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Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (4/30)
qqani, dastur. Tarikatun as sohbat wal hayru fi jamiyya.

Sohbat is advising. That’s Sheikh effendi’s order and the order of our faith. Faith is giving advices. “ad dini nasiha.” Advicing means to show people goodness, to warn them that they should not do evilness and to hinder them from doing cruelty. Even if it is only two words, it can be an advice. Some people talk for hours but through Allah’s wisdom, nobody turns to them, nobody listens. It is better if just two words stay in your mind. A Human is beautiful with Humbleness. Our great holy prophet (s.w.s) is the world’s; not only the world’s. He has the highest rank of the whole universe. Even he has this rank, there is nobody humble like him. At the time of our Prophet, there were some worthless people who had too much arrogance. It was normal to be arrogant in their culture. It is nothing if someone considers himself as worthy.

The worth Allah gives you is important. Allah (s.w.t) gave worth to his Prophet and our Prophet (s.w.s) is ordered to be humble. He, followed this good morale. That for, there is not any principle so as how much knowing you are, the more you should get arrogant. The more humble you are, the more people will like you and the more you will be liked at the presence of Allah. The more arrogant you get and the more opposing you are and the more you see just yourself, then the more people will get away from you. That is what our beautiful Prophet teaches us. There are so many Hadith, narrations and books. Which ever you read, you won’t find anybody more humble than him (s.w.s). Our Master did everything himself. When his companions were standing up for him, he told them to take a seat. He never allowed them, to do his job. There are thousands of examples, teachings of him. That for, if someone pretends to be Alim, he first should perform his (s.w.s) doings. Humbleness is not something difficult but it is difficult for the ego of someone who is arrogant. That’s why the unbelievers of Quraish did not accept Islam.They did not accept because of their arrogance and that caused their destruction and they went to hell. But someone with humbleness is both, accepted in front of Allah and is also

loved by the people. May Allah teach us all tihs advice, may we follow it forever, don’t forget inshallah.

Wa min Allahu Tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

17.RESPECT THE VIRTUOUS ONES Sunday, January 11, 2015

Assalamu Alaikum ve Rahmatollahi ve Baraqatuhu Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasolina Mohammadun Sayyidil awwalin wal ahirin. Madad ya Rasolallah. Madad Ya Mashayihina, shaikh Abdullah Dagistani, Shaykh Nazım al Haqani, dastur. Tarikatun as sohbat wal hayru fi jamiyya.

We are making a short sohbat after morning prayers so that the day starts with blessings. We are talking about one, two things. That we and the ones here may benefit from it. Inshallah May Allah, the limitless teach us the most beautiful. Allah Jalla wa ala says in his holy verse that you should respect virtuous people. At first of course our Prophet then the sahaba (companions), the awlia (saints) and also of course it is important to respect mother and father. People should respect eachother. Depending on the age, the knowledge; it is good, beneficial to show respect. It’s not nice to say you are you, I am I. Shuqr (Thanks) to Allah that we have respect inbetween our culture. We did not see this somewhere else. In other countries they say, brother. The just say brother, there is no word for elder brother. Even though our turkish vocabulary has lessened, there is elder brother, elder sister, they don’t have these in other languages. That’s because this respecting came from our ancestors. That is also beautiful. Sometimes they say in government offices: “Don’t say elder brother, elder sister, uncle or aunt; you should say mister” That is satans advice for them. Good advice is to respect. To respect the elder one for his age. This is also from Adab (good manners). Coming and saying: “don’t say elder brother, elder sister, aunt, uncle.” I don’t understand why they are saying this. It is nice to say uncle, aunt, elder brother, elder sister. No you shouldn’t say that, you are an official, you must say mister, madam. Say what ever you want but don’t say those, that you do not get too sincere. On the contrary, being sincere is something beautiful. It is nice that people are respecting eachother with softness and love. This comes from Islam’s beautiful morals. There is nothing against respecting. On the contrary, if you respect; there are good deeds for it. In the states after the Ottoman’s, they removed ottoman tradition. You can’t say gentleman, pasha (general) and not even sir. You must say Sayyidi. No you can’t say that to everyone normally, They mixed this also. Instead of Mehmed effendi (sir) you should say As sayyidi Mehmed. It can’t be, not everyone can be sayyidi. These are important things. It is beautiful that people become familiar

when they are respecting eachother. Of course this beautiful ethics came hundreds of years ago, from the time of our Prophet (s.w.s). And after through the awlia and the tariqa they spread the teachings of good manners to the society. Once in a while they are bringing a manifesto; we are bringing this type of adressing and from now on you should not say that anymore. To the officials they are saying; don’t say, elder brother, elder sister to the ones coming. Don’t be informal. That’s not informality, that’s respection. That is beautiful, that is a nice gesture. We have little left of this and they want to take this away also. May Allah teach us all the truth, inshallah. May Allah guide us on the true way, May it be blessings. May Allah protect our civilization.

Walhamdulillahi Rabbul Alamin Al Fatiha


As Salamu Alaikum Audzu billahi mina’sh-shaitani’r-rajim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Mohammadun Sayyidal awwalin wal ahirin. Madad Ya Rasulullah Madad ya Mashaihina, Sheykh Abdullah Dagıstani, Sheykh Nazım al Haqqani, dastur. Tarikatun es sohbet vel hayru fi cemiyya.

Audzu billahi mina’sh-shaitani’r-rajim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

اِا َل ِ َلم ْن تَ ِبـ َع ۪دي َن ُك ْم (ÂLİ İMRÂN-73)

ت َْ ِؤ ُُٓمنُوا

َل َو ََ “Wa la tu’minu illa li man tabia dînukum”

A verse from the holy Quran. “Don’t trust the ones who are not in your Faith” They won’t take you to a better place. They are out of the true way. If you trust and rely on them, they will ruin you for sure. This is Allah’s wisdom that at the time of the Prophet (s.w.s), they were not handing over all of their business to them, they were thoughtful. At the time of the prophet, there were some tribes who were in agreement like “you will protect me and I will protect you”. They were tied to it but they did not leave everything to them. Most of the time they did not keep their promises. Anyway they are not muslims. It is the same at this time. We gave them a lot from our concern. They spread disorder inside the ottoman’s. We left all of our concern to them. They ruined the ottoman’s. Allying with eachother, they destroyed the ottoman’s. Not our Sultan’s; the traitors who have overthrown the sultan’s. The Young Turqs placed a German chief commander for the Ottoman royal army. And he did as he liked; came one one side, left from the other. Destroyed the Ottoman’s Islamic Khalifat.

Certainly the unbelievers are one nation, all one. There is a wisdom that the europeans are all the time trying to ravage Islam. Where does this come from? This comes from jealosy. They are doing this with satans instruction. They don’t want that we advance. What ever they say its all lies. At the time of the ottoman’s all the christian’s, the jew’s and all others were living in such comfort on ottoman land. They could build their churches how the like and do their prayers. But not even one muslim could go there. Mainly it was diffucult for a muslim to go and live there, it was dangerous. It was too difficult to build a mosque. It

couldn’t be done. That for it is not nice that we are now following them. Allah created everybody the same. So they don’t have something special that we should follow and they nothing to follow. Maybe they look good from afar and their life looks good also but they are in darkness. They are all in misery. That for we need to be thankfull and pleased of our situation. We should pleased with the people in our faith. Of course there are also non-muslim’s in our country. We don’t interfere with them, they are free. Allah’s says; everyone is free to choose his faith. You can’t force anybody. Who want’s to be muslim, can be. Who doesn’t want, leave him. But don’t try to imitate them thinking that they are better, as they are not. Allah gave us the most beautiful. We have the greatest blessing, Shuqr to Allah. We are the luckiest people. Even if a muslim dies of hunger, he would still be the luckiest. That for be content with that, be happy. That is Allah’s blessing and favor. May Allah grant all the muslim’s and us, mind and understanding so that we can see good and beauty.

Wa min Allahu Tawfiq Al Fatiha

19.BECAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT Tuesday, January13, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah Madad YaMashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Inshallah, the subject we spoke about yesterday is an important subject: Do not trust those who are not a part of your religion. Now, children everywhere do not eat at home. They want to eat out. There are some restaurants from Europe and America. They do not call them restaurants either anymore. They make sandwiches and other things. They prepare them special for people. It is not something to be perticularly liked by a normal person, but they are making children get used to it slowly. So they are adding something in it then. These foods both spiritually make one in a state and physically are not appropriate things for the body. Sheykh Efendi did not like eating out, in a restaurant and here and there before these places appeared either. Everybody needs to eat more at home. It is not much if done once a month or once a year, but a person will definately be harmed if he eats those food everyday. There is not much control over them here, in perticular, these foreign brands that we mentioned, hamburgers and I dont know what, pizza and this and that. They even deceive them in Europe. Thank Allah there is not much demand here, but the new generation has demand. Because mothers are not cooking at home. Women are taking it easy now and say’ “Go eat out.” Or they tell their husbands, “Order food from outside for the children.” This food has effects. People are catching diseases we never heard of before. Then matters like lack of respect that we mention too are always a result of food. There are non-halal ingredients in these food too. People add them in without knowing and they it is not recognised. Now companies have just started researching. Many things are found. So it is a little safer but still not trustworthy. It is Sheykh Efendi’s advise to eat at home. Do not eat much or extreme at home. Because it is both harmful for the body and harmful for the spirit. When eating, chew a morsel at least 15 to 20 times before swallowing. People fill their mouths in big chunks as if filling a KUP and swallow without chewing. Chew and eat. Islam is a beautiful religion. Allah says we should taste his blessings, and we should fill ourselves while feeling its taste and

beauties. The other way, he swallows whatever comes to his mouth without chewing or after chewing little. Thank Allah, the religion of Islam shows how a person should live beautifully to the finest detail.That is why we should pay attention to this matter. Sheykh Efendi used to say such, “When you eat out, at a restaurant or somewhere, do not sit next to the road. If hungry or poor people pass by and see the morsel you take to your mouth, it becomes poison for you.” That is why when you go to the restaurant, if you make show like that and get proud and happy that you can eat and others cannot, or if you go to show off, then it is harmful for you anyway. Sit away from the side of the street. It is not good to eat in front of people, and the poor and such. As we say, everything has manners. Islam shows to the finest details. May Allah make us live an Islamic lifestyle. A person then both lives in the most beautiful way in the world and wins his hereafter.

Wa Minallah At-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

20.THE END HAS STARTED Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Islam is the religion of light (nur) and the religion of cleanliness. What we call light is illumination. Bats are not fond of daylight and hang around in dark places. They come out at night. No matter how much bats do not like illumination and daylight, does this have any effect on daylight? No. Illumination harms itself, whatever the wisdom behind it is, it is Allah’s wisdom. And the ones that are against Islam are that kind, bat-kind. Islam is the religion of cleanliness. They are not clean either. Externally and internally, these people are not clean both on the outside nor in the inside. Essentially, the external dirt is nothing compared to their internal filth. The people who attack Islam and who attack our Holy Prophet eat and drink impurities. What is impurity? It means the thing in the toilet and it means filth. There is no difference. There is no difference whether you drink alcohol or you drink the thing in the toilet. It is the same with the dirty animal they eat. There is no difference whether you eat that or the thing in the toilet. When they eat that impurity, combined with the filth in their bodies, it becomes exactly as satan wants. Afterwards, they keep attacking this and that. Our foolish Muslims also think one or two men are doing this. They are doing this all together, all of them. There, it has started. This means the great war has started. The end of this work will finally reach Mahdi Aleyhisselam. Allah knows how many years it will last. These subjects are in the hands of Allah. Sometimes you see that it happens suddenly, and sometimes it lasts twenty or thirty years. It can last ten years too. Like the issue in Syria. At first they thought it would end in two months and three years have passed so far. Allah knows how much longer before it is over. The intention of these guys: they declared war on Islam and on our Prophet. To insult the most precious person to people, the one people love more than themselves, whom they are sacrificing their lives for, is to directly and altogether declare war on Islam. The time our Holy Prophet spoke about has arrived now. Allah will be with the good ones, and the good ones will be with the ones who are with our Holy Prophet. As we mentioned earlier, this matter is

not a matter that will occur overnight. It is slowly heading that way now. There is no turning back.

Even a child looks and understands what was done is a theatrical. They did it themselves. They saw that if Muslims stayed longer in Europe, all would become Muslim. That is why they declared total war. Allah disgraced them and He will disgrace them further. They are scandalous and will further be disgraceful and vulgar. No other religion will be left when finally Mahdi Aleyhisselam appears. They used to pay the jizya, the tax, and remain in their religion in the past. It is the time of Mahdi Aleyhisselam. It shows to Muslims in this time that “it can only go this far”. Resurrection is near. The whole world will become Muslim, then people will become corrupt again. Corruption is in man’s mud. He will be corrupt again. Doomsday will break out on them. Inshalah it has started. Mahdi Aleyhisselam’s time has started. Let us see how long it lasts? Inshallah it does not last much. We will reach those beautiful days all together Inshallah. For the sake of Friday. This is the good tidings, Inshallah, of Friday. There is goodness in everything. At least, let people wake up and let it be shown for what it is. When you said “European” to people in the past, they would think of people who were much better than themselves. Intellectual, I do not know what, scholarly, this and that... Now, in the last twenty to thirty years, everything is opened, and the world is globalised and became like a village. It is all the same. Wherever you pass, that fellow is like you and you are like him. He has no superiority. Not in smarts nor in works, he has no superiority in anything. It is clear now. Nobody should desire to imitate Europe or some other country. There are some fools: they try to sell their belongings and estates, and become disgraced trying to get there by ships and the sort. The ones over there do not have jobs and do not know what to do. Europeans talk about humanity and sink the ships. Nobody is aware thousands of men die in great seas. The European is shooting: “so it does not reach us”. Thousands of men die. Besides they claim humanity. Do not admire them, stay where you are and be thankful. The Sustainer is Allah. He will feed you in Europe or feed you where you are residing. Can He not reach there? This is also an important subject. Let people be content and work where they are. What will you do by going to Europe after all? May Allah protect from their wickedness. May Allah make Islam evident in the whole world Inshallah.

Wamin Allah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

21.WATER SLEEPS BUT THE ENEMY NEVER SLEEPS Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina,Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

People are now asking about the events in Europe. Allah Azza wa Jalla says, “Do not believe them.” A Turkish proverb says, “Water sleeps but the enemy never sleeps.” They are enemies, enemies of Islam. People who are an enemy of Islam think about every kind of trick and evil. Do not think these people like you. There is not a single minute when they are not thinking about how to get rid of these Muslims. But they have earned the highest degree in political science. What is politics? It is the science of Shaytan. They are learning hypocrisy from Shaytan. They smile to your face and stab you from behind. You can get angry as much as you want afterwards and he does not do anything. These are the kind that think it is raining if you spit on their face. They control themselves. It is easy for them to control their ego (nafs). Ego, Shaytan and wickedness is with these people. Now this our people need to understand. What will we do after understanding? So we are not going to beat them and curse at them. You copy them in everything, at least copy them in this. You stay calm too. Do not believe what they say either. Search everythings they say and definately you will find evil underneath it. Because they started way back in the time of our Holy Prophet. Shaytan, of course, knows what will happen. He started trying to finish then, but could not finish. He cannot finish either by the will of Allah. These people did dirty things before as well. Our Holy Prophet was insulted. They did it before and the people became like they wanted. The people got excited and went out to the streets, but they did not go out in Europe. They went out in Muslim countries. They burnt and destroyed their own countries. So many people died too, but nothing happened in Europe. It did not happen so this time. This time they went out in the streets themselves. Of course what happened cannot be approved. It is also clear that it is orchestrated. How is it clear? This week they did the same thing. That is why we do not interfere to them. Allah exists. There is no sin after unbelief (kufr) anyway. The biggest sin is being an infidel (kaafir). After that, one can

eat the swine, drink the pee, eat the filth and do anything. For them there is no understanding as, “this is halal (lawful) and this is haram (unlawful)” afterall. They already commited the biggest sin, the biggest haram. He has denied Allah. That is why, when no walks, burning and destroying occurred in Muslim countries, this time they put on a play. They killed useless and about to retire men and finish. Hell broke out, and they blamed it on Muslims again. Like we said though, we are not going to fall in that trap. Allah is giving them what they deserve. They are infidels, but it is not easy insulting Allah’s Beloved, most beloved servant. You look and see from the beginning anyway, the thing they worship most is material for them. They have no religion and no faith, they have nothing. Those guys have no honor and virtue. The thing they worship most is material, it is economy. And Allah hits them where it hurts most. Their economies are hitting bottom and they are finished and ruined. Every time the stock market falls, they melt and are finished. These men are like this. The thing we are to do is to transfer the insult they did to Allah. May Allah give them what they deserve. May Allah punishm them. Of course we can never accept what was done to our Holy Prophet. We will not do anything because these are their play. We are transferring it to Allah. May Allah punish them. May Allah make it worse for them, and worse still for those who are with them. May the Ahl-e Islam there be on the right path as well. Most of the ones in Europe have strayed too. If they are with them, if they are like the infidels, they will also be punished. There is no fear for the person who is on the way of Allah. Allah protects.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

22.SHAYTAN’S SOLDIERS Thursday, January 15, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

It is the wisdom of Allah that we have been concerned with the matter of “Do not trust those who do not belong to your religion” for some days. This is continuous. It is not only for the time of our Holy Prophet, but for all times. You can do business with them, and you can make an agreement with them, but do not trust them a hundred percent thinking, “These people like us, and they want our benefit.” Be smart and take caution. It is a good thing to take lesson from history. In history, we see that they have worked against us ninety five percent of the time. And five percent they were with us because they had to. It is due to necessity. The French king asked for help from Sultan Suleyman against the Germans once upon a time. And really, he was helped. Afterwards, you see how they are. Sheykh Efendi would start immediately when people said, “I am French.” He would not speak against those who came but would speak about this Grand Revolution. Shaytan’s absolute reign spread everywhere after the French Revolution. All confusion (fitna) and rotten things came out of that. The same thing continues till now. Until Mahdi Aleyhissalam come out and cleans it. This thing is Dajjal’s confusion. Dajjal will come out later. These are making preparations. They are making [people] believe black is white. They are making people drink filth as medicine. Whatever evil things there are, they are showing it as good. And they are showing the good as bad, useless, and no good for humanity. The people get fooled too. It is not important if they get deceived, but it is not good for those in our Islamic World to be deceived. As Sheykh Efendi said, democracy started at that time, during their time. The people’s revolt and I do not know what, they are all Shaytan’s soldiers. It is something done with the instruction of Shaytan. Shaytan has made such an organization. There are the Masons and I do not know what faction. Shaytan has made and formed so many organisations. It is such an organisation that it has been going on for hundreds of . How is it to last if it was not for Shaytan. It is absolutely Shaytan’s maktab (school). Let us not call it a maktab but call it a

school. Maktab teaches what is good. They reached the peak. True, you have reached the peak in scandal. You have reached the peak in immorality. There, your situation is evident in Europe. They do not have a religion left, not Christianity either. Churches are being sold. In the past, Muslims were buying churches and turning them into mosques. They have woken up to it now. They have banned it too and made laws. It will remain like that, otherwise it is absolutely illegal to turn into a mosque. They were made in the past. Now, Shaytan has awakened and does not allow it to happen either. The family: it has collapsed. They do not have such a thing as family. Women can marry women and men can marry men. Legally too. I could not understand. So you do this filth. Why do you do it legally? Do you not want [your partner] to cheat on you? What disgrace, what disgrace, what disgrace! Their economies have collapsed too thank Allah. They have nothing left. They are going more after Shaytan. Let them go. Allah already punished them in this world and He will in the hereafter. As soon as they shut their eyes, they will feel sorry saying, “What have we done?” but feeling sorry is of no use then. We are referring them all to Allah. What they want is for people in Muslim countries to burn and destroy anyway. Why should we destroy? Nothing happened here afterall. Inshallah (God willing) Allah will make your country to destroy and damage. No matter how far from religion they might be, nobody is accepting this. It is almost as though there is nobody who accepts this in this country or Islamic countries. Well, there could be a couple of brainless men,but it is in place if we say ninety-nine percent. They do not accept this here. Thank Allah they do not accept it, because God (Allah) forbid it has a heavy punishment. The biggest punishment for these kinds of people is for the economy to be upset and for them to be left penniless. Allah can give various punishments. Those who are Muslim need to stay in their homes or where they are and say, “We do not accep this, we are referring them to Allah, and may Allah punish them.” They are defying Allah. Allah is definately punishing them and will punish more. They will suffer much more. No need to go here and there. Allah Azza wa Jalla strikes as they raise their heads, and strikes as they raise. No need for cannons and rifles against them. Are we to get up, hurry and go there and kill a man? There is no need for such a thing. Because they are not just one. You cannot reach them all either. That is why Allah is striking. Allah is hitting. Nobody can give those people the trouble they are going through inside. Allah Azza wa Jalla may devastate and finish them where they are. The one who is doing it out of sheer spite, thinking he is doing something is always in loss. Allah is with us. May Allah be our assistant. May He take our country

and Islamic countries under His guard and protection. May the discord (fitna) end from now on Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. AlFatiha.

23.DO NOT BEFRIEND THOSE WHO ARE MY ENEMY Saturday, January 17, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

“My enemy is your enemy. Do not befriend them,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla in the Ayat-e Karima, “Do not befriend them nor nurture love.” Allah knows both the manifest and the hidden. Even if they (the Western World and Europe) appear as friends to you, they will find a suitable opportunity and attack you both with their tongues and their weapons. Pay attention to this. There are a thousand reasons for people of the world to get up and attack each other. But you cannot declare war and attack anybody as you wish. It has its own rules of conduct. Everything has its procedures. People can get along with them now, but do not trust them, always be careful of them, and do not nurture affection towards them. Because to love Allah’s enemy is to defy Allah. We are cautioning the nation. We are warning the people. Some people think of them as much superior. They have no superirority. What you see is not the truth either. Neither is their country a place to live nor are they the way they seem. It is nothing but a paintover. The one who goes there, like a creature that has fallen into a trap, cannot leave it anymore. Because they tie them up, they tie them up from every side. In the past, our people used to go to Europe for money. They used to say, “There are no jobs here. Let us go there, make lots of money and come back.” They got stuck there. There is no money left in Europe either. Eventhough this is the case, they cannot come back, they cannot return. They cannot get used to it here and stay there out of necessity. May Allah help them. It is hard for them there. Because an unbeliever (kafir) has no mercy. Only the one who is Muslim has mercy. Being a Muslim has existed for hundreds of years. Worshippers have all the possibilities in Muslim countries. However, you could not find or see a mosque there. Lately, thank Allah many mosques have been built. That too has happened with the effort and help of Muslims there. They have showed their teeth yet again. They do not allow mosques anymore. There are some places where building a mosque was never allowed. Shaykh Efendi says, “Do not look at them talking about democracy.” That is just a discord of Shaytan to deceive

people. Wherever democracy enters, it ruins that place. The real governanace is Sultanate. They are busy with Muslims saying, “Democracy, democracy.” This verse says, “Whatever comes from them is against you, they are your enemies, and no benefit comes from the enemy.” Be careful. Shaytan and our ego (nafs) are our enemy. They are also Shaytan’s soldiers and Allah’s enemies. Shaytan has sworn, “I will stray them all from the path.” Allah Azza wa Jalla said, “You and those who follow you will go to Hell in the end.” And those who do not follow him will go to Paradise. This is also a glad tiding. There is no fear for us, but contentment. There is saftey and security. Even if not in this world, the place we are going in the hereafter is a good place. Allah Azza wa Jalla said to Shaytan, “You and those who follow you are meant for Hellfire and will fill Hellfire.” It is written in the Kuran: People of no faith and people who defy Allah are the majority. Those who believe in Allah and who love Allah are always in the minority. Hellfire will fill. Paradise is wide though. This is a glad tiding. What they do will not be left unpunished. Let us say, “May Allah change their ways.” If He does not reform them, Allah will give them what they deserve.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

24.MANNERS (ADAB) AGAINST DISCORD Sunday, January 18, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Our Holy Prophet states in their Hadith-e Sharif, “Whoever does not love me more than himself, his mother, his father, and all the people in the world, cannot be of true faith.” Our Holy Prophet’s love is an obligation (farz) on Muslims. Let not the one who does not love our Holy Prophet say he is Muslim. The faith of the one who has no respect is doubtful. This month was the month of Mawlid. Only a few days are left and it will be over. Shaytans, especially, do not do anything for no reason. They are working and doing their best to curse the Prophet and Allah in this month, the most sacred month. They did so many immoral and ill-mannered things in the month of Mawlid. They cannot gain anything. They cannot defy the one whomever Allah is with. If they will declare battle and war on Allah, let them. They already did, but do not even have as much sway as an ant. These events are happening so the eyes of people who claim to be Muslim open. For that and so that the lines are determined now. Doomsday has approached now. Mahdi Aleyhis Salam’s time has approached. A lot of movement will occur before he appears. The world will divide in two. This has happened this instant: the one who is Islam, and besides those who are outside of it. All of those who are outside of Islam are enemies. They are attacking from all sides. They are oppressing them, wherever there are Muslims all over the world. If it were up to them, they would not leave a single Muslim. With the will of Allah, they cannot do anything even if Muslims were not so many million and billion but a handful. Those whom Allah is with are the victorious. They have also made Muslims a thousand pieces. Regardless, it is Allah’s wisdom that the Ahl-e Sunnat wal Jamaat are in the majority.

There are so many wicked parties. Those men pray namaz, read Koran, and do everything more than you and I, supposedly claiming to be Muslim However, they do what is not in the Koran or Hadith. There are many of them. They have knowingly or unknowingly become tools

in the hands of the enemies of Islam. The ones who are really causing harm are doing it knowingly. Ignorant people who join them later thinking they are doing good are doing harm. For themselves and for others. They have not understood the Hadith of our Holy Prophet. They would not do all this if they had understood him anyway. Allah Azza wa Jalla created our Holy Prophet in such a way that he is the most superior of people. Our Holy Prophet is at the peak in whatever good there is: both in terms of adab (manners) and in terms of knowledge; both in terms of wisdom and in terms of baraka (blessing). Nobody can tie him with and say anything bad. Those who do, as we say, are telling of their own qualitites. They are letting out the ugliness that is in their own selves. What would the sewer rat know about the flower and good smell? The thing it knows is to be busy with however much filth there is in the sewers. How can it know? They are worse than that creature. That creature is at least busy with itself and people know what it is. It has happened such, that they have now praised these ones to the skies. They cannot reach the skies. No matter how much they try, they sink further in filth pits. What do they say, these ones are filtered filth and najasat. They may shout as much as they want. Those who like them are of the same kind too. Whether here or somewhere else, there are filthy and najasat people like this everywhere. Allah has created them that way. Allah (God) forbid. They are not people to admire. We need to thank Allah, repent and ask forgiveness that He did not create us as such. He could have also created us like that. Since they are going after this path, they are people to feel disgusted with and people to be hated. We are referring them to Allah. Anyway, their intention is that we do something to them so they attack us more. That is why a Muslim needs to be careful. May discord be transferred to them Inshallah. May it break out on their heads. We need to love our Holy Prophet, as we say, our Master more than our own selves. To say a word against him... The most unlucky and the most unfortunate person is the man that makes a rude remark against or tries to insult him. Because he will neither recover in this world, nor is there forgiveness for him in the hereafter.

Allah would not forgive. Allah does not consent to insulting His beloved servant, most beloved, the one He placed in the highest station and created. They have much to suffer. Inshallah we will be patient (just wait) and see.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

25.THE NIGHT IS FOR SLEEPING Thursday. January 22, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allah Azza wa Jalla has divided the day to 24 hours. Eight hours for rest, eight hours for work, and eight hours are for worship. If done for the sake of Allah, if you continuously hold Allah in your mind and do not forget, then everything becomes for Allah. It is all counted as worship through the grace and generosity of Allah. Even the eight hours of rest when done for the sake of Allah, it is also worship. Allah Azaa wa Jalla gives its reward. Allah also made the day part daytime and part night. Allah could have made it all daytime or all night if He wanted. How can it be? It can be. Allah is capable of everything. Sometimes we hear of some planets having two sons, and it is never nighttime. Some have nothing, it stays sheer black and dark. It is also mentioned in the Koran, “If Allah (Azza wa Jalla) wants, He can provide light until Doomsday and you cannot rest. If he wants, he can make it dark and you cannot do anything.” It is not necessarily related to the sun. If Allah wants, He can give life with the sun or without the sun. But for rest, Allah made the best. You will both lie down and rest, and get up and do work. The night is for rest and daytime is for work. In the past, because there was no electricity, people used to pray Isha and go to bed. Well, sometimes they used to stay up a little longer. However late they may stay up, they did not pass nine or ten o’clock. They could not stay up much with those dim lamps. Now there is light. In the past, the television would be open till a certain time and they would go to sleep afterwards. Now it is open 24 hours. Other worse things have come out. These computers and internets are like a disease. Once immersed, he sits till dawn. Again, it is the wisdom of Allah, he goes to sleep when the time is three or four o’clock. Why? Because that is the time for worship, and Sabah (Fajr) prayer approaches. Shaytan does not keep him for that, and immediately makes him go to sleep in that time. But ofcourse he is up all night. Allah made the most beautiful of everything. Believing and even non-believing doctors are saying, “The best time for sleep and for the body [to rest] is between eleven and three o’clock.” If a human lies

in that time, the body gets what it needs in rest and comfort. His immunity strengthens, he falls ill less, and he is healthier in terms of the mind. Yet who sleeps during that time? Many times very few people go to bed before twelve or one o’clock. The night is also divided to three. When it is past two or three o’clock, the last third is called the Thuluthul-Akhir. That is the time of Sahar and the time for Tahajjud. It is very important to get up and worship in that time. It is the most blessed time of the night and of the day. The time for getting the most rewards is that time. Of course, getting up for that time is hard for most people. They sit until that time and do somethings, and when that time comes, it is the wisdom of Allah, they are laying. It is the same everywhere. All night clubs, casinos, whatever there is work until that time, and then pass out sleeping. That is the essential time to get up and worship. Even studying is more beneficial in that time, and stays better in the minds of children. So where [are they], who will rise in that hour? May Allah make us rise in those hours. It is the dua of our Holy Prophet, “O my Lord, wake us in the hours that are sweetest for You.” The hours that Allah loves most are those hours: the hours we call Thuluthul-Akhir. May Allah grant us all awakening. May we apply what Allah says. May we abide by Him. That is the most beneficial for us.


26.DO NOT BE HEEDLESS Friday, January 23, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya Ashab-e Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Do not be heedless in this world. What does heedless mean? It means to forget Allah. Do not act unwarily. If you are unwary, your foot might suddenly slip and you might find yourself in a disastrous situation. Be careful. Shaytan sets a trap in everything. Saying, “I am a scholar, I am a hoja, or I am a haji,” does not help. People loose immediately when they become arrogant. There are Hadith Sharifs on this subject. People do the best of worship, namaz (sala), fasting and all, but it has no use says our Holy Prophet. Why? Because they are doing it for their nafs (ego), not for Allah. If you say, “I am doing this worship and do not need anything else,” Allah does not accept that thing. There is a remark “Muslim for himself” that we generally say. So the Muslim needs to do everything for Allah, not for show. He must also do them for the benefit of people. You should not be happy with your own works and the things you do. Heedlessness is to think highly of yourself, to forget Allah, and to think it is from yourself. This is the biggest heedlessness. A person needs to do everything like a normal Muslim. A person will get rewarded in Allah’s station when doing what Allah orders, even if little, and if he thinks, “This is from Allah and I am doing it for Allah.” Allah is aware of it. Allah Azza wa Jalla gives at least ten times the reward. There are also rewards that He knows the account for. Allah is generous. He gives at least ten times the reward. It also increases as much as nobody but He knows. Allah is such an owner of beneficence. Even if you do a little, when you do it purely and entirely for Allah, you will reach more stations and be more profitable than a person who commits his whole life for worship and only thinks of himself. Do not be heedless of Allah. May Allah help us. We do not have hold of anything. We ask for everything from Allah. May Allah help us to stay in the right path and to do good works Inshallah. As we said, let us not fall into heedlessness Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

27.HONOURED BUT UNGRATEFUL Saturday, January 24, 2015

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu biLlahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Masha'ikhana, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Fa'izi d-Daghistani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur, madad. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

People are confused; they have no idea why they are here in this world. Or they are searching - Why are we here, what is our job? They are seeing that Allah created every creature, each one knows its duty. No creature is asking - Why did I come here? Allah has given them such an inspiration - "Allah created us, so we will make dhikr/ remembrance and praise, and take whatever is our share and go." All creatures, whether they are 4-legged or have wings, they are satisfied with their state.

Only mankind is not satisfied. However, Allah has created mankind at a higher level than all other creatures. He honored them. He says - "Wa Laqad Karramna Bani Adam" (17:70) "wa faddalnahum 'ala kathirin mim man khalaqna" (17:70) It means - We created them at a high rank, and above all other creatures. We created man better than them, more beautiful. But mankind is not thinking about this and they are wasting themselves. Allah created mankind so they can do good things. He gave them the greatest grants. But mankind is wasting time with useless things. He sent Prophets to show them the right way but most people have not followed them. Some Prophets worked hard but had no community. When their time came, they left this world without a single person in their Ummah. What we mean by "Ummah" - a Prophet's Ummah. Every Prophet has an ummah. Those following him are called his ummah. The Ummah does not necessarily need to be a lot of people. People are confusing ummah/community and nation. Ummah, the Ummah of Muhammad, The ummah of Islam. Some prophets’ ummah was 2 people. That is ummah. They are not called mureed. Those following prophets are called ummah. Those following sheikhs are called mureed. And after our Prophet, there were no more prophets, only sheikhs. So in this manner, Prophets were sent to guide people to the right path. 124,000 Prophets came and left. Allah says - I

sent Prophets for everyone in the world. A Prophet was sent to every people. Tho in se China, Japan, those people here and there, all of them were sent a Prophet because that is what Allah (awj) said in the Quran. But some people didn't like them, they didn't follow them. They followed satan more. Even so, after Prophets, Allah sent awliya/saints. There are awliya having the rank of prophets.

Our Prophet is saying - 'Uluma'i ummati ka anbiya'i Bani Isra'il. "The scholars of my nation are like the prophets of Bani Israel." (Hadith) Because there are no prophets after our Prophet. No prophets, no messages after our Prophet. Some people are saying this and that, but they are wrong. And they have no importance because those who are outside of what Allah says have no standing, no respectability. Sheikhs are lanterns for people. They are the ones spreading nur/light. They are spreading love for Allah to all people. There is love and there is "ashq" (longing). Ashq is more important, it's more strong. It is more intense. The ashq of sheikhs is love for Allah, it is a strong love. That (love) attracts people to them, like a candle. It cannot be compared to a candle - but in the past candles were made from nice things, not like nowadays. Candles were made from honeycomb and that is blessed, it is praised in the Quran. Candles attract people to light just like a moth. Th