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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (770/777)
La ilaaha illa-Llah. La ilaaha illa-Llah. Sayyidina Muhammad RasoolAllah . (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) And we are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Shaytan is trying to make people to be sad, very sad. And when we are feeling sadness, you must know that it is from Shaytan; he is asking to make you sad. If you like not to be sad, what is the cure? The Lord of Heavens is saying, “O People! If you like not to be sad, if you are finding someone sad, try to take that sadness from that one and I am taking away your sadness.” Allah, Allah. This is a teaching for whole nations! Now the whole world is in sadness, everywhere there is sadness. What do you think about that sadness? How can we take away sadness from people? We are sending for Haiti, countries and UN sending its wealth, because they are hungry and thirsty and no place to come under it and to protect themselves. They are fearing another earthquake coming on them also. O People! What are you doing to take away sadness? SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah. SubhaanAllah, Sultan Allah. We are saying bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. “Say bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem, and I am taking away your sadness.” We must say bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. Sadness never leaves a person with gold or with high ranks to be president, kings, or sultan, no. Such ranks can never save people from sadness. What is the way? Why are you not saying, Salafi `ulama? Why are you not saying what is the cure for this? And you are looking and seeing that people are in trouble through miseries, through adhab and troubles; people are like someone they were trolling through an ocean and their sailing boat just sank down, destroyed. How are they going to be on that ocean, saving themselves? It is so simple. Besides, now people, all of them, are now falling in trouble in Misery Oceans, Suffering Oceans, Difficulty Oceans, and Cursing Oceans. They are in it from east to west, from north to south. Why are you not saying, “Islam is bringing everything?” Li kulli dain dawaa, "for every illness there is a cure." Why for people giving troubles and miseries and making them under high positions, what is the key to save them?! Is it not mentioned through the Holy Qur’an? (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:42:02

10587 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouMustTakeAwaySadness

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maa faratna fi' l-kitaabi min shay. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, (6:38) And Allah Almighty (swt) is saying, “Never leaving anything that saving My servants from troubles, from miseries, from sufferings, from difficulties, from problems. Just I mentioned the way of their saving from miseries and difficulties through their lives.” Yes. I am saying, don’t waste your time by saying, “That is bida`, that is shirk, that is haraam.” Give them what is necessary—give them! People now are in need, they are endlessly needy to save themselves from troubles, from miseries, from problems, from difficulties! Somewhere earthquakes, somewhere winter coming, somewhere hurricane coming, so many places people fighting to each other, killing innocent ones also. Why are you not saying? You only know how to say salaatu salaam is bida``? And you are putting your hands on the windows of the most beloved one? Leave them not to say shirk. Everything that Man is in need of, I just mentioned. I am just teaching people, wa ma qalana fee kitaab shaee. “I am not sending only that book. I am sending book for the teacher of all nations, My Habeeb, most beloved one, most glorified one. I am sending him for teaching everything that people are asking for.” What is the cure for sadness? Say! Heavenly addressing is coming, saying, “O My beloved one, I am not happy that you should be sad. No, no. I am doing everything that you like it. I am your Creator, I am your Lord. Why are you getting so sad? Don’t be sad. If I am getting sad, you may be sad.” Is Allah going to be sad? Salafi `ulamas, what are you saying, with your face making (a sour look)? Try to make your faces handsome and enlightened. The Lord of Heavens is asking not to be like this (sour look) not (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:42:02

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like African apes. What is that?? “I am sending you to make people more sad? Are you not reciting My holy book that I am sending My most beloved one, yaa Habeeb? I am sending you basheeran wa nazeera, inna arsalnaka shaheedan wa mubashiran wa nazeera. O My Habeeb, I am sending you first of all shaheedan that you should be witnessing for whole nations and their prophets, that I am sending to them My holy commands from the heavens. Shaheedan, that you are going to be witness in My Divine Presence. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) And I am saying to you, My beloved one:

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wa kafaa billahi shaheedan Muhammad rasulAllah. And Allah sufficeth as a witness. Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. (48:28-29) Salafi people, where is the pope, where are the rabbis, where is the Patriarchy, where are the bishops? You don’t know this? Where are the religious people? (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) “I am witness for My most beloved one’s prophecy, shaheed, and mubashiran wa nazeera, awwal `amal,” first command, prophets and sultans of prophets going to give good tidings to people. O People! Don’t be sad! Don’t be hopeless! Don’t be heedless! Come and hear what your Lord is saying, “I am coming to give good tidings to you forever.” Yes, which prophet is not giving good tidings to Mankind? What is the hikmah, wisdom to give mubashiran, good tidings? Because that is the most effective medicine to take away sadness from people! Is it clear what we are saying, Salafi `ulamas? Are you happy with this or are you angry? I am a simple servant; you are also a simple servant. What are you looking to me from up, making me down? If my Lord is making me down, okay, but you can’t do this. You must make people who are on a down station, to make them up. That is your mission, mubashir. SubhaanAllah. (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:42:02

10589 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouMustTakeAwaySadness

What was Allah Almighty saying when the Seal of Prophets (s), most beloved one, most glorified one for the Lord of Heavens, when He was saying, “O My beloved one, for what are you sad with your nation? I am your Lord. I am the Lord of the whole Creation and I am not happy that you should be sad, no. Look in that direction.” Holy command, and going and looking on endless plain, and it is not a plain from rocks or sand, but plain of amwaaj, waves, like this, countless, unlimited distances. There is one tree, on that tree one small bird, and through its beak there is a little bit mud. And saying, “O My beloved one, I am not happy that you should be sad. Look that you are looking and seeing?” “O my Lord, that is a tree and on it is a small bird and through its mouth is a beak.” “Are you understanding what that is, O My beloved one? That tree is the world that your nation is living on it, and that bird through its beak is carrying a small amount of mud. That tree is signing (symbol of) Creation, that bird signing (symbol of) your nation, and that beak that you are looking and seeing a small spot from mud is your nation’s sins. This, that you can’t see any end, that ocean, that is My Mercy Ocean, one Mercy Ocean! What do you think, that this ocean can’t take this away? Why are you going to be sad?” Allahu akbar!!! (Mawlana Shaykh bows.) Allahu akbar!!! (Mawlana Shaykh bows again.) “O My beloved one, don’t be sad. If anyone wants to reach this station, he must take away sadness from My servants. Give them pleasure, take away sadness. That makes Me happy and I am going to make them happy forever!” Salafi `ulamas, you listen and pope, patriarchy and Damascus, Jerusalem, and east and west, whole chiefs of religions, hear what I am saying! If you are saying to people, “That person lying, lying, not true speaking,” up to morning, no one lives; you must be sent to graveyard, cemetery! This is a very heavy warning! We must try (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:42:02

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to take sadness from people, then our Lord makes us very happy! O Habeeb al- akram, ummati. We are happy with such declarations from the Divinely Presence to Your most beloved servant that He is granting us. Forgive us and bless us, for the honor of that most beloved and most praised one, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), yaa Allah! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome So many people, particularly Salafi `ulama are getting angry when I am saying, Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome I am asking to make people’s hearts with such singing that we may say it belongs to heavenly singing! Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:42:02

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Dome dome, dome dome Dome dome, dome dome (45 minutes) 45, okay, enough. Yaa Rabb, yaa Rabbee. My English is so bad, but I am saying Shakespeare English, but Shakespeare English never knowing such English! Doesn’t matter. (540 thousand) Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah (Hajjah Naziha on the phone with Mawlana Shaykh.) I am kissing his beard, Shaykh Hisham Effendi. Lefek, 28.01.2010

WebSufiLive (8 von 8)04.07.2013 23:42:02

10592 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouPlayWithTechnology

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : YouPlayWithTechnology


You Played with Technology and Defied Reality!

Astonishing! Astonishing! Allah! With the power of the spirit (...)                wa yasa'loonak `ani 'r-rooh quli 'r-roohu min amri rabbee wa maa uteetum min al-`ilmi illa qaleelan. Say (O Muhammad), "The soul is from the affair of your Lord, but what you have been given of knowledge is very little (O men)." (17:85) Human beings have such power that their vision can reach galaxies or any distance in an instant. Allahu Akbar! The deputies of Allah (swt) have been created with different abilities. SubhaanAllah. They say the light of the North Pole star reaches the Earth after forty light years and that is how our power reaches.        Yaa ‘ayyuha ‘l-’insaanu maa gharraka bi Rabbika ‘l-Kareem. O Man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the Bountiful? (al-’Infitaar, 82:6) SubhaanAllah! Our bodies are considered as nothing, but the power Allah (swt) granted from His bounty to servants is astonishing! You may ask about this matter, but what can you understand of it? You do not (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:42:03

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understand and the only answer is, “Say, ‘The spirit comes by the command of my Lord.’” Allahu Akbar al- Akbar. Allah, Allah! Galaxies are described as being millions, trillions, or quadrillions of light years away. So far their light doesn't reach us, but with the vision of human beings who are just one step higher, he can see that galaxy!     wa laqad karamna Bani Adam. We have honored the Children of Adam. (Surat al-'Israa, 17:70) Allahu Akbar al-Akbar! SubhaanAllah. Sultan Allah. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, astaghfirullah. The human being must value himself; now he does not value himself or any other human being. They think we are worthless and of course we are not!        Haadha `ataa’una famnun ‘aw ‘amsik bi ghayri hisaab. This is Our gift to grant or withhold. (Surat as-Saad, 38:39) SubhaanAllah! SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. Now the human being does not value himself or any other human. Allah (swt) granted human beings something of which even they, who are granted generously from their Lord, are not aware! If he knew what he has been granted, he would not oppress or disagree with anyone (as he would respect all others). Allah (swt) has granted value to the Children of Adam, but between themselves they do not value that! Subhaanahu wa ta`ala. Yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah. He does not get occupied with one matter over any other! Who has the right from among the Children of Adam? Some are dressed with an order, and they value themselves and others. This value cannot be measured with a scale or other forms of measurement; rather, we must look to ourselves, who have been created by Al-Haqq (swt)!              Huwa ‘l-ladhi yusawwirukum fi ‘l-’arhaam kayfa yashaa’u. He is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases. (Aali-`Imraan, 3:6) (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:42:03

10594 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YouPlayWithTechnology

Who is Huwa, “He”? He (swt) has no limit: "He is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases.” He did not say, "Allah is the One Who..." but He said, "He is the One Who..." Where is He? One time a Jewish man asked Sayyidina `Ali (r), "Where is Allah?" and he replied, "The One Who created 'where' has no 'where.'" "Where" is from the creation of Allah (swt). To define realities for Man from the Unlimited Ocean is considered nothing (so small in the Divine scheme). Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi 'l-hamd! It is a pity that human beings in this time do not put any effort into knowing about things related to Heavens, but instead they are busy with things that they have no chance to attain. No! Allah (swt) has put boundaries and limits for everything. It is impossible for you to go beyond your boundary. Your vision is something and his vision (pointing to someone) is something else. Allahu Akbar! Subhaanahu wa Ta`ala, yaa Rabbee! Teach us, so we may stop the pointless and tasteless arguments between ourselves. Why are there wars and arguments between people and for what reason are they divided? They are divided from beginning to end, but then they leave or are taken away and they drop everything. No one will take anything from this material world to the spiritual world, no! When Man's spirit is fully active then he can say to something "Be!" and it is. What would he want from the whole world when he is in that state? One day a young graduate of the University of Damascus knocked on the door. I opened it and he said, "I wanted to visit you, O shaykh." I said, “Welcome to you.” He told me about himself, and then I said to him, "If you have graduated from the University of Damascus, tell me one hadith or something that you have learned."          Yaa `abdee ati`anee aj`aluka Rabbaniyyan taqoolu li shay'in kun fayakoon. O My servant! Obey Me and I will make you Rabbani, you can say to a thing "Be!" and it will be. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:42:03

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He said, "Allah (swt) said through the Prophet (s), ‘O My servant! O My servant!’” (To be addressed by Allah) is an endless honor! "O My servant! Obey Me. I will make you Rabbani." (Hadith Qudsi) He will make you Rabbani. Then the Prophet (s) explained Al-Haqq's words to His servants by saying, “If you say to a thing ‘Be!’ it will be." "I will make you Rabbani." "Rabbani" is related to the Lord, but a human being can be Rabbani and say to a thing "Be" and it will be! However, human beings in our time now, which is the time of the first ignorance and the worst also, do not look at the hadith that Allah (swt) granted to the Prophet (s). He (swt) said, "O My servant! Obey Me and I will make you Rabbani. If you say to something 'Be,' it will be." Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Sayyidina Muhammadun Rasoolullah (s). Now people in our time are busy with useless things. They say, "We are in the era of technology. We do everything with the technology that we have." Haqq (swt) says, "O My servant! Obey Me and I will make you Rabbani. I will give you knowledge. O My servant!” That knowledge could make a person of zero value reach to a level where if he says to something “Be,” it will be. There is no need to exhaust yourself with technology, no! Obeying the Lord will open for you an area that you never thought about or that you can ever understand. Allahu Akbar! Forgive us, O Lord. Fatihah. Lefke, 08.01.2012

WebSufiLive, CategoryTechnology, CategoryRabbaniyin (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:42:03

10596 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YourCompanionsInTheGrave

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : YourCompanionsInTheGrave


Good Actions and Bad Actions are Your Companions in The Grave

Dastoor Ya Rijaal Allah, Madad. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah w 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah w 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaaha illa-Llah w 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Allahu akbar kabeera wa 'l-hamdulillahi katheera wa SubhanAllahi 'l-azheem bi hamdi hi 'l-kareem bukratan wa asila. La ilaaha illa-Llah Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa lillahi 'l-hamd! Thumma salaatu as-salaam; alfu salaat alfu salaam `ala sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa'l-akhireen sayyidina muhammadin sall ' allahu a`layhi wa sallam. Huwa shafee`oona ...zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan wa nooran wa surooran. Allahuma alhimna rushdana bi jaahi 'l-kareem ya Rabbee 'l-`alameen. We are giving our salutes, salaams to our Master, master of this world. Everything just going on under his order; and his order coming from Heavens directly to his pure heart. He has such a power to change East to West and West to East, North to South and South to North. He has been granted such a majestic power through the seal of Prophets for the honour of the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and we are saying for (1 von 7)04.07.2013 23:42:04

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our listeners as-salaamu alaykum. We are asking a protection here and Hereafter and who asking protection through this imitated life and more glory from heavens, they must know, and they must learn. The teacher is ready and his teachings going on. We are weak servants, perhaps weakest servants. Then, we are saying now; first order, Heavenly order to everyone living on this planet, to say: aoodhu billahi min ash Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. That he is qat`a tareeq, cutting our ways that we are asking to move towards heavens. That one coming, asking to cut it. So you must know the mission of Shaytan. When he was getting disobedient to his Lord's holy command, just thrown away. His mission was reaching, taking him to high levels of Heavens but when he was objecting holy commands of the Lord of Heavens, he was thrown away, falling in a dangerous position; just changed his out-looking and also his mind just changed on wrong direction. O People, therefore you must first say: a`oodhu billahi min ash Shaytaani 'r-rajeem, because that is important. If you are not saying, if you are not running from that Shaytan, you can't find a way here or Hereafter and no more pleasure for you here or Hereafter. Therefore O Mankind, whole mankind who are living on this planet must know what is the way to their pleasure here and Hereafter and to be against Shaytan. If you are not against him, you are going to be friendly to most dangerous enemy for the Children of Adam. You are going to lose everything because that one carrying you to Hells. Someone saying, O Sheikh, we are in such a terrible condition now and daily getting more and more troubles for mankind. Day by day their miseries getting more and more and day by day their sufferings increasing. And you are saying something and we are understanding something else. You are saying something that now through 21st century people they are not listening. If you are saying such a things, mostly people saying, "fairy tales." Fairy tales? If you are saying for realities that it is fairy tales, day by day you must get down and your position going much more difficult and darkness getting more and more around yourself as well as that darkness rushing through your heart and making your heart to be in a dark-darkness territory. People saying, "our positions getting more and more worse." (2 von 7)04.07.2013 23:42:04

10598 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: YourCompanionsInTheGrave

We are saying according to holy commands that making a weak servant to make an announcement for whole nations. O the Chilrden of Adam, O servants of the Lord of Heavens: qif, stop and listen what your lord saying. O People, beware of Shaytan because Shaytan leading you to darkness dominions. You can't find any small light. Therefore the Day of Resurrection, so many billions of people should be in darkness. Whom, they were listening and obeying holy orders, holy commands of the Lord of Heavens, they should be granted a light and that light going to be according their beliefs and its strength. And it is a Heavenly knowledge that the Day of Resurrection, most or weakest light should be for a person through his thumb. Here going to appear a light; once opening, another minute closing. Opening and closing, opening and closing. But it is going to be enough for them to walk on; the ways that they should be happy. Someones, their lights should be like lightening. Lightening, opening and coming. Some of them like stars, some of them like moon, some of them they have a light like sun shining. Some of them going on their hands and knees; and they are happy because they can't stand up. They are so weak through lives on this planet. They are so weak for hearing and obeying therefore, they can't be able to walk. To walk strongly needs a strong belief. If a person just granted a strong belief, he has strong feet for stepping. He may step strongly; some of them like an ordinary person, some of them as a running person, some of them like a person riding on horse, running. Some of them they are like jet planes. Some of them like the speed of light also. Should be...whoom, reaching, because distances through Heavens is not like distances that we are here. O People, so try to listen and obey that you should be granted such a miraculous stepping. And miraculous stepping they are never giving a tiring, no, no. And more speed never bringing a danger. On this life more speed bringing together also a danger. May be...buuu, explosion and finishing away. Their situation is something else. As much as you have been granted; much more speed, no any danger. But, you may feel much more satisfaction and safety. As much as your speed getting more, you are going to be much more in safety. Also your feeling getting more and more. As much that speed getting more, giving to you refreshment and pleasure and you are asking, "oh may be, my speed more than this." Because they are passing through channels according; for everyone they have a special channel that he must move in it and he may look someones, their speed much more and they should say; "oh, if we had such a speed." Also as much as your speed getting more, your views getting much more; and as much as that speed coming more, your vision getting much more beautiful and giving to you countless pleasure. You may ask, "oh, if we (3 von 7)04.07.2013 23:42:04

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can have or if we had such a speed, speedfully moving, stepping, we should be so happy. O People, O Mankind, don't be donkeys. Don't be like horses, don't be like oxen, don't be like crocodile. How it is out-looking? Everyone making not to see them. Those people whom they lost their chance to look or to step through Heavenly position, their beauty just taken away from their faces. Therefore, going to make for everyone, another ugly appearance. SubhaanAllah, whole glory for Allah, You can find ugly creatures through this life. That is in a limit but there, they can't be able to step even one step up. Their out-looking going to be changed. Countless ugly faces just dressed on them. Allah Almgihty's power is endless. His ability, capacity is endless. Therefore His command only to say for anything to come in ex