That is never acceptable for women anyway, but if men pray with uncovered heads, they would also be leaving the sunna. Let them at least put on skull cap (kufi hat) on their head and not have a bare head.
There are many sunnats like this. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) has thousands of sunnats. Of course, everybody is not able to know them all. However, as you learn the sunna of our Holy Prophet (SAW) you should apply it so it would be like gaining the reward of a hundred martyrs in End Times. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says this. It is not a little thing, martyrdom is not an easy thing. You think about it now. You will do a tiny thing and it will be so beneficial.
We are giving the wearing of a skull cap as an example. Wearing a silver ring is also a sunna. Combing your beard and combing your hair are also sunnats. There are thousands of sunnats like this. People who make the intention for Allah’s consent and to follow the sunnat of our Holy Prophet (SAW) would come out profitable. Difficulty does not exist for people who do everything according to our Holy Prophet (SAW). People think following the sunna is difficult. If you do the things you know little by little, you would gain its reward and not be deprived of that reward. May Allah make us successful in doing all the sunnats Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Traditions (actions and sayings) 2. Divine Law
175.ALLAH WILL TAKE REVENGE FROM THEM Friday, September 23, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
˚مو ´ن م ˚نت´ ¸ق
˚م ˚ج ¸ر ¸مي ´ن م ´ن ا ˚ل
َ ¸إنَّا
ض ع ˚ن ´ها
ث˚ َّم أ´ ˚ع ´ر ت ر ’¸ب ¸ه
ذ˚ ’¸ك ´ر ¸بآ ´يا م َّم ˚ن
و ´م ˚ن أ´ ˚ظل´ ˚م
“Waman athlamu mimman thukkira bi’ayati rabbihi thumma a’rada ‘anha, inna minal mujrimina muntaqimoon.” (Sura Sajda:22) Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Those who hear Allah’s verses and commands then turn away from them are tyrants. Nobody can be more of a tyrant than this person. We will take revenge from these tyrants.” Those who act like Pharoah in the world, stand up to Allah and disobey Allah’s commands, should not think they can bully and get away with it. They have deserved Allah’s revenge.
Allah (JJ) will take revenge from them with His name al-Muntaqim. There is no place to escape. They can have as many men supporting them as they want. They have no value. What is important is loving Allah and applying the commands of Allah. Otherwise, they can have millions of men and the whole world can be with them, it is of no value. Let them not think they have gained benefit by turning away from the orders of Allah.
Those people are mindless because they have not thought of the end and have not calculated. The world is of no use to anybody. A person who is with you for worldly gain can again go to somebody else for worldly gain. Hence what these people do is mindlessness. Do not take it for light when you hear the orders of Allah so your end may be good. Otherwise, there is no place to escape if you stand against it, and revenge will reach you.
Sometimes people do a bad thing to somebody then run away from them in the world. They go after them for revenge. Sometimes they escape but there is no escape from Allah. If Allah says it, He does it. He is capable of everything and nothing can obstruct Him. Therefore, we need to be careful while in the world. Bullying does not work with Allah. Allah is the greatest and nothing can stand in front of His majesty. However, He is Arhamur Rahimin. People can only be saved from that revenge if they repent. Let us repent. May Allah not put us in those situations Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
176.THE SAVED FACTION Friday, September 23, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May our gathering be a means for good Inshallah. It says, “Our tariqa stands with association.” It is the principal of our tariqa to make sohbat: say a couple of words to take advice from the Kalam of Allah and the Hadith Sharif of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
Jamiyya means to get together, the gathering of good people. Our tariqa is not for conversations of the world. The goal is not the world, not for work on the worldly. The goal is the hereafter. Muslims need to understand this. These things done need to be for the good of Islam and Muslims, for the benefit of Muslims. This is jamiyya, the good congregation, the good gathering.
There is no harm or waste in Islam. It says, “La darara wala dirar,” meaning, “You can neither cause harm nor cause waste.” This is for people who are Muslim. Those who say they are Muslim and harm people mean they have gone astray. “You will be divided into factions, separate into 73 factions,” had said our Holy Prophet (SAW). He says, “72 will go to hell.” The companions then asked, “How should we know the right one?” “Wherever the majority is at the time.” And they are always the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat group and are mostly the tariqas that come from the way of our Holy Prophet (SAW). It is the way that directly comes from our Holy Prophet (SAW), the way that reaches him. Tariqa means a way. This way reaches there.
That is why they would not want tariqas. All these perverted sides are against tariqas. Tariqas are ways that order goodness, love, love amongst Muslims, and being of benefit to people. They do not want it. Shaitan does not want it. They say, “We are a jamaat1. Apart from us nobody has value and nobody has dignity.” Because they have not accepted and not respected the path shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW).
This is why a person who is Muslim needs to follow a shaykh. Of course, what we mean by shaykh is someone connected to tariqa. Not to somebody from these perverted factions, but to a shaykh who surely has a link, so the person is comfortable in the world.
What is more important is the hereafter. They would not have a headache in the hereafter either. Let alone having a headache, people will not have a head left there. If they have committed disgracefulness in the world, they would devour their head. They would be questioned there for the evils committed.
Therefore, if you do not harm anybody in the world nobody would harm you. Your accounting in the hereafter would be easy because you are on the path of the Prophet (SAW), you are in the saved faction. Even though this sohbat is short, it is the essense of the matter.
There are many dissensions2 in the world. There are many people who come out with perverted ideas and perverted thoughts. Arabs have a saying: “Assammu fiddasam.” Poison is in the good cream. You think it is a good thing and eat it with a plop. You would then perish away. Therefore be careful. Do not think of going with new fashion that comes out early with every season. Connect with solid ways and tariqas that are solid, rooted, and its roots reach all the way to our Holy Prophet (SAW).
If you do not connect to them, do not go to others either. Offer your five daily prayers. If you absolutely want to connect, make sure you connect to tariqas because it is a very dangerous thing. Do not enter ways you do not know just because you like it. You might like it because there are many talkative people, there are many that speak beautiful words with clipped speech. “Most will go to hell,” he says. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) has a hadith. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “There are many people who speak well but their end will be hell.”
There are many people fooled by words since lying people do not care. They could say anything just to fool you. That is why we need to be careful of this matter. These times are times of fitna. These are dangerous times. Be with good people. Stay away from people who do not sit well with your heart. May Allah protect us.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
177.ASK FOR ALLAH’S FAVORS Saturday, September 24, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“Kullu aatin qareeb,” it says meaning “Everything on the way is near.” Do not think of anything as far away. It is near. No matter how far, days pass quickly and it will definitely happen. The promise of Allah is truth. This world has an end too. People and everybody also have an end. Allah Azza wa Jalla has assigned an age for everything, just as everybody is going towards an end. Nothing stays the same in the world. Everything but Allah changes. Everything is mortal. Only in the hereafter will we stay forever Inshallah.
This is how Allah’s promise is. Therefore, you should bear the distress and torment of the world and say, “This will also pass,” so you are comfortable. We should ask Allah not to put us to trial saying, “What Allah wants occurs.” Sometimes people trust themselves too much and say, “I can do it.” It requires patience. No, the mashayikh say, “Never ask for such a thing!” because it is hard like that. You should say, “May Allah bestow on us, not test us.”
Given the choice between two things where one was difficult and the other a little easier, according to our mother Hazrat Aisha (RA) our Holy Prophet (SAW) would chose the easy one so it would also be easy on the Nation1. Therefore, we should accept what comes from Allah. Never say, trusting in yourself, “Let it be harder so I can gain more rewards,” because you would not be able to carry it, you would not be able to do anything. That time you would not be left with a little, you would not be able to take anything. It is not good to rebel against Allah. We need to ask for mercy from Allah. May Allah give us all from his easy bestowings Inshallah. Allah is capable of everything. What is important, let there be the favor2 of Allah, Inshallah. May Allah not give us a burden we would not be able to bear.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Umma 2. Lutuf
178. THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE IN MAZHABS Monday, September 26, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May Allah be content with you, we are here for a couple of days now. We are here at the beautiful dargah Ahmad Efendi built. May Allah make these gatherings continue Inshallah. May good and beautiful gatherings be lasting. They are few, but as they say “less is more.” It is better to be real, on the right path, and on the good path rather than be a million times bigger but with Shaitan.
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“Waqalilun min ‘ibadiyash shakhur.” (Sura Saba:13) “Those who are grateful are always few.” Those who obey Allah’s commands are few. Inshallah may our few also compensate for the many. Of course now again the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamat faction is the big faction our Holy Prophet (SAW) speaks about. They have of course leaned towards the world. They are on that path but their creed is solid as our Holy Prophet (SAW) says. So there is no deviation from the right path and from what is right. Those whom Allah speaks about are still within them. Those who are grateful and obedient to Allah are again within this faction.
The matter of creed is important. We follow the four schools of thought1 as the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamat. So we need to follow any one of them. Not four of them at once, but we need to follow one of them. Lately Shaitan has been entering from every side: they do not believe in mazhabs either and they are not connected to any one of them.
“I also read the Koran,” they say. Are you reading the Koran? Or are you reading and understanding it? What you understand is the opposite understanding anyway. People say something to each other and misunderstand each other, then they sulk. People even kill each other due to a misunderstanding sometimes. How then can you go about saying you can understand Allah, Grand be His glory (Azimush-shan)? You do not recognise scholars, imams, and say, “I can read and understand by meyself.” Nothing can be more flawed than this. Nothing can be more mindless than this.
First of all, our Holy Prophet (SAW) explained the Koran to the companions. They
explained it with hadiths to those who followed. It comes by teaching like this. Therefore, it is essential to follow a mazhab. This is also a blessing2 because there is a mazhab for people of these times that fits every climate and every geography. People practice according to them. It is a work of Shaitan to say, “No, there is no such thing.”
Therefore, it is not good to deal with these people who newly came out. Still thank Allah there is not much daily bread for them in our country. They are trying hard but fail to gain a thing because the foundation is strong. The foundation is our ancestors. They respected the saints3 and respected the scholars. Our ancestors were careful not to allow deviant ideas to enter. This is why the foundation kept strong.
Therefore, everybody who comes cannot do as they like. Since a foundation is not left in other places, they are trying to direct people as they like. They direct those they can manage, and cause those they cannot manage to run away. For example, those Central Asian countries stayed under Communist rule for 80 years. When Communism ended these ones came across them and they leaned towards them. However, they saw that these ones are cursing at their ancestors and are not accepting them, they started keeping their distance from them. When they started staying away from them, sometimes they also distanced themselves from being Muslim.
Here, what we are trying to say is these ones are Shaitan’s friends, not Allah’s friends. Allah Azza wa Jalla says in the Koran there are Awliaullah and there are Awliaushaytan. These are friends of Shaitan, awliya of Shaitan because they do not accept true awliya. They are Shaitan’s friends, friends Shaitan is happy with and likes. They, and those who are with them, are in danger. The door of repentance is open but sometimes they are stubborn. It is the stubbornness of unbelief. They are not repenting and are not listening to advice. Shaitan has taken over these ones and they cannot listen to anything else.
However, thank Allah their true colors appeared lately. Most people keep distant from them and try to get closer to the awliya. Those who can get close are getting close but still lucky people are few. “Waqalilun min ‘ibadiyash shakur.” May Allah make us amongst the grateful, amongst those who are respectful, and amongst those who accept the truth Inshallah.
May Allah be content with them, there are many awliya and holy ones in this country too Mashallah. Everywhere thank Allah, they are in every part of Anatolia. This is Alanya, belonging to the Seljuqs, meaning Sultan Aladdin’s winter residence. That holy one served a lot as well. Because sultans knew the truth, they would see themselves as servants of Islam. Everything they did they would do for Allah, not for themselves. And this is something a clever person would do.
Hazrat Sultan Alaaddin Kayqubad, may his place be paradise, was the sultan here. He fought against all the unbelievers4, and he was of service thank Allah. So many centuries have gone by since he switched worlds and passed to the hereafter. It would have been useless if the whole world were his but he had not given anything to the hereafter. But he made so much jihad in the path of Allah, opened up countries to Islam, expanded Islamic lands, and increased the number of Muslims. Allah will give him so many multiples of the world in return for each. He will also be a sultan in the hereafter because he ruled justly, he ruled mercifully, and did very good things. He did very good things for Islam, for people, and for Muslims. His good works continue now.
That is it, this is the lesson these sultans left us. We will see the benefit of good things forever. Some ignorant ones also say forever. Hazrat Sultan Alaaddin Kayqubad did things he will benefit forever, because this world does not last forever. Eternity is in the hereafter. Whatever you send from this world goes to the hereafter, it is in the hereafter. Whatever you send in this world, you will see its benefit until eternity there. Inshallah everybody is able to build their hereafter. May Allah increase his station. May the spiritual support5 of our Shaykh (QS) be with us, may the station of awliya here increase, and may their himmat be with us.
1.Mazhabs 2.Nimat 3.Awliya 4.Kafir 5.Himmat
179.DO NOT BE HOPELESS Thursday, September 29, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
ل ت´ ˚ق ´نطوا م ˚ن ر ˚ح ´م ¸ة ا َّّلل¸ َ ¸إ َّن ا َّّلل´ ´ي ˚غ ¸ف ˚ر ال ذن˚وب ج ¸مي ًعا َ َّإ¸نه˚ ه ´و ا ˚لغ´ف˚و ˚ر ال َّر ¸حي ˚م “La taqnatu mirrahmatillahi innallaha yaghfiruthunuba jamee’a, innahu huwal ghafurur rahim.” (Sura Zumar:53) He says, “Do not despair of Allah’s kindness, do not be hopeless.” Allah is the One capable of everything. Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “No matter how much bother there is, never fall to despair.”
Even if you have the greatest distress, sins, still do not be hopeless. Just as Allah forgives all sins, He brings goodness. These are End Times and because people constantly forget Allah (JJ), they constantly live a hopeless life. And that gives them lots of bother. Whereas Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “Do not be hopeless.”
Trust in Allah. Allah opens the good, gives blessings, and all distress goes away. No matter how much distress there might be, never lose hope from Allah. Allah is with us and Allah will help us Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
180.DO GOOD WORKS Friday, September 30, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla states: Authu Billahi Minash-shaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. ´وا ˚ف ´عل˚وا ا ˚ل ´خ ˚ي ´ر ل´ع´لَّ ˚ك ˚م ت˚ ˚ف ¸ل ˚حو ´ن “Waf’alul khayra la’allakum tuflihoon.” (Sura Hajj:77) If you want your end to be good, do good works, do goodness. Your end can only be good like this. Otherwise, you cannot gain anything doing evil.
If you like, the whole world can be in your hands, and you would not gain anything if you do not do good. [Suppose] the whole world is yours, “This man is the wealthiest man in the world,” they would say and it would stop there. Nothing would benefit him if he does not send anything to the hereafter, if he does not do good. So there would be no use of things he ate, drank, visited and saw in the world.
Only those who do good have a good ending, only these people will have won. Most people do not know this. Those who have money or those whom Allah (JJ) has bestowed wealth on most of the time think the wealth is due to them. Like Qarun (Korah) , “I earned these through my knowledge,” they say. Allah sunk Qarun in earth and he is still sinking. He did not benefit himself, and those around him were ruined too. Therefore, we need to do good, good deeds, and goodness. There are various types of good. Not throwing trash in the street is also a good; removing dirty things and cleaning the street is also a good; taking advice is also a good. There is a lot of good. What is important is doing them. May Allah make us succeed in doing good Inshallah. For the sake of this Friday Inshallah.
Bi hurmatil Fatiha.
181.HAVE LOVE TOWARDS THE SHAYKHS Saturday, October 1, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“Inda thikrussaliheen tanzilur rahma.” (Hadith Sharif) Mercy descends when a salih1 is mentioned. Today is the day Grandshaykh, Hazrat Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani (QS) passed to the hereafter. We refer to him everyday afterall. We ask for madad2 from him everyday. May his himmat3 be present.
It does not work by only respecting him one day. We need to mention all the awliya, our mashayikh4 everyday. Thank Allah we mention them everyday. It does not work by assigning one day. He needs to be in our heart every moment, he needs to be with us always. His himmat is present thank Allah. It does not work by absolutely remembering him today, once a year.
Thank Allah their himmat, their madad is ever-present. Whenever there is a trouble, their himmat is presnet when you say, “Madad.” This is how the himmat of great awliya, mashayikh, our shaykh, shaykhs of our shaykh is. They are alive. They shut their eyes here, but they open them on the other side. Their himmat is again present, and it is even stronger.
This is our creed, this is the creed of Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat. Death is not the end. They are alive anyway, they are the beloved servants of Allah, and they are living in the station of Hayy thank Allah. Always ask for their himmat, ask for help, because it is good to ask for help in this world. It is a good thing to have a person, to have someone hold our hand.
Do not say, “We can do it.” It is certainly good for someone to hold by your hand. It is a great blessing. Thank Allah. Very few people have been granted these himmats. The things Hazrat Shaykh Mawlana (QS), our Shaykh Baba, showed and told people, they have also gained from that virtue.
Even though they did not see them, they developed love for our Holy Prophet (SAW), the companions, the shaykhs, and our shaykhs. It has been a good thing. It is not vouchsafed for everybody. As we said, it is predestined for a few people. Thank Allah.
We need to be thankful for these blessings6. Because as we are thankful Allah increases the blessings. The real blessings are the spiritual ones: faith and light, Allah willing. May Allah increase these blessings of ours.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha
1.Pious person 2.Spiritual help 3.Spiritual support 4.Shaykhs
182. THE YEAR OF VICTORY Sunday, October 2, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Today is the first of Muharram. May it be blessed1 Inshallah. May Allah (JJ) make the New Hijri Year blessed for the world of Islam. Inshallah may this year be the year of vistory for Islam. We hope so because the harder it gets the nearer victory is Allah willing.
When people are hopeless with this much toil, when they are in such a difficult situation Allah comes to the rescue. Allah Azza wa Jalla is surely with Mumins, with those who believe in Him. Therefore we are never hopeless.
Hopelesness means faithlesness. You need to believe in Allah (JJ) and not lose hope from Allah. You need to call for help from Allah in every opportunity, and you need to ask for help from Allah so He may help us Inshallah. Allah is capable of everything. The things He gave us are great blessings2. Most of us do not know the value of the blessings, but still Allah is Arhamur Rahimin and He forgives them. “Do not lose hope from My mercy,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Therefore, we are saying Inshallah may this year be the year of victory for Islam. 1438 years have passed since our Holy Prophet (SAW) got up and made hegira from Mecca to Medina. This is a big lesson for us. When, “Nothing can happen anymore. We can finish him alone,” was said, our Holy Prophet (SAW) said to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) in the middle of so much difficulty:
ل ت´ ˚ح ´ز ˚ن إ¸ َّن ا َّّلل´ م ´عن´ا
“La tahzan, innallaha ma’ana.” (Sura Tawba:40) “Do not grieve; we are not alone, indeed Allah is with us.” This is a big lesson for the world of Islam. These are beautiful words. Nothing would sadden people who believe the truth of this, and nothing would affect them. Allah is great, Allah is with us, and Allah is sufficient for us.
May these years be good. May they be good and blessed for the world of Islam. May Allah correct those who treat Islam as an enemy, and may Allah subdue3 with misery
those who are beyond redemption. May they not harm Islam and Muslims Inshallah. May this year be a good and blessed one Inshallah. May our iman increase, and may we never be in need of anybody Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Mubarak 2.Nimat
183. MUSLIM-LOOKING CREW Monday, October 3, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
When our Holy Prophet (SAW) made hijra to Medina, all Mumins in Medina rejoiced and welcomed him. They had not seen so much relief in their life, because Allah’s beloved servant, our Holy Prophet (SAW), had come to them. They knew the value.
Of course, since there is no rest in the world, our Holy Prophet (SAW) did not think he was going to be comfortable in Medina after being saved from Mecca, from the polytheists of Mecca. He did not migrate for comfort but for the sake of Allah. That was all that could be done at Mecca, and the second place was chosen as Madina-e Munawwara.
Even though he was welcomed with so much affection there, some people there did not like this situation, but they could not do anything by all appearances. They are the hypocrite1 crew. They came out to the presence of our Holy Prophet (SAW) there and appeared Muslim, but their inside was disbelief. This crew is a cursed crew.
Allah Azza wa Jalla said: “The munafiqs will be in the deepest part of hell.” Because their harm is worse than those who are polytheist, worse than those who directly say, “I am a polytheist!” Because they stab you in the back and harm you. Allah Azza wa Jalla has cursed them. Regarding that crew too you would think, “They were finished then,” but they are always there.
A munafiq means a traitor. Everybody can have some hypocrite traits. These petty things do not matter, but if they are to essentially harm Islam and people, then they are prone to Allah’s curse. Otherwise as we said, everybody has little hypocrite signs. What is important is people themselves should not be a munafiq, not deviate from Allah’s path, and not try to harm Islam. Those who do this need to repent. The door of repentance is open.
There were many munafiqs during the time of our Holy Prophet (SAW). Our Holy Prophet (SAW) was very patient with them. They asked him, “Why are you patient with them?” He said, “It might just happen that they become Muslim.” In fact, a big portion
of them became Muslim later, and a few people were left as munafiqs. A big segment became Muslim due to our Holy Prophet’s (SAW) good manners, beautiful words, and what he did.
As we said, if there are munafiqs during these times, they need to repent. They should repent and ask for forgiveness since the door of repentance and forgiveness is open. Allah (JJ) would forgive if they are sorry for what they did. They would at least save themselves and their hereafter. Even if they cannot save their world, it would benefit their hereafter. That is what is important. May Allah keep us all safe from hypocrites and hypocrisy.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Munafiq
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created us in this time and place. Let people of today not think we came to being by ourselves. Allah (JJ) has no limit and boundary to His number of creatures. None but Allah can know the knowledge of Allah. It is so huge that it is mindboggling for humans. Not mind-boggling but people’s minds cannot reach it. There is a boundary up till somewhere and the mind can only reach so far.
Allah (JJ) has created this Universe. Unbelievers who act like they are clever truely have no mind and understanding.
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“Wakullu shay’in ‘indahu bimiqdar.” (Sura Ra’d:8) “Everything with Him is by due measure.” Everything Allah has created is neat. Everything has been created upon an accounting and knowledge. The calculation of the universe we are in is different compared to another universe Allah has created. In fact, it could be the opposite. So they are saying things like, “We did all our calculations, we found it, we are solving it, we are solving its secret, etc.” But you cannot solve it. Those who say so are ignorants. You cannot do anything. Your knowledge is not even zero!
Next to Allah’s knowledge, as we said, you are like taking a cup of water from the sea. It is only that much. You take it and put it there, but it is still useless. The true scholar or wise person would only submit in the face of the knowledge and grandness1 of Allah and profess the omnipotence2 of Allah. “We are weak3 servants. Allah created us. We believe in Allah,” they would say.
They get up and strive saying, “No, it was formed like this. No, the universe was made like that.” They send tools and equipment to the skies and say, “We will solve the secret of the Universe.” However, they cannot do anything and can only see their helplesness.
What is meant by “Allahu Akbar” is there is nothing greater than Allah. We need to profess the hauteur and omnipotence of Allah. We need to accept our helplesness. When
we accept our helplessness, Allah gazes at us with His mercy and His grace4. And the others, those who do not believe in Him, are going to be in trouble. So many pharaohs passed through this world. So many big-headed ones passed through. Even if they live for a hundred years or five hundred years, in the end they became dirt and left. Allah is lasting, Allah is Baqi. Excluding Allah are a mirage, an imagination, and there is nothing else. Allah creates whom He wills, raises whom He wills, and lowers whom He wills. For the sake of this morning and these holy days, may Allah make us amongst those who have faith, and may our iman get stronger Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.Azamat 2.Qudrat 3.‘Ajiz
185.FEARING ALLAH IS A VIRTUE Wednesday, October 5 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Our Master Hazrat Ali (KW) said, “Ra’sul hikmah makhafatullah.” “Fear of Allah is the head of wisdom.” What does this mean? Everything is alright when you fear Allah. It is not a bad thing to fear Allah.
Some philosophers rise against and say words that are not good against Allah because of their faithlesness. Ignorant people are the same way. They call it “Courage of ignorance”. Fearing Allah is a great virtue and it is not a shame. Allah is our creator. Fearing Him is not a bad thing. What is meant by “Ra’sul hikma” is intelligence. The more intelligent a person is, the more the person fears Allah. Everything is in Allah’s hands. This is the start of faith and the start of every wisdom.
We read the hadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW) yesterday: “They fear everything but because of their ignorance they only do not fear Allah.” However, the person who fears Allah is not afraid of anything else. The one who is truely in existence is Allah, and the one who needs to be feared is Allah. When Allah Azza wa Jalla gives humans that fear, they are safe from everything and they are protected from every evil. To fear and to scare does not come from a bad meaning. On the contrary, Allah Azza wa Jalla’s scaring people is to forbid them from evil. Fear is a variety. Some people fear embarassment. So this also exists. People fear being in a bad state in front of Allah Azza wa Jalla, from coming to His presence in a bad state. What we mean by fear of Allah is such a thing unlike other fears.
Allah Azza wa Jalla rendered the Son of Adam honorable. He does not order derogatory things like that to us. He orders good things. In other words, fearing Allah, we fear coming to the presence of Allah with bad actions and we fear being in a bad situation. This is how we fear Allah. As long as people do not fear Allah, Allah gives them that trouble and they fear everybody. And cowardice is the worst thing. All their life is spent in worry and they become anxious.
May Allah make all of us amongst those who fear him. This is what is meant by Ahl-e
Taqwa. Meaning those who fear Allah, people of fear. They are all alike. May Allah Azza wa Jalla Inshallah make us amongst them.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha
186.WE ARE ALL GOING TO ALLAH Thursday, October 6, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla states: “This Universe is not stationary.” Our world is turning and moving, moving forward. The moon is the same way, and the stars are all going somewhere the same way. Scholars observe, “It moves with such and such speed,” they say. We think everything is stationary from where we sit. No, it is turning and moving someplace with speed. Not only our Solar System but all these stars we see, they all move as a whole and are going somewhere with speed.
Of course, only materialist scholars who look at matter are astonished by this. “Where are they going?” they keep asking. Whereas they are going to Allah Azza wa Jalla, they are going towards Doomsday. When Doomsday occurs, thes things we see and the ground will be flattened, and the stars will finish. However, Allah Azza wa Jalla is always the creator and He creates and makes other worlds.
We need to take lesson from everything. Some people make a fuss because these are going away. They ask, “Where are they going? What is happenning?” They say, “There are hundreds of boulders and rocks like this in the sky. If one of them hits a city the city would be ruined.” “What should we do? Let us take precautions against them. Let us protect ourselves,” they say. If it were up to your taking precautions, this world would have been finished long ago. It is in the hands of Allah. Allah made everything in accordance with a calculation. He created most beautifully. When the time comes, they will all explode, burn out and go away. But they are waiting for an order from Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Many people are afraid: “Will a meteoroid fall on our head?” They think if one falls it would take away the city, if a larger one falls it would take away the country, and if a yet larger one falls it would blow up the world.
They scare people intermittently and get them fussed up. Whereas this is also a lesson such that everything is in Allah’s hands. It will happen when Allah wants and Doomsday will erupt. They are making a fuss and being scared for no reason because they are faithless.
Old time people said: “We are riding on a sign1, we are going towards doom2”. This is the essence of the matter. We are all going towards Allah. Therefore, the Mumin person has no fear. A Believer only fears Allah. There is no fear after obeying what Allah says. May Allah give that iman3, that certainty4, to us all Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1.‘Alama 2.Qiyama 3.Faith 4.Yaqeen
187. THE QUALITY PERSON Saturday, October 8,2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created humans in the most beautiful manner. Allah (JJ) created humans in the highest level amongst the rest of creation. Allah granted us gifts1 and honored2 us. You also need to give those gifts to yourself and be a quality person. A quality person means a good person.
People who follow their ego3 are poor-quality people and not good people. Everybody saw how our Holy Prophet (SAW) raised the statue of those companions4. Everybody saw it and everybody knows it. We need to take them as an example since a quality person is a useful person. They would be beneficial both for themselves and for people around them. Good people are those who stay away from evils. All goodness would be with them. These, as we said, are people who do not follow their ego.
People who follow their ego are bad people, not good people. They are people who are not liked and are those of selfcentredness. They are people who have gathered bad traits and bad habits. When people look at someone and say, “He is a gentleman. She is a lady. Truely, he is man enough.” It is immediately obvious when one speaks, but the other way around is also obvious and one cannot hide it. As Shaykh Mawlana (QS) used to say “trash”5. Zibil means dirt, in other words rubbish. The difference between rubbish and a jewel cannot be compared. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) tells us to “Be a jewel!” A person becomes a jewel through the things he teaches, and becomes trash, dirty, and rubbish with what Shaitan teaches.
May Allah not make us follow our ego so we may become quality people Inshallah. The quality person is a recognised person both in this world and in the hereafter in the sight of Allah. And this is what counts. May our inside and outside be the same Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
1. Ikram 2. Izza 3. Nafs 4. Sahabi 5. Zibil
188. THE MONTH OF MUHARRAM AND KARBALA Saturday, October 8, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May Allah make this New Year of ours blessed. Inshallah it becomes the year of victory for Islam and the year Mahdi Alayhis Salam comes out Inshallah. Making this dua every year makes us gain both rewards and virtue. We are truely waiting for and want Mahdi Alayhis Salam to come. Mahdi Alayhis Salam is the person our Holy Prophet (SAW) gave good tidings of.
We need to wait for him every year. Some people get fed up or say, “He will not come anymore.” Or others go to denial and deny him. When in fact hadith scholars know. There are so many authentic1 hadiths. There are various kinds of hadith.
Just as they interfered in everything after our Holy Prophet (SAW), the Jews also mixed this up. There are many things they brought forward as hadith. However, the companions, the Tabieen2 that followed, and the people who knew the science of hadith combed it out one by one and they sorted most of it through.
The ones they were not sure of they called weak3 and they called alright4. They also called sahih, mutawatir5, and a couple of other kinds, but this hadith is an accepted hadith. There is no doubt in it.
Our Holy Prophet (SAW) gave good tidings and told us of Mahdi Alayhis Salam’s coming. He comes from his lineage. His mother’s name is like that of our Holy Prophet’s mother’s name, Amina, his fahter’s name is Abdullah, and his own name is Muhammad. “He will be of my lineage.
When the world is full of tyranny and all sorts of evil, he will fill the world with justice and goodness when he comes,” says a hadith of our Holy Prophet (SAW).
In this case, this needs to be the creed of people of Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat. Of course there are those who are not Ahl-e Sunnat. They are waiting for a different one but the issue our Holy Prophet (SAW) spoke about looks exactly like today’s. Meaning so much tyranny, so much evil, so much denial, and so much unbelief has never been seen before.
Of course it happened before, tyranny ocur